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I watched The Butterfly Effect last night. I can't believe I didn't see this film earlier, this film hits on literally all cylinders. The acting, premise, story, pacing, characters, everything top-to-bottom is great. I never thought I'd fall in love with an Ashton Kutcher performance in a serious action film, but man, he hits it out of the park here. The overall concept is not only original (for its time), but it's executed spectacularly. Oh, and Amy Smart is always a nice bonus, especially since we don't see her in many movies nowadays. I haven't seen the sequels (and that might be a good thing because I heard they're terrible), but I quite enjoyed the first one.

Edited by KManX89
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The Favorite

Overall: Funniest movie I have seen since Death of Stalin. Delightfully dark and absurd with an awesome style. 

This movies is begs the question "why doesn't the academy have best ensemble category yet". Rachael Weisz, Emma Stone and Olivia Colman are absolutely brilliant in the movie. 


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On 12/27/2018 at 10:52 PM, Outpost31 said:

I'd really like The Hobbit movies a lot more if there weren't 12,000 Wilhelm screams in it.  Peter Jackson is obnoxious as hell with those damn Wilhelm screams.  I hate how that is still used.  It's not cute, it's not unique, and when every damn director in the world throws one in as an homage, you can't even call it an homage anymore.  It's just obnoxious.  Every time I hear that effing scream I just want to tell the director to STFU with that crap because all it does is detract from the movie.  So obnoxious.  It drives me insane.  I have an hour left in the second Hobbit movie and I've already heard at least four of them.  Use it once if you have to, but 4 times in the same trilogy and we aren't even on the third one yet?

I don't know if you're into video essays but Lindsey Ellis did a great 3 part breakdown of The Hobbit trilogy last year. 


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On 1/2/2019 at 10:44 AM, MikeT14 said:

MI: Fallout. 


It's good, just like the rest of them. Since they "rebooted" with 3, I'd say they rank 5/4/6/3 (with all, 5/4/6/1/3/2)

Going to watch Fallout tonight, can't believe it's taken me this long to get to it.  As far as ranking I think I'd go 1/4/5/3/2.  

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22 minutes ago, Tyty said:

Venom. I’m really really trying to like it 

Whenever the general consensus is that a blockbuster movie sucks I kinda feel compelled to find the good in it

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

How would you compare to Topher Graces venom?

I watched spiderman 3 under the same logic recently, trying to find redeeming factors in it but it was just kinda a mess lol. It’s not the worst superhero movie, all of DCU pretty much holds that trophy. I think this venom was a bit fluidy and cartoony and could’ve been done better but it wasn’t bad and I’d be totally okay with a venom 2. I’d have to rewatch spiderman 3 to really compare and contrast but I think the newer venom was a bit preferable 

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Kinda hilarious the government was p***ed off at the avengers in the captain America civil war movie for the damage they caused to NYC when they took on the aliens and stuff considering the government first and instant response was to send a nuclear bomb lmao

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Watching Dark Knight Rises. Watched A Star Was Born earlier and was surprised it went so far south. It was definitely heading in that direction the whole movie but I was totally expecting it to be an uplifting movie where lady Gaga just leaves him in the dust when she makes it big. Good showing of mental illness and depression. Good showing of lady Gaga’s titties as well. 


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Man it’s weird how open ended Christopher Nolan left the dark knight rises if he only meant for it to be a trilogy. Robin finding the bat cave and Bruce Wayne repairing the bat signal 

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