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Dark Souls Mafia - GAME OVER - BOSSES WIN!!


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Day 9

Pickle Rick – Buff (271)
The Orca – Buff (273), Blue (280)
SwAg – Buff (271)
Blue – Buff (274)
bigbadbuff – Orca (275), Blue (280)
HoboRocket – Buff (287)


Vote Count [4 locked votes to lynch]

4 Buff – Pickle, Swag, Blue, Hobo
2 Blue – Buff, Orca

@bigbadbuff will be the lynch

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Bigbadbuff was sick of the adventuring. He had decided he couldn't beat the bosses. He didn't need the Lord Souls, as he had heard about a super secret glitch warp into the final area. He would just go there, beat one boss, and end it all. He traveled to Oolacile and carefully followed the steps that a close friend had told to him. He soon found himself in the Kiln of the First Flame. It had worked!

He continued forward, slowly. The Kiln was nothing but the smoldering remains of something once great. The sky was a weird yellow tint and there was a strange gray fog that limited his sight. He battled through several Black Knights, but he eventually found himself on the doorstep of the First Flame. He had been beyond bruised and battered, but he believed he had enough in him for one last fight. He stepped through the fog gate.


A tune of sadness came over Bigbadbuff as he stepped through. On the other side stood @bucsfan333, a once great almighty lord – a god – now just another poor hallowed soul. He stood and gave a brief look at Bigbadbuff. His eyes were completely dark. His skin was horribly pale.

He took his fiery greatsword and aggressively swung at Bigbadbuff, constantly forcing him backwards


Bucsfan continued his relentless onslaught, rarely pausing between swings. Bigbadbuff tried to find room to counter-attack, but he was unable to find any opening. He was soon drained of stamina. Bucsfan continued the same assault of swings.


Soon Bigbadbuff realized that he was not going to beat this former god. He soon realized that without the Lord Souls, he simply was not strong enough. Bucsfan continued to beat on him again and again and again, and soon, Bigbadbuff was done for.


@bigbadbuff has been hallowed! He was a Chosen Undead!




Congratulations to the Dark Souls Bosses who have won the game! Special congratulations to @Pickle Rick @The Orca @Blue @SwAg and @HoboRocket who survive and win!



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Lord Souls

Gravelord Nito (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @Blue @MWil23


Known as the “First of the Dead,” Nito is one of the original holders of a Lord Soul found at the beginning of the Age of Fire. The power of his soul twisted him into a living manifestation of illness and death; a mass of skeletons and dead matter. During the War with the Dragons, Nito unleashed disease onto the dragons, hastening their demise. After the war, he was rewarded with his own catacombs, where he could administer death to all life.
As the administer of death, you will be able to discover the history of any dead player. As a possessor of a Lord Soul, your death will bring the Chosen Undead one step closer to their goal of ushering in the Age of Man.

Ability: Two-shot Autopsy. Twice during the game, at night, you may choose any dead player or dropped item/soul. You will learn the role PM of the corresponding player, as well as their targets any results, if any.

The Chosen Undead will receive a Lord Soul upon your death by any means.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Bed of Chaos (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @Tk3


The Witch of Izalith was one of the four Lords who found the manifestations of disparity near the First Flame at the start of the Age of Fire. During the War with the Dragons, she and her seven daughters of chaos summoned great firestorms to destroy the homes of the dragons. After the war, she ruled over the great city of Izalith with her daughters and one son. As the First Flame began to fade, however, the Lords saw their power wane. In a desperate attempt to regain their power, the Witch used her power from her Lord Soul to generate a new Flame and usher in a new age of Lords. However, she could not control her flame, and it grew into the Flame of Chaos. The Flame of Chaos soon consumed the Witch of Izalith and two of her daughters, turning them into a twisted abomination known as the Bed of Chaos. From the Bed of Chaos spawned the many demons that now roam the Lost City of Izalith.

As the creator of chaos, you will be able to create chaos by redirecting moves at your will. As a possessor of a Lord Soul, your death will bring the Chosen Undead one step closer to their goal of ushering in the Age of Man.

Ability: Two-shot Redirect. Twice during the game, at night, you may choose a player. You will choose the target of that player's ability, if any.

