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πŸ““ Death Note Mafia - Game over - Civs win!!


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5 minutes ago, Daboyle said:

-You can't win with mafia, and you can't win as long as L and Near are alive. Once they are all dead, you win.

According to this you already won!!!

L and Near are dead according to you lmao.Β  Get your story straight at leastΒ 

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8 minutes ago, Daboyle said:


You are an other.

You know the identities of L and Near, the two leading the case against Kira. But to out them would cost you your life. And the only way for you to win is to survive. You want a Death Note. Owning one would you allow you to kill anyone simply by writing their name in it. Then you would be able to use it to kill L and Near. You know this Kira figure has one. Finding them is the hard part. Stealing it would be easy.

-Each night, you search oneΒ player's home. If they have a Death Note, you steal it.

-You can't win with mafia, and you can't win as long as L and Near are alive. Once they are all dead, you win.

-L is Malfatron. Near is biggio7.

"Β And the only way for you to win is to survive."

"You can't win with mafia, and you can't win as long as L and Near are alive. Once they are all dead, you win."

They = Mafia/L/Near

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Light Yagami - "Kira"Β  squire12

You have a Death Note. Any person whose name is written in it will die no matter what, as long as the name you’ve written is correct. You've noticed strange deaths that you haven't caused. There must be a second Death Note and someone must be using it. But it's too risky to try and find them. You're aware of a man who goes by L who is searching for you. But you do not know his real name. You've also figured out some of the more nuanced rules of the Death Note. You can rip pages from the book and still use them to kill. You can also relinquish ownership of it and be considered an innocent man. This will wipe your memory of being Kira and remove Ryuk from your life.

-Each night, you write a name in your Death Note and that person dies.

-You have a piece of paper from the Death Note hidden on your person at all times. If an attempt is made on your life, you can write an additional name on the hidden piece of paper.

-You may give your Death Note to Ryuk at any time, which will wipe your memory of being Kira, and you won't be able to use your hidden sheet of paper. You will appear as a civ if investigated. You will still only win with mafia, despite counting toward the civ ratio. He will give the notebook to someone else and they will become the new Kira, converting to mafia.


RyukΒ  pwny

You are Light's Shinigami. Only he can see you. You're pretty indifferent to everything. Humans are fascinating and you can't help but watch. You discover everyone's true name and lifespan simply by looking at them.Β  If Light asks you to take his Death Note, you know exactly who you'd take it to.

-Your vote doesn't actually count.

-You can't be lynched. You cannot announce this in thread. You cannot reveal this to Light.

-If Light dies while you are his Shinigami, you will take the Death Note and leave the game; essentially dying.Β 

-You will know the name of anyone who visits Light at night. But you're not compelled to reveal it to him.

-If Light asks, you will gladly take the Death Note to someone new. Light will forget everything and you will have a new human to observe.Β 

-The new person will not know how to relinquish ownership. And likely wouldn't want to. You wouldn't be compelled to tell them how either. If they die, you will take the Death Note and leave the game; essentially dying.


Misa Amane - "Second Kira"Β  Nazgul

You have a Death Note. Any person whose name is written in it will die no matter what, as long as the name you’ve written is correct.You're trying to find and join Kira. In the meantime, you're killing anyone who may be a threat. As far as you know, nobody knows you have a Death Note. Nobody considers you a threat.

You've made a deal with Rem - a Shinigami. You've given her half your remaining life for the ability to look at someone's face and see their true name and how much longer they have to live.

-Each day, you can pm me the name of a player, trying to find Kira. If you find him, you can reveal yourself to him and join his chat.

Conversely, you may (on any night) broadcast an anonymous message to Kira (in thread, through me) and he will find you the following night. This will reveal to everyone that you exist. But will ensure he finds you.

-Each night you write a player's name in your notebook and they die.Β 

-Each night you can look at someone and discover their true name and when they'll die.

-If Kira dies before you, you can write two names in your Death Note each night.


RemΒ  Whicker

You are Misa's Shinigami. Only she can see you. You possess the ability to see true names and lifespans. You know how long Misa has to live but are forbidden from telling her. You are also forbidden from doing anything that would extend her life. You have your own Death Note. But to use it would be to extend Misa's life and cost you your own.Β 

-Your vote doesn't actually count.

