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Australian Survivor!! Now - Tribal!! Final!! Congratulations to our Sole Survivor - Outpost31!!

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famous faces is now live. twenty minutes until the next round. i will not tag you in every set of names from now but they will come every twenty minutes.

good luck to both tribes - remember that you have to guess all fifteen categories by the close of the challenge an hour forty from this post!! the tiebreaker is the first tribe to get all fifteen in


  1. @JoshstraDaymus
  2. @daboyle250
  3. @The Orca
  4. @Pickle Rick
  5. @TedLavie
  6. @bcb1213
  7. @MookieMonstah
  8. @Matts4313

Electric Cockpaste

  1. @FinneasGage
  2. @ET80
  3. @swoosh
  4. @Ragnarok
  5. @Outpost31
  6. @MWil23
  7. @mission27
  8. @Wyld Stallyns
  9. @gopherwrestler

    round one is as follows

    1.    Robert Mugabe

    2.    Carey Price

    3.    Sean Connery

    4.    Drew Brees

    5.    Hakeem Olajuwon

    6.    Dr Mahony

    7.    KD Lang

    8.    Martin Sheen

    9.    Chris Gayle

    10. Vyacheslav Molotov

    11. Johnny Manziel

    12. Phil Mickelson

    13. Joseph McCarthy

    14. Charles I

    15. Casey Affleck

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i like this challenge because it has the strategic element of choosing when to guess plus the knowledge and research element. 

round two is as follows

1.    Jacques Chirac

2.    Steve Carell

3.    Roger Moore

4.    Ben Roethlisberger

5.    David Robinson

6.    Mrs Dillon

7.    Pentatonix

8.    Rob Lowe

9.    Hashim Amla

10. Aristide Briand

11. Bud Dupree

12. Nick Faldo

13. David Durenberger

14. Georg Plott

15. Elliott Gould

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round three is as follows

1.    Apolo Nsibambi

2.    Patrick Roy

3.    Alan Sugar

4.    Peyton Manning

5.    Nate Thurmond

6.    SonnyBill Williams

7.    John Cale

8.    Andrew Robinson

9.    Len Hutton

10. Frank Kellogg

11. Lorenzo White

12. Sam Snead

13. Timothy Pickering

14. Alexander Gordon

15. Bernie Mac

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round four is as follows

1.    Bob Hawke

2.    Tom Barrasso

3.    Alastair Cook

4.    Tom Brady

5.    Alvin Robertson

6.    Gregory Kable

7.    Leonard Cohen

8.    James Marsden

9.    Garfield Sobers

10. Joachim Ribbentrop

11. Rex Grossman

12. Gary Player

13. Hiram Bingham

14. Louis Dobermann

15. Brad Pitt

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round five is as follows

1.    Yasuhiro Nakasone

2.    Martin Brodeur

3.    Michael Parkinson

4.    Jameis Winston

5.    Lester Hudson

6.    Archbishop Ermogenous

7.    Jeff Buckley

8.    Jeffrey Donovan

9.    Brian Lara

10. Maxim Litvinov

11. Demaryius Thomas

12. Jimmy Demaret

13. Benjamin Tappan

14. St Bernard of Menthon

15. George Clooney

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so that was a fun and frenetic challenge and thanks all who played along - i'd do more like that if i could but with timezones and my busy life it's hard to get a time when i can guarantee to do these so i'm sorry but i hope we all enjoyed it - i know that i did!! let's get to it

TITTY said it was prime ministers who died 2019 (R3)
cockpaste said it was prime ministers and presidents who died 2019 (R3)
given chirac was president and prime minister and the rest were prime ministers i will accept both

both said it was guys who shared a birthday and both were wrong - the answer was people who played hockey for their college team as a goalie

both said it was bond actors and both were wrong - it's men who were knighted

the above showed the danger in shooting your shot too early here - both 2 and 3 were guessed by both tribes in round two

TITTY said it was passers who threw for over 5000 (R4)
cockpaste said it was super bowl winning QBs (R2)
TITTY gets it here

TITTY said it was NBA players who got a quadruple double (R4)
cockpaste said it was black hall of fame centers (R3)
TITTY gets it again here

TITTY said it was the real people from the "legal eagles" challenge who were replaced by the infamous greg (R4)
cockpaste said it was people from australian high court cases (R4)
SBW's case was in the NSW supreme court and not the high court so TITTY's, which was the intended answer, is the only one that i can give

TITTY said it was artists who covered leonard cohen's hallelujah (R2)
cockpaste said it was people who covered hallelujah and have abbreviations after their name (eg OBE) (R4)
can't give it to either. cohen did not cover his version of hallelujah, and buckley doesn't have an abbreviation after his name