The Chosen Undead will receive a Lord Soul upon your death by any means.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Seath the Scaleless (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @SwAg


Born without the scales that granted the Everlasting Dragons eternal life, Seath's envy and bitterness brought him to betray his own kind during the War with the Dragons. As a reward for his service, Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight anointed Seath the title of “Duke” and gave him a grand archive for which to research his long-desired goal of immortality. Alongside this, Gwyn bequeathed a shard of his own Lord Soul to Seath.

Seath, after much research, finally found the secret to his immortality: the Primordial Crystal. It was not without a cost, however. As he had dived deeper and deeper into his research, his mind began to fade, and he soon approached madness.

As the holder of the Primordial Crystal, you will survive the first hit attempt on your life. As the possessor of a Lord Soul, your death will bring the Chosen Undead one step closer to their goal of ushering in the Age of Man.

Ability: One-shot Bulletproof. You will survive the first attempt on your life, excluding your lynch.

The Chosen Undead will receive a Lord Soul upon your death by any means.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Four Kings (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @The Orca


As cities began to grow during the Age of Fire, Gwyn sought to grow his influence over them. He entrusted the bustling city of New Londo to the Four Kings. He bestowed what remained of his Lord Soul to them, giving them the power to rule. However, the hearts of the Kings were weak, and they soon found themselves corrupted by a messenger from the Dark. The Kings were soon afflicted with the Darksign, and they craved Humanity like all other Undead.

With their corruption fully apparent, the Kings were guided into the Abyss, the source of Dark. The Abyss began to grow underneath New Londo, threatening to consume it all. Followers of the light eventually made the grim decision to flood the city, drowning hundreds of thousands in the process. All to shut away the Four Kings and the impending Abyss.

As the Four Kings, you will have four different actions you can use. As a possessor of a Lord Soul, your death will bring the Chosen Undead one step closer to their goal of ushering in the Age of Man.

Ability: Jack-of-all-trades. Each night, you may use one of the following abilities. You may only use each ability once per game.

1. Choose a player. You will learn which player(s), if any, that player targeted.
2. Choose a player. You will learn which player(s), if any, visited that player.
3. Choose a player. You will learn the name of the move(s) that player used, if any.
4. Choose a player. You will learn the name of the move(s) used on that player, if any.

The Chosen Undead will receive a Lord Soul upon your death by any means.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Normal Souls

Dragon Slayer Ornstein (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @HoboRocket


The captain of the Four Knights of Gwyn, Dragon Slayer Ornstein was one of the Lord's most trusted officers. Gwyn adorned him with golden armor in the likeness of a lion, gave him a lightning imbued sword-spear that was said to be able to cut through boulders, and bestowed upon him a special soul and ring. After the gods fled Anor Londo, Dragon Slayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough were stationed to protect the cathedral and the remaining deities within the city.

As Executioner Smough is your direct partner, you may communicate with him outside of the game. Neither one of you is truly defeated until both are dead, but if you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will receive your powerful soul as a reward.

Ability: Town Mason. You may share a chat with Pickle Rick, who is Executioner Smough. He is confirmed aligned with you.

If you die before Executioner Smough, he will receive the Soul of Ornstein. If you die after Executioner Smough, the Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Ornstein. The Soul of Ornstein grants the ability “Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Executioner Smough (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @Pickle Rick


The executioner for the royal family of Anor Londo, Smough long desired to be elevated to a position among Gwyn's faithful knights. Unfortunately, Smough had a morbid taste for the bones of the ones he executed, and this lead to a general distaste among the lords. Despite this status, he was entrusted, alongside Dragon Slayer Ornstein, to guard the remaining deities within the city.

As Dragon Slayer Ornstein is your direct partner, you may communicate with him outside the game. Neither one of you is truly defeated until both are dead, but if you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will receive your powerful soul as a reward.

Ability: Town Mason. You may share a chat with HoboRocket, who is Dragon Slayer Ornstein. He is confirmed aligned with you.

If you die before Dragon Slayer Ornstein, he will receive the Soul of Smough. If you die after Dragon Slayer Ornstein, the Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Smough. The Soul of Smough grants the ability “Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Chaos Witch Quelaag (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @swoosh


One of the daughters of the Witch of Izalith, Quelaag, along with one of her sisters, tried to flee the city of Izalith as it was being devoured by chaos. She and her sister were caught in the consumption, and they found themselves forever affixed to demonic parasites.

With her sister weakened, blinded, and immobilized as a result of her condition, Quelaag set out to forever protect her sister and the now lost City of Izalith and its Demon Ruins. Killing all who enter her domain, Quelaag feeds the humanity of her victims to her sister, keeping her alive and giving her strength.

