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7 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

i don't think we're in the quality movie draught like many talk about. think the general public is just less interested in the medium than ever before and don't really seek out or have interest in interesting/less conventional movies. at least from what i've gathered from people i talk to. it's like people complain about reboots/remakes, etc. and then i'll mention an interesting movie that's in the theater or playing over at the arthouse theater and they kinda scoff like "i've never even heard of that" and then just kinda move on... it's like that's on you pal lol. 

They are absolutely in a draught and a massive creative draught!  Outside of Furiosa recently, I can wait years until they make a film where it is like, ok I would maybe pay money to go see that.  


Nothing new or different is coming out and like I said looks like they are wanting CGI and big action to drive the filmswith the visuals and get little to no name actors but spend up on everything else.

Actors usually drive sales, no big name actors the sales kind of dip.  But probably is smart when no one goes to see the films potentially and you lose money.  But yes the general public is less interested for sure with all the streaming shows on, and only watch so many "shows" or movies, especially if one has to finish an entire TV series season, one cannot watch that much stuff or have that much free time.


TV has really messed it up, and movies are put on TV or a streaming platform what months after the theatre release if not before that.  


I really liked Se7en a lot, and Alien 3 of course and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a super cool detective film and I love detective films.  I think it was way better than the "original" foreign version and visually Lisbeth Salander was so badass in that movie, her look was iconic and Rooney was awesome.  But yes if one does not really really like those movies then Fincher does not seem so great, so does all come down to personal taste.  


But you laughed twice in Kingpin so I am not sure what planet you live on!  😉

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My Fincher rankings

  1. The Social Network - A masterclass in direction/editing/music driving the story
  2. Fight Club - As a teenager this would be number one, but as an adult it's barely above cartoonish violence/thought, still great performances by Norton and Pitt though.
  3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Outside of Social Network I think this is the movie he did the most to elevate with his direction, hit me right in the feels throughout
  4. Se7en - Honestly not that rewatchable for me, i've probably only ever seen it 2-3 times, once spoiled/known, lost a lot of its umph
  5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Not as good as the original, I enjoyed Craig in this more than Mara
  6. Alien 3 - I guess having the 4th best Alien movie is something
  7. Gone Girl - I think this gets a bit over hyped, it's more depressing than enjoyable, still well made
  8. Panic Room - Ironically, outside of 1/2, probably the Fincher movie i've seen the most, Whitaker is good in it, but the rest of the cast leaves a lot to be desired.
  9. Mank - Solid, I enjoyed it, not sure if i'll ever watch it again

I've somehow never seen The Game or Zodiac, i'll have to get around to those one of these days. Haven't seen The Killer because I wasn't tha intrigued.  I was shocked looking at Fincher's IMDB that he went six years between directing movies between Gone Girl and Mank.

Coen Bros Rankings

  1. O'Brother Where Art Thou?
  2. The Big Lebowski
  3. No Country For Old Men
  4. Raising Arizona
  5. Fargo
  6. True Grit
  7. Burn After Reading
  8. Intolerable Cruelty
  9. The Ladykillers

A great top 5 but falls off hard after that for me.  I didn't enjoy Burn After Reading all that much, I thought the funniest bit was JK Simmons summing it up at the end.  Several of theirs I haven't seen, i've seen bits and piece of Buster Scruggs and Hail Caesar and I haven't been compelled to see the rest.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, THE DUKE said:

My Fincher rankings

  1. The Social Network - A masterclass in direction/editing/music driving the story
  2. Fight Club - As a teenager this would be number one, but as an adult it's barely above cartoonish violence/thought, still great performances by Norton and Pitt though.
  3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Outside of Social Network I think this is the movie he did the most to elevate with his direction, hit me right in the feels throughout
  4. Se7en - Honestly not that rewatchable for me, i've probably only ever seen it 2-3 times, once spoiled/known, lost a lot of its umph
  5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Not as good as the original, I enjoyed Craig in this more than Mara
  6. Alien 3 - I guess having the 4th best Alien movie is something
  7. Gone Girl - I think this gets a bit over hyped, it's more depressing than enjoyable, still well made
  8. Panic Room - Ironically, outside of 1/2, probably the Fincher movie i've seen the most, Whitaker is good in it, but the rest of the cast leaves a lot to be desired.
  9. Mank - Solid, I enjoyed it, not sure if i'll ever watch it again

I've somehow never seen The Game or Zodiac, i'll have to get around to those one of these days. Haven't seen The Killer because I wasn't tha intrigued.  I was shocked looking at Fincher's IMDB that he went six years between directing movies between Gone Girl and Mank.

