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Australian Survivor!! Now - Tribal!! Final!! Congratulations to our Sole Survivor - Outpost31!!

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It was St. Patrick’s Day 2019 and I decided to go out to drink with a few of my friends. This was the first St. Patty’s Day where I was gonna go full carpe diem and drink as much as I can. I had just broken up with my girlfriend, so I was feeling a little down in the days before but I decided that this would be the time to live my best life.

Earlier that day, my brother and I attended an event called Shamrock the Block, where I got a few beers in so I thought I would be a little better prepared for what would happen that night. I saw that a nearby pub would be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day party so we decided to go out and have some fun, maybe even meet some ladies. At this point, my buzz was pretty worn off and we decided that we would take my car, as I was the “responsible” one of the bunch. This’ll end well.

When we arrived at Siné, we noticed immediately that there was a line around the block. No worries, it seemed like it’ll be a good time and there were some dimes all around, probably from VCU or UR (both local universities). I parked my car at a parking lot about a block away and we made the trek over. The line went by pretty quick and once we paid the cover fee ($5), we were in. 

Instead of actually being in the pub, the festivities were all in a couple of tents, some dedicated to grabbing some drinks and some to listen to some music from a few local bands. This was probably the most social I’ve been in some time, considering it was my junior year in college and I had decided to put a lot of focus on my studies (I recently changed my major at this point and couldn’t afford to f*ck around). But the ambiance made me pretty relaxed immediately and I knew that I would definitely need an Uber home, because I was gonna drink as much as I could in as little time as possible. 

As we began taking shots, we decided to move to the music tent and we listened to some pretty awesome, albeit folksy tunes. I ended up getting a few beers in and ran into one of my former coworkers. She was someone I was super into and I had ended a multi year internship just a couple months before. Now that there was no work issue that could prevent us from being a thing, I decided to shoot my shot. She and I decided to grab Irish Car Bombs and chugged it as fast as we could. It was a hell of a time and I thought I got a real shot with her (I was drunk and I could’ve used a rebound). I ended up revealing that I just got out of a relationship but I was into her, she revealed that she wasn’t interested in being someone’s rebound and told me to text her in a couple months once I’m fully moved on. But what happens between her and I later is another story.

For now anyways, I wasn’t bothered by it. The night was still young and I could use another drink or two. I continued to hang out with my friends throughout the night and chatted up some girls, even getting a couple phone numbers. As it became later and later into the night, I went from buzzed to outright drunk. I’m a pretty good drunk too, I’ve been called both a happy drunk and a cuddly drunk by my friends/exes. Thank god I don’t get the Asian Flush because I probably would’ve been glowing red that night.

Anyways, my friends decided to leave at different times until it was just me at the pub. I didn’t know whether or not to stay or not, because although I was very much enjoying myself, I was losing control fast. I drank, what, 8 beers now? Maybe 9? And how many shots? I decided it was probably time to leave. As I stumbled out the back of the pub, I was hit with an overwhelming need to pee. I probably should’ve gone when I was still in there, but I was drunk. I decided the best place to pee was at an alley next to the parking lot I parked at. I can probably sleep in my car and drive home once I’m sober. 

As I stumbled into my car, I decided to lay down on the passenger seat (no chance of driving then right?). I got bored pretty quick and I had some energy left so I decided the best time I could’ve done was take a walk. I decided to walk down Main St, underneath an Amtrak station and then I was lost. No worries, I can call an Uber to take me home. But wait, where was my phone?!

With no phone and no idea how to get back to where my car was, I kept walking around. I stumbled into the local arena. How the hell did I get there? Anyways, I saw a cab and decided to have it take me back to my apartment. At least I still had my keys! It was a quick trip and I told the driver I loved him at least 5 times during that trip. Once he arrived outside my apartment, I threw a few bills to him and stumbled back into my apartment to get some sleep. 

Once I woke up, however, things went downhill quick. I realized that during the course of the night I had lost my phone and my wallet (it turns out that instead of throwing bills, I threw the entire wallet to him). I decided to use the Find My iPhone app and saw that the phone was at Siné! Considering I didn’t have my wallet or phone, I couldn’t use any alternative means to get to the pub so I walked there, despite my hangover. 

Once I got there, I found my phone. That’s one thing outta the way. Anyways, I walked to the lot to grab my car (I didn’t lose my keys) and it was gone! It was stolen after I drunkenly left the car. I was pissed and terrified. Where the hell is my car? Will I ever see it again? I called the police and they made a report before driving me home. It didn’t end up completely horribly though, the cab driver found my number inside the wallet and called me to drop it off. He’s an OG and we still play on the PS4 together once in a while. It would turn out that the car was found 10 blocks from where I parked it, completely intact. I guess things worked out after all. But still, what a horrible night.

