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31 minutes ago, FrantikRam said:


Thank you for your honesty, but the rest of us need the Patriots to NOT win the division. Share the wealth man.

man i was in 7th grade when tom brady became the starting quarterback for the patriots. can yall not rip the whole bandaid off yet

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1 minute ago, Chiefer said:

Two years in a row the refs helped the Chiefs

id rather it be a fair game 

While I think there were bad calls this game was more on Hoyer and Patriot mistakes. It was a good game hats off the the Chiefs.

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8 minutes ago, jofos said:

While I think there were bad calls this game was more on Hoyer and Patriot mistakes. It was a good game hats off the the Chiefs.

If you guys had Cam you probably win 

always a tough out between two all-time coaches 

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My three takeaways:

1. The Patriots are absolutely a contender if Cam is healthy. I don't know if they win that game with him at QB, but they've proven they can hang with the best teams in the league.

2. Holding Mahomes down for a full 4 quarters is the most difficult task in the NFL right now. You have to seize every opportunity to score while he's figuring it out, or you will not win. This was the worst I'd seen him play in the past two years, aside from maybe the first half of the Super Bowl and the Pats simply couldn't grab the bull by the horns.

3. Brian Hoyer is a curse inflicted upon the NFL - nay, the very earth - by a nameless deity that resides in a hastily buried tomb in the farthest hinterlands of Anatolia.

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Well, considering I thought KC would put 40 on us, I'm pleasantly surprised. Mahomes struggled. BB coached his a off, of course. 


If, buts and maybes but it's a different game with Cam probably. Our issues are clear with this roster. 


GG KC, good luck rest of the way.

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The two Mahomes flops were disgusting. I'm from Brazil thus a soccer fan and nothing in sports infuriate me more than flops; Now, flops that exacerbate an action by opponents are already bad but planned flops when the rival player did nothing boils my blood up.

His attempt on McCourty was sad to watch. I noticed it was a flop at first glance because he baited on the sideline for a late contact. You can rewatch it. It took him an extra second like he was pretending he was going to cut back inside. McCourty just went there to secure the play was over and he flopped like a gazelle on ice. He even screamed "cmon".

Then the second one he fell foward while being hold from behind like if he was ragdoll'd. Just sad to watch. And that one was in between a lot of chiefs players so I can't even blame the refs there. But from now on they should be warned there's a flopper playing QB for the chiefs and let opponents earn the unnecessary roughness flags.

Hopefully his own teammates will call him out on that.

Btw, I stopped watching NBA when the flopping became a thing and then the No Defense Allowed rule was installed. NFL already works every off season on ways to hurt the defenses but flopping is unacceptable.

Sorry for the long rant but I just hate flopping. It's downright cheating in front of cameras. It's doubly immoral.

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