As the valiant protector of your sister, you will be able to protect a player from killing actions. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, your soul will allow them to control chaos and redirect moves at their will.

Ability: Doctor. Each night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all killing actions that night. Any protected kills will be noted in the writeup.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Quelaag upon your death by any means. The Soul of Quelaag has the ability “Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. You will choose the target of that player's ability, if any.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Crossbreed Priscilla (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @Matts4313


The daughter of Seath the Scaleless and an unknown human (or giant) mother, Priscilla is the only known dragon crossbreed. Wielding a scythe with the life drain ability – an ability only known to dark – Priscilla was feared by the gods, unlike her father. She was locked away in the Painted World of Ariamis, a snowy painting created to contain the alleged threat.

During the game, you will be able to take people to the Painted World of Ariamis. This will keep them from being able to move or be targeted by moves. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will be able to use the Painted World as a way to move undetected.

Ability: Three-shot Jailkeeper. Three times during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be simultaneously roleblocked and protected from all other night actions. You may not choose yourself.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Priscilla upon your death by any means. The Soul of Priscilla has the ability “Twice during the game, you may choose a player. That player will not show up on nightly tracker/watcher reports.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Great Grey Wolf Sif (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @MD4L


The faithful partner of the Knight Artorias the Abysswalker, Sif has seen first-hand the dangers of the Abyss. His arm broken and his death impending, Artorias used his greatshield to create a magical barrier around Sif, protecting her from the Dark. Later rescued, Sif now guards over her former master's grave and his ring that allows traversal of the Abyss. She knows it is her duty to ensure that no living being once again tries to face it.

As a tireless protector, you will be able to protect a single player for as long as you live. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, your protective nature will transfer over to your Soul.

Ability: Guardian Angel. Once during the game, at night, choose a player. As long as you are alive, that player will be protected from all killing actions, excluding lynches. Any protected kills will be noted in the writeup. You may not target yourself.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Sif upon your death by any means. The Soul of Sif has the ability “Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all night actions, including kills.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Artorias the Abysswalker (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @Malfatron


Knight Artorias was one of the four legendary knights of Gwyn. Well equipped to handle the Dark after his many battles with the Darkwraiths, he, alongside his wolf companion Sif, was sent to Oolacile when it became threatened by the Abyss, an uncontrollable sea of Dark growing from deep within the city. The two were overwhelmed, however, and Artorias sacrificed the last bit of his sanity to erect a magical barrier around Sif, protecting her from the Dark.

As a powerful knight, you will be able to target players to kill them. However, your powers will only activate once Sif falls in battle, as she holds the Covenant of Artorias, a ring that will allow you to leave the Abyss. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will receive the ability to take players to the Abyss.

Ability: Locked Two-Shot Vigilante. Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player. You cannot use this ability as long as Great Grey Wolf Sif is still alive.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Artorias upon your death by any means. The Soul of Artorias has the ability “Three times during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be simultaneously roleblocked and protected from all other actions. You may not target yourself.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Manus, Father of the Abyss (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @Mega Ron


While the Ancient Lords found Lord Souls within the First Flame, the Furtive Pygmy found the Dark Soul, the soul of humanity. He eventually found his way to the city of Oolacile during the Age of Fire, where he died after some time. Centuries later, a messenger from the Dark convinced the people of Oolacile to defile the grave of the Furtive Pygmy, and in doing so, released the Dark Soul, and the worst of humanity, onto Oolacile. Thus, the Furtive Pygmy became Manus, and the Abyss was born from him.

As primeval man, you will be able to compare the souls of players and determine their alignments. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will receive a similar ability to investigate the souls of players.

Ability: Alignment Comparison. Each night, choose two players. You will learn if those players share an alignment or not.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Manus upon your death by any means. The Soul of Manus has the ability “Two times during the game, at night, you may choose a player. You will learn what type of soul that player has. The types of souls are Lord Soul, Normal Soul, and No Soul

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Iron Golem (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @daboyle250


The slayer of countless heroes looking to reach the royal city of Anor Londo, the Iron Golem resides as the final test at the top of the proving grounds known as Sen's Fortress. It is a shell made of iron powered entirely by a core made from the bones of an Everlasting Dragon.

As you keep watch over Sen's Fortress, you will be able to report on the movement of players. If defeated by the Chosen Undead, your core can be used to grant everlasting life to a player.

