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Australian Survivor!! Now - Tribal!! Final!! Congratulations to our Sole Survivor - Outpost31!!

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35 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

thanks for trying @Pickle Rick and @The Orca

nice work. thats the way it goes sometimes


28 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Dont forget @daboyle250 he was a key cog in our 3 headed monster 

It was a clear sweep by you three. You all managed to stay behind the entire way of a 2 week challenge. :D


On our side it was pretty much just @bcb1213 and myself running things. BCB was our stock guy and I picked all the ETFs. My thought was simply to mitigate risk and watch you all. Once we got up like 10-15%, I was all about the cash. Admittedly, BCB's way probably would have achieved a higher overall return. But I wasnt going for return. I just wanted $1 more than you guys. 

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2 hours ago, Matts4313 said:


It was a clear sweep by you three. You all managed to stay behind the entire way of a 2 week challenge. :D


On our side it was pretty much just @bcb1213 and myself running things. BCB was our stock guy and I picked all the ETFs. My thought was simply to mitigate risk and watch you all. Once we got up like 10-15%, I was all about the cash. Admittedly, BCB's way probably would have achieved a higher overall return. But I wasnt going for return. I just wanted $1 more than you guys. 

Don’t forget about me deferring and staying completely out of the way.

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3 hours ago, Matts4313 said:


It was a clear sweep by you three. You all managed to stay behind the entire way of a 2 week challenge. :D


On our side it was pretty much just @bcb1213 and myself running things. BCB was our stock guy and I picked all the ETFs. My thought was simply to mitigate risk and watch you all. Once we got up like 10-15%, I was all about the cash. Admittedly, BCB's way probably would have achieved a higher overall return. But I wasnt going for return. I just wanted $1 more than you guys. 

Also shout out to @JoshstraDaymus for doing math and battling through COVID doing it. 💪 

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welcome to the next challenge Liar's Poker

this is an all in challenge, and it has nothing to do with poker, and everything to do with lying. liar's poker is the name of a book by michael lewis that's worth the read imo.

this challenge is all in and in the first and third phase will require a move from every castaway. a failure to do so results in automatic point to the other tribe.

so what's the challenge? it's done by four phases


every tribe must send two stories from every castaway in the discord in your moves tab like you've been doing for other challenges. every castaway must supply two stories, one true and one false. the stories have to be depthy and can't be just "i went to the shops today", they have to have something noteworthy or funky about them right. tell me which is true and which is false but don't tell the other tribe, unless you are tanking or some **** lol. a failure to send the story means your point goes to the other tribe.


i post the stories in the thread. the tribes must all then come up with a set of two questions for every story, to try and find out more info! discuss what the questions you'll ask will be and send them to me or post in your discord by the deadline, so as to try and figure out which story is true and which is a lie. you can not ask "is this a lie" or anything else of that variant, you've got to get more info of their story


i post the questions and each castaway must answer the questions to their story. they have to answer the true story's questions truthfully but obviously can say whatever they want for the story that's a lie. the answers have to give some depth; eg if the question to a story is "what were you doing in washington" you can't just say "vibin", or whatever, you've got to respect the game and the goal of the question. failure to do so, or failure to answer whatsoever, will result in your point being given to the other tribe.


now in this final phase, the tribes have to guess which stories are true and which are false! you get a point for every correct story that you pick - hopefully you have figured enough out from asking the questions you can make a fist of it hey

good luck to all and phase one deadline is monday est 8pm!!

tribe 2twins1tribe

  1. @swoosh
  2. @The Orca
  3. @Pickle Rick
  4. @Malfatron
  5. @MookieMonstah
  6. @daboyle250
  7. @Outpost31
  8. @gopherwrestler
  9. @TLO
  10. @FinneasGage
  11. @mission27

tribe death to swooshy

  1. @Matts4313
  2. @TedLavie
  3. @Wyld Stallyns
  4. @theuntouchable
  5. @JoshstraDaymus
  6. @Ragnarok
  7. @bcb1213
  8. @MWil23
  9. @ET80
  10. @SwAg
Edited by Shady Slim
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now on to exile island!!

exile island is a one on one duel loser goes home winner stays alive in the game! the incumbent is @bigbadbuff and as such he has to challenge the challenger @Whicker to any of the following (one):

-a game of TROGDOR, where both have until the deadline of the current immunity challenge to send me a photo of their highest score 

-a game of chess, where if there's a stalemate it's based on the value of the pieces taken, and if it's still level then the incumbent progresses (send me a picture of the completed game along with who is which colour)

-a game of yahtzee, where obviously the highest score is the winner (send me a picture of the completed game)

a failure to challenge the challenger means the incumbent loses. thus, whicker would then become the new incumbent, and challenge the next evictee to one of these challenges.

likewise if there is a challenge and whicker does not accept or fails to participate buff wins it by default. if there is a challenge but the game goes unfinished by next eviction for what ever reason, i'll make a judgement as to whose fault it is and who goes home.

TROGDOR homestarrunner.com/trogdor-canvas/index.html

chess lichess.org

yahtzee cardgames.io/yahtzee/

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2 minutes ago, Shady Slim said:


Just a heads up that tomorrow is Fathers Day in the US. So you might have a lot of conflict with my group... since ya know a few of us are dads. Also Team @swoosh has some issues, as they are our children and need to be nice to daddy tomorrow. 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Just a heads up that tomorrow is Fathers Day in the US. So you might have a lot of conflict with my group... since ya know a few of us are dads. Also Team @swoosh has some issues, as they are our children and need to be nice to daddy tomorrow. 

oh i didn't know that i'll make the necessary adjustments thanks for the heads up

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Just a heads up that tomorrow is Fathers Day in the US. So you might have a lot of conflict with my group... since ya know a few of us are dads. Also Team @swoosh has some issues, as they are our children and need to be nice to daddy tomorrow. 

alright now the first phase will go over two days and the second phase over one day so as to remedy this without extending the challenge time

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