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Dark Souls Mafia - GAME OVER - BOSSES WIN!!


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4 hours ago, Blue said:

I just want bcb to get his well-deserved MVP trophy ceremony as soon as possible

I mean, if people just listened to me, then we would have been down two scum by the time he watched me.

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1 hour ago, SwAg said:

So, I don’t have much going on today.

Do you all have the game figured out or do I actually need to go read this?

you should probably read through this unless you want the game to continue.

blue, orca, and dill seem set on me. blue is locked on me.

im the doctor.

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Just now, bigbadbuff said:

Who did you vote for again? Pickle?

I think that's who my vote is on at the moment. for once, I'm actually going to put some thought into this. give me a sec. I owe it to whicker who has been an outstanding host

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Day 8

Pickle Rick – Buff (235)
The Orca – MD4L (235), swoosh (246)
swoosh – MD4L (236), Pickle (244), MD4L (251) [lock]
Blue – Buff (235), MD4L (237), swoosh (243) [lock]
bigbadbuff – Pickle (245)
MD4L Buff (235)


Vote Count [5 locked votes to lynch]

2 Buff – MD4L, Pickle
2 [1] swoosh – [Blue], Orca
1 Pickle – Buff
1 [1] MD4L - [swoosh]

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

Day 8

Pickle Rick – Buff (235)
The Orca – MD4L (235), swoosh (246)
swoosh – MD4L (236), Pickle (244), MD4L (251) [lock]
Blue – Buff (235), MD4L (237), swoosh (243) [lock]
bigbadbuff – Pickle (245)
MD4L Buff (235)


Vote Count [5 locked votes to lynch]

2 Buff – MD4L, Pickle
2 [1] swoosh – [Blue], Orca
1 Pickle – Buff
1 [1] MD4L - [swoosh]

@swoosh you locked in on MD4L 

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here's what we know and can all agree upon: there are 4 Lord Souls that scum must collect to win the game. scum has at least one of them from tk3.

here's where I disagree with the consensus: my thinking is scum started with 1, tk3 gave them their second, and they just need 2 more to win. read this from whicker:

“Well, since you're here... Let me help you out. There are, actually, four Lord Souls for you to collect. One, I know, is down below, in the Tomb of the Giants, held by Gravelord Nito (Dark Souls Boss aligned). The others? Well, I just don't know. But collect all four, and you win the game... Brilliant, right? Not much to go on, but I have a feeling that won't stop you. So, off you go. It is why you came, isn't it? To this accursed land of the Undead? Hah hah hah hah...”

Whicker starts by saying there are 4 Lord Souls to collect. he then states right after that that there is one in the Tomb of the Giants. I don't know about you guys but that seems pretty clear as day that there are only 3 more scum need to find. why else use the words "the others?" right after those two statements. 

Blue, Orca, and Dill all seem convinced scum is missing 3. I find that a little suspicious. Blue in particular has passed a narrative that there is absolutely no way scum can win at this point. Well, if I'm right, scum has a bigger chance than people think. It's also possible there are 2 scum remaining.

so where does this put us? if I'm right about there being only 2 more, that means one of swag, orca, and blue are lying. only one is lying and if it's a 6-man mafia, someone else is lying but it isn't about having a lord soul. all 3 of these people were largely "cleared" because they claimed a lord soul and the thinking was there were 4. well what if that's not the case? help me fill out what we know. why are these 3 cleared (taking out the lord soul).

orca - cleared by blue by weigh of an invest from blue of sorts (pickle and orca are on the same team; pickle is hobo's partner). how he could be scum: if blue is also scum (lying) or if orca started with the ability that he would come back town on invests (consensus seems to be that this is a long shot considering the game set up, I tend to agree with this but I don't think it's impossible). 

swag - probably has outed the most scum himself which makes him a very heavy town read. what else do we have on him?

blue - cleared, I believe, by an invest from bigbadbuff. same logic from orca could apply, except it would have to be blue AND bigbadbuff being mafia or blue comes back town on invests (long shot as talked about either). 

the problem is if I'm wrong and there are actually 3 more that scum must find, we're giving scum one. that's a risk.

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2 minutes ago, swoosh said:

ah that's right, that group seemed convinced that if I wasn't scum it was MD4L. let's do MD4L, because I know if he flips town then people are getting played big time. 

But i can clear MD via an invest tbqh. That’s why it leads me to pickle/hobo as two scums remaining or whicker set up a galaxy of big brain ish and either MD or Blue is a Godfather 

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17 minutes ago, bigbadbuff said:

But i can clear MD via an invest tbqh. That’s why it leads me to pickle/hobo as two scums remaining or whicker set up a galaxy of big brain ish and either MD or Blue is a Godfather 

pickle seems fishy to me. I've played with him a few times to know he's smarter than this. his reasons for lynching me (until the end where I started to troll) were really, really bad (i.e. he thought i could kill and didn't believe i actually protected myself on n4, yet orca has proof on n4 I visited myself so what? I tried to kill myself?). doesn't make sense. there were more, but when you're getting hammered in 3 different ways it seems pointless to argue. that's where I tend to agree with you we're getting played here. 

but now that I think about it, if pickle and hobo are the remaining two scum, it would mean my theory about the lord souls is wrong AND pickle has the ability to come back town on invests. idk could be, but kind of a long shot.

for me, voting MD4L is the best chance of my survival. the trio seem content to lynch me or MD4L today. I tend to believe MD4L as well which is why I think we're getting played.

I'd be pretty shocked if one of blue, orca, dill isn't scum. I know what orca/dill are capable of and blue has put in a ton of effort this game. they're not this bad. 


Edited by swoosh
we're to were
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I'll also say this. I literally posted my character, role, ability, and even what scum gets when I die. so either people just think it's completely made up (I will never put in that much effort to a mafia game lol) or I'm scum and we've been given fake claims. ok so if that is the case, then you're going to try and tell me not a single outed scum decided to use their fake claim when they were on the verge of being lynched? they all just decided to call it quits? yeah sure, let's go with that. again, more proof that at least one of blue, orca, dill is playing us. they're smarter than that. 

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