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1 hour ago, daboyle250 said:

It was St. Patrick’s Day 2019 and I decided to go out to drink with a few of my friends. This was the first St. Patty’s Day where I was gonna go full carpe diem and drink as much as I can. I had just broken up with my girlfriend, so I was feeling a little down in the days before but I decided that this would be the time to live my best life.

Earlier that day, my brother and I attended an event called Shamrock the Block, where I got a few beers in so I thought I would be a little better prepared for what would happen that night. I saw that a nearby pub would be hosting a St. Patrick’s Day party so we decided to go out and have some fun, maybe even meet some ladies. At this point, my buzz was pretty worn off and we decided that we would take my car, as I was the “responsible” one of the bunch. This’ll end well.

When we arrived at Siné, we noticed immediately that there was a line around the block. No worries, it seemed like it’ll be a good time and there were some dimes all around, probably from VCU or UR (both local universities). I parked my car at a parking lot about a block away and we made the trek over. The line went by pretty quick and once we paid the cover fee ($5), we were in. 

Instead of actually being in the pub, the festivities were all in a couple of tents, some dedicated to grabbing some drinks and some to listen to some music from a few local bands. This was probably the most social I’ve been in some time, considering it was my junior year in college and I had decided to put a lot of focus on my studies (I recently changed my major at this point and couldn’t afford to f*ck around). But the ambiance made me pretty relaxed immediately and I knew that I would definitely need an Uber home, because I was gonna drink as much as I could in as little time as possible. 

As we began taking shots, we decided to move to the music tent and we listened to some pretty awesome, albeit folksy tunes. I ended up getting a few beers in and ran into one of my former coworkers. She was someone I was super into and I had ended a multi year internship just a couple months before. Now that there was no work issue that could prevent us from being a thing, I decided to shoot my shot. She and I decided to grab Irish Car Bombs and chugged it as fast as we could. It was a hell of a time and I thought I got a real shot with her (I was drunk and I could’ve used a rebound). I ended up revealing that I just got out of a relationship but I was into her, she revealed that she wasn’t interested in being someone’s rebound and told me to text her in a couple months once I’m fully moved on. But what happens between her and I later is another story.

For now anyways, I wasn’t bothered by it. The night was still young and I could use another drink or two. I continued to hang out with my friends throughout the night and chatted up some girls, even getting a couple phone numbers. As it became later and later into the night, I went from buzzed to outright drunk. I’m a pretty good drunk too, I’ve been called both a happy drunk and a cuddly drunk by my friends/exes. Thank god I don’t get the Asian Flush because I probably would’ve been glowing red that night.

Anyways, my friends decided to leave at different times until it was just me at the pub. I didn’t know whether or not to stay or not, because although I was very much enjoying myself, I was losing control fast. I drank, what, 8 beers now? Maybe 9? And how many shots? I decided it was probably time to leave. As I stumbled out the back of the pub, I was hit with an overwhelming need to pee. I probably should’ve gone when I was still in there, but I was drunk. I decided the best place to pee was at an alley next to the parking lot I parked at. I can probably sleep in my car and drive home once I’m sober. 

As I stumbled into my car, I decided to lay down on the passenger seat (no chance of driving then right?). I got bored pretty quick and I had some energy left so I decided the best time I could’ve done was take a walk. I decided to walk down Main St, underneath an Amtrak station and then I was lost. No worries, I can call an Uber to take me home. But wait, where was my phone?!

With no phone and no idea how to get back to where my car was, I kept walking around. I stumbled into the local arena. How the hell did I get there? Anyways, I saw a cab and decided to have it take me back to my apartment. At least I still had my keys! It was a quick trip and I told the driver I loved him at least 5 times during that trip. Once he arrived outside my apartment, I threw a few bills to him and stumbled back into my apartment to get some sleep. 

Once I woke up, however, things went downhill quick. I realized that during the course of the night I had lost my phone and my wallet (it turns out that instead of throwing bills, I threw the entire wallet to him). I decided to use the Find My iPhone app and saw that the phone was at Siné! Considering I didn’t have my wallet or phone, I couldn’t use any alternative means to get to the pub so I walked there, despite my hangover. 

Once I got there, I found my phone. That’s one thing outta the way. Anyways, I walked to the lot to grab my car (I didn’t lose my keys) and it was gone! It was stolen after I drunkenly left the car. I was pissed and terrified. Where the hell is my car? Will I ever see it again? I called the police and they made a report before driving me home. It didn’t end up completely horribly though, the cab driver found my number inside the wallet and called me to drop it off. He’s an OG and we still play on the PS4 together once in a while. It would turn out that the car was found 10 blocks from where I parked it, completely intact. I guess things worked out after all. But still, what a horrible night.

