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Australian Survivor!! Now - Tribal!! Final!! Congratulations to our Sole Survivor - Outpost31!!

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2 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I hope they vote out Swag.  

Major downgrade in discord if they did. Better to vote out one of the twins and sow seeds of dissension...or seize their opportunity and take out a different ringer.

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11 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Major downgrade in discord if they did. Better to vote out one of the twins and sow seeds of dissension...or seize their opportunity and take out a different ringer.

Yeah, Matt’s would be good to take out, too.

Can’t go after the twins since Josh and Ted are working with them and Josh has a hidden immunity idol.

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welcome all to the ninth tribal council

Australian Survivor's Matt shares excitement to take out Lee and ...

this is the first council for the post tribeswap game and it is TITTY

@JoshstraDaymus; so in the first RNG challenge, King of the Hill, you bossed it. couldn't replicate?
@Daboyle; where is this so called RNG king i have been informed of?
@The Orca; is it a boon to have your twin on the new tribe or do you want to forge your own path?
@Pickle Rick; you had a bit of a headbutt with ted over optimality - do you still stand by your claim that blocking was not important?
@TedLavie; having done the numbers myself you were right with regard to what was statistically optimal - but again your tribe is screwed on the luck. how do you feel?
@bcb1213; twice you had to pull up the host for screwing up the scores. is there a conspiracy against your tribe from up top?
@MookieMonstah; you had a few run-ins with the reaper in your old tribe. is the new tribe safer?
@Matts4313; given you're a former tribe captain is there a target on your back now?
@SwAg; by what was said in your tribe discord right before the challenge it seems you're being underestimated, so has that awoken a sleeping giant?

votes have to be in by 8PM EST MONDAY. the best of luck to all and happy voting!!

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Here, I was attempting to display humility, as I am not a math person, and we have some four-eye number-crunchers doing battle.  Figured I would save it for where I am authoritative.  Give me a live challenge trivia with no external assistance permitted, and I’ll big brain us to the top.

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