Ability: Odd-night Watcher. Each odd night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s). if any, visited your chosen player.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Core of an Iron Golem upon your death by any means. The Core of the Iron Golem has the ability “Once during the game, at night, you may consume the Core of the Iron Golem. If you do, you become bulletproof for the remainder of the game.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Dark Sun Gwyndolin (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @Dome


The youngest son of Lord Gwyn, Gywndolin was raised as a daughter due to his strong connection with the moon and its magic. The last remaining deity in Anor Londo, Gwyndolin rules behind an illusion of his sister, Gwynevere, the Princess of Sunlight.

You are able to wield your power as a deity in order to stop any action. However, if you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will receive similar power.

Ability: Two-shot Roleblocker. Two times during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked for that night.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Gwyndolin upon your death by any means. The Soul of Gwyndolin has the ability “Three times during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked for that night.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Black Dragon Kalameet (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @JoshstraDaymus


Known as the One-Eyed Black Dragon and the Bringer of Calamity, Kalameet is the last known Ancient Dragon. Despite the Lords' victory over the dragons, Kalameet remained undisturbed by Anor Londo, as even the gods feared his provoking his wrath.

Your all-seeing eye will allow you to peer deep into a player and investigate his soul. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will receive the Calamity Ring, which will give them the ability to kill one player through any protection.

Ability: Soul Investigation. Each night, choose a player. You will learn the type of soul that player has. The types of souls are Lord Soul, Normal Soul, and No Soul.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Calamity Ring upon your death by any means. The Calamity Ring has the ability “Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will attempt to kill that player. This kill cannot be blocked by any means.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Gaping Dragon (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @bcb1213


A descendant of the Everlasting Dragons, the Gaping Dragon somehow became a corrupted abomination, likely from the First Flame. It now resides deep under Firelink Shrine in the Depths, where it watches over the entrance to Blighttown.

As the watcher of Blighttown, you will be able to report on the night actions of players.

Ability: Even-night Watcher. Each even night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s), if any, visited that player.

You do not drop anything upon your death.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Bell Gargoyle (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @squire12


A pair of gargoyles reside at the top of the Undead Church, guarding the entrance to the first Bell of Awakening. They remain dormant in stone until someone steps foot onto their rooftop.

Normally dormant unless a challenger approaches, you will easily be able to detect any motion among players.

Ability: Motion Detector. Each night, choose a player. You will learn how many total moves were used on or by that player.

You do not drop anything upon your death.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Pinwheel (Dark Souls Boss aligned) @rackcs


The fusion of a father, mother, and child, the mysterious Pinwheel resides within the Catacombs of the Undead Church, forever dedicated to some unknown research. At one time a high ranking necromancer within the Gravelord Covenant, Pinwheel ended up betraying Nito and stealing the Rite of Kindling, a sacred item within the Covenant that had a powerful link with the bonfires.

As a necromancer, you will be able to gain the power of a dead teammate. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will receive the Rite of Kindling, which will allow them to hide souls within the bonfires.

Ability: Universal Backup. You will gain the ability of the first dead town member. You will not receive their dropped Soul, if any.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Rite of Kindling upon your death by any means. The Rite of Kindling has the ability “Once during the game, at night, choose a player. If that player is killed, his dropped soul or item will not be revealed.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.



Chosen Undead @Ragnarok @Counselor @mission27 @Forge @bigbadbuff

You may share a chat with

Each night, as a group, you may choose a member to carry out the factional kill.

Items/Souls are held by the group, but must be used by an individual.

At the beginning of the game, as a group, you may decide on up to three starting gifts. The possible starting gifts are:

Ring of the Evil Eye – Once during the game, at night, choose a player. If that player is performing a killing action, that kill will be upgraded to a strongman kill.

Ring of Steel Protection – Each night, choose a player. That player will be protected from all killing actions.

Old Witch's Ring – Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. You will learn the type of Soul that player has. The types of souls are Lord Soul, Normal Soul, and No Soul.

Ring of Fog – Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. If that player is performing a killing action, that kill will be upgraded into a ninja kill.

Covetous Silver Serpent Ring – The first Normal Soul you receive will have an extra use.

Ring of the Sun's Firstborn – Twice during the game, at night, choose a player. That player will be roleblocked.

Win condition: You win when you have obtained all the Lord Souls.