Coen Bros Rankings

  1. O'Brother Where Art Thou?
  2. The Big Lebowski
  3. No Country For Old Men
  4. Raising Arizona
  5. Fargo
  6. True Grit
  7. Burn After Reading
  8. Intolerable Cruelty
  9. The Ladykillers

A great top 5 but falls off hard after that for me.  I didn't enjoy Burn After Reading all that much, I thought the funniest bit was JK Simmons summing it up at the end.  Several of theirs I haven't seen, i've seen bits and piece of Buster Scruggs and Hail Caesar and I haven't been compelled to see the rest.




Fight Club






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8 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

Gone Girl - I think this gets a bit over hyped, it's more depressing than enjoyable, still well made

First time I saw it, I felt the same way. Additional rewatches really help you appreciate just how brilliant the satire is. Now I absolutely love GG. 

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Posted (edited)

Fincher rankings. The only masterpiece is seven for me, though alien 3 and fight club is very good.

Im not the biggest fincher fan in terms of the kind of movies hes been making 

1. Se7en

2. Alien 3

3. Fight club

4. Panic room

5. The game



Might watch someday


The killer


Probably wont watch

Dragon tattoo


Wont want/not my kind of movie


Gone girl

Social network





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I saw in a violent nature it worked for me the kills offset the pacing issues and the lack of tension from basically the whole movie from the killers perspective 7/10. I sent the one kill to my friend he was like wtf lol.

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I would take Villenueve over Nolan pretty comfortably. 

Incendies, Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival, and Blade Runner 2049 are all 9/10+ for me. That's a significantly better 5 movie run than any run Nolan has gone on IMO. I didn't love Dune 1 &2 as much as everyone else but I'd still take it comfortably over Nolan's mid-tier movies like Dunkirk and Interstellar. I think if I grouped both directors' movies together the only Nolan film making my top 5 would be Prestige, and it'd probably be at 5 or 4. 

I haven't seen Enemy from Villenueve or Oppenheimer from Nolan.


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12 minutes ago, Ray Reed said:

I would take Villenueve over Nolan pretty comfortably. 

Incendies, Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival, and Blade Runner 2049 are all 9/10+ for me. That's a significantly better 5 movie run than any run Nolan has gone on IMO. I didn't love Dune 1 &2 as much as everyone else but I'd still take it comfortably over Nolan's mid-tier movies like Dunkirk and Interstellar. I think if I grouped both directors' movies together the only Nolan film making my top 5 would be Prestige, and it'd probably be at 5 or 4. 

I haven't seen Enemy from Villenueve or Oppenheimer from Nolan.


I've seen all those except Blade Runner 2049, and i'll have to disagree.  Just a matter of taste I suppose.  None of those 4 (Or Dune 1, still haven't seen Dune 2) make Nolan's top 7 for me.  I'd have Sicario on top of the list for Villenueve.  I'd also probably have Inarritu over Villenueve, and Nolan over both.

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1 hour ago, Ray Reed said:

I would take Villenueve over Nolan pretty comfortably. 

Incendies, Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival, and Blade Runner 2049 are all 9/10+ for me. That's a significantly better 5 movie run than any run Nolan has gone on IMO. I didn't love Dune 1 &2 as much as everyone else but I'd still take it comfortably over Nolan's mid-tier movies like Dunkirk and Interstellar. I think if I grouped both directors' movies together the only Nolan film making my top 5 would be Prestige, and it'd probably be at 5 or 4. 

I haven't seen Enemy from Villenueve or Oppenheimer from Nolan.


Sicario and Prisoners are very solid movies but not sure they are all time greats or anything.  And Blade Runner 2049 I kind of disliked honestly, especially compared to the original that new one is crap I feel.  As for Dune and Dune 2 both of those movies are just ok honestly, pretty slow and again the original is arguably better in many ways despite it not having a big name cast or state of the air graphics like they do now.  



