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The Rakyat Rebellion - Far Cry 3 Mafia - Night Four is Thursday at 10:30pm EST


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2 hours ago, HoboRocket said:

Alright, guys, I won't be super active today. I'm heading into the airport, have a layover this afternoon for a few hours. 


Adios, North Carolina!

Going on one of them fancy flying machines huh man? You ready to go so fast your puberty hairs'll blow back and tickle your butthole? 

Since yur trying so hard to get outta this jungle man, you got something to hide man. Something more than yur chubb when Betsy the cow comes a strutting out

Im gonna put your name onna this list to keep account of who wants ta kill who. And right now, I want to kill you

The Monkey King told me to get track o this, and thers gonna be a reward innit for me.

Hoo boy!!! I hope its a good un


8 hours ago, Counselor said:

Blame your dad for your short member 

My daddy died of radiation posioning up there in ah Vanacouver, that big fancy Canadian city there. you know the one, right? I bet you do, Mr. Counselor

My daddy would say you must be one of them sryup-sucking socialists who was running against him. Could explain how your vote dont count or nothing when ya tried to come at me. He wohld say you come here with yur 300 gender pronouns to take our high paying jobs of entertainment and hockey! Thats what my dad would tell ya, not me though i aint gonna judge and i aint gonna assume your gender. If i call ya dude or man, thats just what i call everyone, man.


The List of who wants to kill who:

hobo - 1 ( malf

Malf - 1 (counselor

pickle - 1 (hobo


Now I dont know if Im tallying things right for the Monkey King or what, but ima sure the Monkey King is like Jesus, he just 'preciates the effort ya know


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7 minutes ago, bigbadbuff said:

My man i thought you wouldn’t be back.



6 minutes ago, bigbadbuff said:
10 hours ago, Counselor said:

Damn it feels good to be town again.

So let’s talk Ratios. 17 players... now I’ll listen while someone more knowledgeable than I speaks on the ratio. 

Confirmed scum


3 minutes ago, bigbadbuff said:

I’m an innocent child


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