Cover Roles

Gwyn, Lord of Cinder** (Dark Souls Boss aligned)


Gwyn was one of the Four Lords who found the Lord Souls within the First Flame. Using this newfound strength, he lead the charge against the Everlasting Dragons, ushering in the Age of Fire. As the First Flame began to fade, however, so too did the powers of the Lords. Fearful of the Dark and the Age of Man, Gwyn returned to the site of the First Flame, sacrificing himself to rekindle it. In doing so, Gwyn forever linked humanity to the bonfires and First Flame.

As you rule over humanity and the undead, you can easily spot when someone is afflicted with the Darksign. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, your soul will make them immune to any further investigation.

Ability: Three-shot Cop. Three times during the game, at night, choose a player. You will learn that player's alignment.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of Gwyn upon your death by any means. The Soul of Gwyn has the ability “Once during the game, at night, you may consume the Soul of Gwyn. If you do, all investigations of you will return a negative result.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Moonlight Butterfly** (Dark Souls Boss aligned)


A mysterious creation of Seath the Scaleless, the Moonlight Butterfly can use its strong connection to the moon to generate magic.

At night, you will be able to fly to a target and learn where they went. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, your soul will grant them powerful magic to determine who holds the Lord Souls.

Ability: Tracker. Each night, choose a player. You will learn which player(s) that player targeted, if any.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly upon your death by any means. The Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly has the ability “Once during the game, at night, choose a player. You will learn how many Lord Souls were on that player's lynch wagon.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Centipede Demon** (Dark Souls Boss aligned)


With the Flame of Chaos horribly disfiguring their brother, the Daughters of Chaos created the Orange Charred Ring to alleviate his pain. Unfortunately, he soon lost this ring in a pit of lava, and from its place grew the Centipede Demon. Able to traverse the lava that consumed much of the City of Izalith, the Centipede Demon now watches over the city.

At night you may walk onto the lava, rendering players unable to visit you. If you are defeated by the Chosen Undead, they will receive the Orange Charred Ring, which will allow them to harness the power of fire to double the number of votes on a player.

Ability: Three-shot Commuter. Three times during the game, at night, you may choose to leave town. If you do, you will be untargetable by all night actions, including strongman kills.

The Chosen Undead will receive the Orange Charred Ring upon your death by any means. The Orange Charred Ring has the ability “Once during the game, at night, choose a player. At the next lynch deadline, the # of votes for that player will be doubled.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Quelaan, the Fair Lady** (Dark Souls Boss aligned)


One of the daughters of the Witch of Izalith, Quelaan and one of her sisters attempted to escape the city before it was engulfed by the Flame of Chaos. Partially successful, the sisters became affixed to demonic spiders, but retained their sanity. Making their way into Blighttown, Quelaan took pity on many of the inhabitants that had been poisoned by an unknown toxin. She absorbed their toxins, blinding and immobilizing herself in the process. Still desperate to help, she continues to watch over the town as a fire keeper, keeping the bonfire beneath the town forever lit.

As you saved the lives of several Blighttown residents, you will have the power to save one person marked for lynch. If you are killed, you will drop a Fire Keeper Soul, which will duplicate any normal soul.

Ability: One-shot Governor. Once during the game you may pardon any lynch, including your own.

The Chosen Undead will receive a Fire Keeper Soul upon your death by any means. The Fire Keeper Soul has the ability “Once during the game, at night, you may consume the Fire Keeper Soul. If you do, choose the ability of an unused Soul in your possession. You will use the effect of the chosen Soul.”

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.


Ceaseless Discharge** (Dark Souls Boss aligned)


The only son of the Witch of Izalith, the being of Ceaseless Discharge was the first demon created by the Witch's failed Flame of Chaos. After the demon's war with Lord Gwyn and his knights left Izalith in ruins, Ceaseless was left without family. He spends his existence watching over the memorial one of his sisters who was allegedly killed in the war.

Normally non-hostile, you will absolutely defend the last memory you have of your loving sisters. The first player who visits you will try to steal your sister's Gold Hemmed Robes, causing you to attack.

Ability: One-shot Paranoid Gun Owner. You will attempt to kill the first player that visits you. If multiple players visit you on the same night, you will get to choose among them.

You do not drop anything upon your death.

Win condition: You win when the Chosen Undead are eliminated or unable to collect all remaining Lord Souls.



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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Remember when I said I was roleblocked and that we should lynch BBB? And you all decided to be dumb? Matts remembers.



You would have lynched yourself too in our shoes, my dude.

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