Timothée Chalamet is probably a better Paul Atreides though but the big key is the Baron and the original had a far superior Baron than the new ones.  

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1 hour ago, Ozzy said:

And Blade Runner 2049 I kind of disliked honestly, especially compared to the original that new one is crap I feel.

Honestly, I didn't really care for the original Blade Runner, and nothing the new one did other than maybe some cool visuals made me compelled to even try to watch it.

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Nolan is the best director working right now if you consider mass appeal.

He is the only director working right now who can get large amounts of people to sit down for long movies in varying genres with a very small minority disliking the movies.

That is exceedingly difficult to accomplish.

Personally, his movies are a notch below perfect for me. I enjoy them. Some of them a LOT. Some of them a lot less than a lot, but I still enjoy them.

To me, he’s the only director with ten movies under their belt who hasn’t made a movie I’ve disliked or thought was objectively bad. For that reason alone, I consider him the top director working today. Not my favorite by far, but that’s how I would objectively crown him Hollywood’s current directing king.

Villeneuve is probably tenth or lower on that list. Personally, I like what Villeneuve makes more than I like what Nolan makes. I’d still give Nolan the objectively speaking edge.


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director i spend most time revisiting is PTA. nobodies releases get me more excited. besides charlie kaufman who it always feels like is never gonna make a movie again. 

pta rank

1) the master (one of my favorites of all time. 10-15 rewatches probably. two of the best performances of all time. no other movie has this movies vibe. funny/mysterious/emotional i just love everything about this movie and find it endlessly rewatchable) 
2) punch drunk love (there's an incredible energy throughout this movie. the jon brion score elevates it so much. also endlessly rewatchable for me. grew up with sandler being my favorite, so might make me love this more) 
3) licorice pizza (again there's like magnetic frenetic energy and the ******* charisma of alana haim just keeps me always wanting to revisit this one. so sprawling and fun) 
4) magnolia (this is one of the movies that got me really into watching movies. for a while i would say this was my favorite movie of all time. i've watched this 10-15 times, so certain sections have really begun to drag, it's a movie that rewatches have not elevated my opinion of, but still just an incredible movie) 
5) phantom thread (on first watch i anointed this as my new favorite PTA. it's kinda fallen over time. some movies get funnier every rewatch, for me the humor isn't as good on rewatch. still an incredible movie that makes me tear up every time i end up rewatching. the scene with his mother in the bedroom and the scene at the new years party get me every time. just certain sections kinda drag on rewatch) 
6) there will be blood (i loved it. it's just not one that leaves me wanting to revisit it for whatever reason. maybe plainview is just so alien to me that i can't connect with anything in the movie. but it's perfect.)
7) boogie nights (another great one, just never really end up revisiting. feels kind of constrained to me despite it being a big sprawling movie. a lot of sections i just don't really love. but it's fantastic) 
8.) hard eight (i think this is actually really good and i love the atmosphere. actually come back to this one more than twbb and boogie nights, but i still think they're probably better. philip baker hall is so good in this.) 
9) inherent vice (i've tried to love it, but i just can't get into it. i've watched it like 6-7 times though because there's something about it that i always wanan go back to despite always being lost and never being able to really connect to a majority of it) 

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Roger Deakins.  Be it titled as a "Cinematographer" or "director of photography", he had a massive role in all of these movies which are all pretty damn good.  One he won as Oscar for 'Blade Runner 2049' could be argued to be around the bottom of his career list.  Which this list in general honestly destroys any Director, I mean look at that top 15, no director comes close to that and the 2nd tear and bottom tear are pretty damn solid as well.

He has greatly helped the Coen brothers, Villeneuve and Sam Mendes in creating some really good work.  And without Deakins not sure their work is nearly as good....



Assassination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford
The Shawshank Redemption
No Country for Old Men
Revolutionary Road
A Beautiful Mind
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
The Big Lebowski
The Hurricane
In Time
The Village
Dead Man Walking
True Grit
Blade Runner 2049
The Siege
In the Valley of Elah
Courage Under Fire
The Secret Garden
The Company Men
Sid and Nancy
The Reader

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5 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

I really liked Zodiac.

It's a procedural masterpiece that only ZD30 has matched.  The basement scene is the scariest movie sequence I've ever seen.  

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