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The QB Thread: Everything Carr, Stidham and beyond...


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3 hours ago, Devilshark69 said:

Again , I agree. The post was mainly in regard to the endless debate. And I was saying “IF” they wanted to trade Carr, I’d roll with Mariota as a stopgap preference over any other FA’s to clarify. And just out of curiosity, why would that mean we’re giving up on the season? Maybe mariota plays well? Ya never know. I would rather roll with him than other free agents is all I was saying. And no, I don’t believe they’ll trade Carr. Fwiw. 

There's really no debate on who the better QB is though. Mariota hasn't inspired any confidence he can play well as he hasn't done that in a long time. Even if he did, there's no evidence to suggest he'll be able to stay healthy b/c he has a huge problem w/ that as well. We should dump him and use that cap space elsewhere instead of a guy who can't stay healthy and just comes in to run and obvious read option when he's on the field. It does work sometimes though, can't deny that. Can deny it's worth $10 mill a year though

Edited by BobbyPhil1781
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23 minutes ago, BobbyPhil1781 said:

There's really no debate on who the better QB is though. Mariota hasn't inspired any confidence he can play well as he hasn't done that in a long time. Even if he did, there's no evidence to suggest he'll be able to stay healthy b/c he has a huge problem w/ that as well. We should dump him and use that cap space elsewhere instead of a guy who can't stay healthy and just comes in to run and obvious read option when he's on the field. It does work sometimes though, can't deny that. Can deny it's worth $10 mill a year though

I wasn’t debating who the better Qb is. Lol. This is if carr got traded. Then I would rather take mm than the other free agents. That’s all. Period. And yes, obviously his lack of ability to stay healthy is an issue. Btw, we didn’t pay him 10 mil this past year, and yes just using him the way we did was stupid and predictable, no doubt. We don’t need to dump him, he’s a flippin free agent. Damn! 

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14 minutes ago, Devilshark69 said:

I wasn’t debating who the better Qb is. Lol. This is if carr got traded. Then I would rather take mm than the other free agents. That’s all. Period. And yes, obviously his lack of ability to stay healthy is an issue. Btw, we didn’t pay him 10 mil this past year, and yes just using him the way we did was stupid and predictable, no doubt. We don’t need to dump him, he’s a flippin free agent. Damn! 

I didn't realize he's a FA. Good. We need that money spent elsewhere. I also didn't realize his earning dropped this past year as well. Just glad he won't be on the team any more and he can go be some other team's endless debate.

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1 minute ago, NCOUGHMAN said:

I’m just tired of the endless excuses on why carr isn’t producing. you would think he was a 5 time world champion before we drafted him and we just ruined him. 

I think you need to understand there is a difference between an excuse and a legit reason why. 
Is Ruggs killing someone an excuse for Carrs number dropping off when we replaced him with Djax who couldnt catch a ball?
To me that is a logical explanation, but to you its an excuse it seems. 

Last year we were historically bad on D PPG, and were a top 10 O. 
Not even sure how you put that on Carr, but as a team, would you say we missed the playoffs because our D was what 31st in points, or our O was top 10 instead of top 8. 

No need to respond, I know, wins losses are only on a QB. . . but now you seem to be saying our wins were because of D and FGK, what the hell happened to wins losses only being on a QB lol?

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Carr is on his what 7th coach and 3rd GM now and still no one has looked and seen Carr as the problem on this team. 

Maybe that shows that those in the NFL dont just put wins/losses on QBs.
Maybe it shows that, Carr is good (not elite), but hasnt been on the strongest teams. 
Maybe it shows that Carr has dirt on all these new hires. 

I think people view Carr as around that top 12 level, with a lot of inconsistency year to year throughout his career. Both in his play and his teamates, coaching, scheme, blah blah blah. 

Pretty much the only consistent thing the Raiders have had since Carr has been here is a top 5 most penalized team, which I think some think is a good thing, because it makes us the tough bad boys of the NFL, but in reality, it just hurts your chances to win. 

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11 minutes ago, NCOUGHMAN said:

I’m just tired of the endless excuses on why carr isn’t producing. you would think he was a 5 time world champion before we drafted him and we just ruined him. 

Nah most of us just don't want to trade him for peanuts and then be the jets/lions/jags. I just want to win.

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17 minutes ago, BackinBlack said:

I think you need to understand there is a difference between an excuse and a legit reason why. 
Is Ruggs killing someone an excuse for Carrs number dropping off when we replaced him with Djax who couldnt catch a ball?
To me that is a logical explanation, but to you its an excuse it seems. 

Last year we were historically bad on D PPG, and were a top 10 O. 
Not even sure how you put that on Carr, but as a team, would you say we missed the playoffs because our D was what 31st in points, or our O was top 10 instead of top 8. 

No need to respond, I know, wins losses are only on a QB. . . but now you seem to be saying our wins were because of D and FGK, what the hell happened to wins losses only being on a QB lol?

I give carr credit for sharts and not completely crapping on himself to get those winter wins.

We could barely score points from November till the end of the season. Carr still had 2 of his 3 top targets available and he were missing them even when they were wide open.

Even with hr3 carr still couldn’t get more than 2 tds a game this year.

Things will never be perfect…

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6 minutes ago, NCOUGHMAN said:

I give carr credit for sharts and not completely crapping on himself to get those winter wins.

We could barely score points from November till the end of the season. Carr still had 2 of his 3 top targets available and he were missing them even when they were wide open.

Even with hr3 carr still couldn’t get more than 2 tds a game this year.

Things will never be perfect…

No he didn't. Waller was out for most of that time. You're really reaching.

Who asked for perfect? When has the roster actually been considered good/top 10 in the last 10 years? That's what it takes to win in the playoffs/win a super bowl. For any team, regardless of qb.

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10 minutes ago, NCOUGHMAN said:

Even with hr3 carr still couldn’t get more than 2 tds a game this year.

Things will never be perfect…

Unfortunately, us being Raider fans, you are right things probably never will be perfect. Not to sure what that has do to with Carr though, this team wasnt going to the Superbowl with Mahommes unfortunately. 
KC didnt even go to the superbowl with Mahommes, and I hope youd agree they have better weapons.

If Carr drives us downfield, and we score a Jacobs TD. . . I really dont give a sht. 
I know others want their QB to score 40 TDs a season, but I just want to score TDs. 
When you are a run first team, (we may not be any more), it doesnt surprise me for the QB to have less TDs. 

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6 hours ago, big_palooka said:

Regardless of your thoughts on Carr, the market is the market and he'd slot in around that 40 mil per year range. Easy for us to say "take a team friendly deal" sitting at home not putting our body on the line every year. 

Second, the salary cap is a myth. The best players get paid if the owner has deep enough pockets. It's all about cash. Wasn't the point of moving to Vegas to increase cash flow? I don't think Davis is strapped as he was in Oakland with Mack needing extended.


Disagree that the salary cap is a myrh. The past 15-17 years, most Super Bowl winners have either been Tom Brady on a massive paycut, or a QB on a Rookie Contract. Stafford overcame that norm this year as they went “all in” like a baseball team. The cap definitely matters. 

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