-You can't be lynched. You cannot announce this in thread. You cannot reveal this to Misa.

-If anyone visits Misa, you will know who they are and how much longer they have to live. You can tell Misa with no penalty. If they appear to be hostile, you can react and do the following::

-You may write anyone's name in your own Death Note at any time. This will kill them. But you will die as well.



LΒ  MalfatronΒ 

You are a world renowned private investigator. There isn't a case you haven't solved. Only one person knows your real name - Watari. Not even your brothers Near and Mello know it. There has been a string of murders. You've come to the conclusion that a Death Note is being used by someone the people have named Kira. Apparently whoever's name is written in this Death Note dies. You've also noticed murders that seem to follow the same logic as Kira's, but are slightly different. The second Kira seems able to learn people's names simply by seeing their face. This suggests to you there is a second Death Note. You don't think this second Kira knows who the first Kira is. But it's only a matter of time before they find each other.

Near is helping you work on the Kira case. Mello disappeared long ago. You're not sure what he's doing.

-You share a chat with Watari.

-Each day, you bug a player's home. Each night, you will receive a percentage chance that they possess a Death Note. You will also find out if anyone visited that player's home. Or if they left.Β 

-You know who Near and Mello are.

-Your anonymity should keep you safe from having your name written in the Death Note. As long as your true name is never discovered, you can't be written into the Death Note.

-You may request the ratio three times.


WatariΒ  Tk3

You raised L, Near, and Mello. They are not your children but you care for them as if they were. You don't know where Near and Mello have gone off to. But you remember Mello never getting along with his brothers. Only you know L's real name. You love him more than anything and would do anything for him, even die for him.

-You share a chat with L.

-Each night, L may send you a message. You will anonymously read this message to everyone in town (through me, in the write up).

***NOTE*** There's a chance your identity will be realized from this. You're sure of it.

-If you aren't broadcasting a message for town, L may have you deliver a message directly to the chief of police.


NearΒ  biggio7

There has been a string of murders. You've come to the conclusion that a Death Note is being used by someone the people have named Kira. Apparently whoever's name is written in this Death Note dies. You've also noticed murders that seem to follow the same logic as Kira's, but are slightly different. This suggests to you there is a second Death Note. You don't think this second Kira knows who the first Kira is. But it's only a matter of time before they find each other. You are a bit more sure of yourself than your brother L. This confidence leads to you taking more chances.

L is leading the Kira case. Mello disappeared long ago. You're not sure what he's doing.Β 

-Each night, you may have someone killed.

-You know who L and Mello are.


Soichiro YagamiΒ  JoshstraDaymus

You are the chief of police. The Kira case has been long, with no real progress. But there's new hope after renowned investigator L and his brother Near took over. You don't know their identities. But you are still eager to help and bring Kira to justice.

-Each night, you can jail someone. This roleblocks them and prevents anyone from visiting them.


CivΒ  ForgeΒ 

You are a normal citizen. Kira's reign is pretty scary. The ability to kill anyone without being there? Who the hell is he to take justice into his own hands?

At the same time, crime is way down. Your quality of life has improved. Maybe he's not so bad after all?

Your power is your vote. You win the game if all threats to town are eliminated.


Civ - The Orca

Civ - SwAg

Civ - MWil23

Civ - PuntMyLumps

Civ - Pickle Rick

Civ - Glen

Civ - Matts4313

Civ - kingseanjohn

Civ - rackcs

Civ - CounselorΒ 

Civ - MD4L



MelloΒ  Daboyle

You know the identities of your brothers L and Near. But to out them would cost you your life. And the only way for you to win is to survive. You want a Death Note. It is your only real goal. Possessing one would allow you to kill anyone simply by writing their name in it. Then you would be able to use it to kill L and Near. You know this Kira figure has one. That much is obvious to you. Finding him is the hard part. Taking the Death Note would be too easy.

-Each night, you search one player's home. If they have a Death Note, you take it.

-You can't win with mafia. You also can't win as long as L and Near are alive.

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