TITTY said it was actors who played JFK (R4)
cockpaste said it was actors on the west wing (R2)
TITTY gets it here too

TITTY said it was test cricketers with a triple century (R3)
cockpaste said it was cricket batsmen (R3)
gotta give it to TITTY - the specificity wasn't there for cockpaste for me to allow theirs as an alternative answer

TITTY said it was people who authored treaties/pacts (R4)
cockpaste said it was people who had non-aggression war pacts named after them (R4)
cockpaste gets it here. TITTY's is a bit too not necessarily allowable given the operator "authored"

both said it was players who went 22nd overall in their draft class, which as you should know by now is my lucky number. both got it in R3

both said it was players with exactly three US masters titles to their name but cockpaste got it in R2 compared to R3 for TITTY

TITTY said it was US senators who were censured (R3)
cockpaste said it was republican senators from the midwest (R2)
TITTY gets it here again

TITTY said it was people who have dog breeds named after them (R2)
cockpaste said it was people named after dog breeds or breeders (R4)
TITTY gets it here. people gave the dogs the names, the dogs didn't name the people

both said it was actors from the ocean's trilogy - cockpaste got it in R3 compared to R4 for TITTY, and though i was looking for "the members of ocean's eleven" you've said the same thing, essentially, and so it is allowed

so that's a win for TITTY - cockpaste goes to tribal council!! the deadline for tribal will be saturday est 8pm - happy voting to electric cockpaste!! i'll do a post soon

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and now for the results for wikipedia game

TITTY's submission:






they got it in eighteen clicks

now what about cockpaste

1) Lawsuits Against Devil
2) New Hampshire
3) Breaking Bad
4) Golden Globe Awards
5) Alan Alda(edited)

1) Meat Pie
2) United Kingdom
3) Rock Music
4) Ted Nugent
5) Meat Loaf(edited)

1) Clive Palmer
2) Western Australia
3) Whale Shark
4) Baleen Whale

1) Coen Brothers
2) Big Lebowski
3) White Russian
4) List of Cocktails
5) Irish Carbomb
6) Bomb shot

1) Rumble in the Jungle
2) Houston
3) Rail Transport
4) Rolling Stock

they got it in nineteen - only difference was the meat pie to meat loaf link which TITTY was able to get in only three clicks!

TITTY also gets the reward - a clue to a hidden immunity idol that the entire tribe gets to see! good luck and happy searching!

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welcome all to the tenth tribal council

Australian Survivor's Matt shares excitement to take out Lee and ...

who's going to join swag on exile beach

  1. @FinneasGage; when you have a bunch of inactive dudes, is that on the individuals or on the guy who assembled them?
  2. @ET80; how was your anniversary?
  3. @swoosh; you put in today - how does it feel to see others not do so?
  4. @Ragnarok; you said that the mrs had cooked a nice dinner up for you - was eating it worth tribal council (i'm terrible at this questions business)?
  5. @Outpost31; how do you feel about the composition of the new tribe?
  6. @MWil23; how was your anniversary? presumably not with ET?
  7. @mission27; so was it worth watching the baseball given you're on the block now?
  8. @Wyld Stallyns; where were ya brother?  
  9. @gopherwrestler; and where were you?

votes in by saturday est 8pm - happy voting all and good luck!!

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13 minutes ago, Shady Slim said:

welcome all to the tenth tribal council

Australian Survivor's Matt shares excitement to take out Lee and ...

who's going to join swag on exile beach

  1. @FinneasGage; when you have a bunch of inactive dudes, is that on the individuals or on the guy who assembled them?
  2. @ET80; how was your anniversary?
  3. @swoosh; you put in today - how does it feel to see others not do so?
  4. @Ragnarok; you said that the mrs had cooked a nice dinner up for you - was eating it worth tribal council (i'm terrible at this questions business)?
  5. @Outpost31; how do you feel about the composition of the new tribe?
  6. @MWil23; how was your anniversary? presumably not with ET?
  7. @mission27; so was it worth watching the baseball given you're on the block now?
  8. @Wyld Stallyns; where were ya brother?  
  9. @gopherwrestler; and where were you?

votes in by saturday est 8pm - happy voting all and good luck!!

Chemically Jeff the composition is fine.  The chemical composition of th e new tribe Jeff is fine.  No irregularities, no abnormalities.  The composition Australian Jeff is totally okay.  I have no issue with the composition Jeff.  It is okay.  The composition of the new tribe is fine, Jeff.

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