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8 hours ago, The Orca said:

@Matts4313 which of your teams' stories were true in the above, the bolded or unbolded?

Mine was Mike gave me a $500 nike promo, not $250. I did connect with him on TRS. The Amy Schumer story is true.

BCB did fight a wrestler.

Rags did get babysat by Faith Hill.

Mwil knows an all star

Josh is a mystery. No clue which is true

Swaggypoo gave the middle finger to Pence

ET80s story is about his cousin

UNT almost died at 2.

I missed Ted and Stallyns admission. So they will have to answer that.



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13 hours ago, The Orca said:

@Matts4313 which of your teams' stories were true in the above, the bolded or unbolded?

The one shown for mine was the true story.

From the looks of it all the stories in @Shady Slim’s post are the true stories the bolded ones are the ones you guessed correctly? Shady would have to clarify that one for sure though.

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6 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Mine was Mike gave me a $500 nike promo, not $250. I did connect with him on TRS. The Amy Schumer story is true.

BCB did fight a wrestler.

Rags did get babysat by Faith Hill.

Mwil knows an all star

Josh is a mystery. No clue which is true

Swaggypoo gave the middle finger to Pence

ET80s story is about his cousin

UNT almost died at 2.

I missed Ted and Stallyns admission. So they will have to answer that.



Before Faith Hill got famous, she was a songwriter for my dad and babysat me a couple times.

I got jumped by 2 guys from Deadliest Catch, not 3.  Didn't go well for them.

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37 minutes ago, daboyle250 said:

Both my original stories actually happened except I was driving a Jetta at the time, not a Camry.

My false story actually happened as well, except I said I was doing 40 MPH (25MPH zone) instead of the actual 50 MPH to make it more believable that I was let off.
Also of note, at that time the BA% for drunk driving was still 0.1% though legislation had been passed to lower it to 0.08% 

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My story about Masterson is true. After he was drafted out of SD State (Gwynn was his coach, RIP Tony), before spring training he worked out with me and I caught him when I was in college too. We were HS Teammates and friends.

The other story actually happened to a girl I graduated with/was true, just not me.

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okay i am here and i've read both stories! thanks for the stories! i'll deliver my takes on them now. remember if i get them both right or more likely both wrong, D2S wins because of the timer

sorry it took me so long ftr, i had an interview and now i'm hosting a community radio show one night a week after i complete training. news, views, and tunes: i share the news, you share your views and we share some rockin rockin tunes

tribe 2twins1tribe

  1. @swoosh
  2. @The Orca
  3. @Pickle Rick
  4. @Malfatron
  5. @MookieMonstah
  6. @daboyle250
  7. @Outpost31
  8. @gopherwrestler
  9. @TLO
  10. @FinneasGage
  11. @mission27

tribe death to swooshy

  1. @Matts4313
  2. @TedLavie
  3. @Wyld Stallyns
  4. @theuntouchable
  5. @JoshstraDaymus
  6. @Ragnarok
  7. @bcb1213
  8. @MWil23
  9. @ET80
  10. @SwAg
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it was also my take that the story from D2S, i thought it was true

if i am right, 2T1T wins. if i am wrong, D2S takes it on the tiebreaker

the story from D2S...

was false! the winner is D2S! congrats to them, and thanks to both tribes for a super fun tiebreak for me to read!

tribal incoming for 2T1T!

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welcome all to the fifth tribal council

Australian Survivor's Matt shares excitement to take out Lee and ...

  1. @swoosh; was it your plan to just guess the same story was true for every player?
  2. @The Orca; you contribute a lot but with two losses on the trot how much falls on you as a contributor?
  3. @Pickle Rick; you have an instant ally in the game in your brother. are you a bigger threat on account of that or?
  4. @Malfatron
  5. @MookieMonstah; you took some tap internally last tribal. how much of that is fair?
  6. @daboyle250; how do you feel having succeeded in the OT but losing on the tiebreaker
  7. @Outpost31; how can your tribe trust someone who's a loose enough cannon to stick their **** in a sink?
  8. @gopherwrestler; gl with your house, hopefully no more vandalism. now what about those kids?
  9. @TLO; where were you and your expertise? i can just recycle this question from last tribal!
  10. @FinneasGage; so you had a miss this challenge but on your explanation it was by accident. where do you go moving forward?
  11. @mission27; is there a nexus of smugness and lying capability you left underutilised?



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