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Death Note Mafia - TKN Edition (Kira and Sakura TV wins!)


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22 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Oh look. It's like I was telling the truth . Let me know if u all want any more help before I die in 20 min 

actually you are caught in a lie.

SirA started with a DN.

sirA said he had a death note, but one didnt turn up. he killed touch with one last night

you claim you got a DN from me

you claim that there are 2 people in your group now.


if thats true, who has the other death note?

theres 2 unaccounted for on your team


youre doing the "fake give up" thing

2 hours ago, SirA1 said:

Yes and I do. It will be revealed once I am lynched today. I am going to enjoy the rest of my evening. Have a good one.



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On 1/18/2021 at 6:38 PM, swoosh said:

Lind L. Tailor, clearly.


On 1/19/2021 at 2:27 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

"I think it prudent that we vote for Shinigami A at this juncture," declares Lind L. Tailor.


Matts4313 - 6 - Malfatron, Forge, Daboyle, Counselor, SwAg, JoshstraDaymus

Shinigami A - 4 - squire12, Daniel, Matts4313, Lind L. Tailor

Daniel - 3 - bcb1213, kingseanjohn, Shinigami B

Malfatron - 1 - Shinigami A

Counselor - 1 - Shinigami D

Forge - 1 - gopherwrestler

theuntouchable - 1 - Pickle Rick

Pickle Rick - 1 - MWil23

Glen - 1 - swoosh

JoshstraDaymus - 1 - Whicker

Blue - 1 - MD4L


Yet to vote: Nazgul, theuntouchable, bigbadbuff, Glen, The Orca, Tk3, SirA1, Blue, Shinigami C


On 1/19/2021 at 7:18 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

"Friends," Lind L. Tailor pleads, "I will not rest, I will not stop until Daboyle is tried and punished for his crimes!"

Shinigami A seems to disagree, pointing towards Matts4313.


Matts4313 - 6 - Daboyle, Counselor, SwAg, JoshstraDaymus, bigbadbuff, Shinigami A

Shinigami A - 4 - squire12, Daniel, Matts4313, Blue

Glen - 4 - swoosh, Malfatron, MWil23, Forge

Daniel - 3 - bcb1213, kingseanjohn, Shinigami B

Counselor - 1 - Shinigami D

Forge - 1 - gopherwrestler

theuntouchable - 1 - Pickle Rick

JoshstraDaymus - 1 - Whicker

Blue - 1  - MD4L

Daboyle - 1 - Lind L. Tailor

gopherwrestler - 1 - Tk3

Yet to vote: @Nazgul, @theuntouchable, @Glen, @The Orca, @SirA1, Shinigami C

45 minutes left in the day!


On 1/20/2021 at 9:22 AM, TheKillerNacho said:


Matts4313 - 3 - The Orca, Shinigami B, Malfatron

Malfatron - 3 - MD4L, squire12, Matts4313

bcb1213 - 2 - Forge, SwAg

Daboyle - 1 - Lind L. Tailor

Blue - 1 - theuntouchable


Yet to vote: JoshstraDaymus, Nazgul, Daboyle, Whicker, MWil23, Daniel, bigbadbuff, swoosh, bcb1213, kingseanjohn, Tk3, SirA1, gopherwrestler, Blue, Counselor, Pickle Rick, Shinigami A, Shinigami C, Shinigami D


On 1/20/2021 at 4:37 PM, swoosh said:

Matts in the lead again? Hmm. 

I know I was wrong about Glen, but I'm much more inclined to go another with another inactive. By all looks of it, it's going to be a long game. 

Daboyle. This Lind guy has good taste. 


On 1/20/2021 at 7:32 PM, Tk3 said:

seems like Lind L. Tailor only votes for Daboyle

Can anyone confirm this? he voted for boyle both nights

any theories?


On 1/21/2021 at 9:25 AM, TheKillerNacho said:


theuntouchable - 4 - Pickle Rick, Malfatron, MD4L, Daniel

Forge - 3 - swoosh, Lind L. Tailor, gopherwrestler

Malfatron - 2 - Shinigami A, squire12

Tk3 - 1 - Whicker

gopherwrestler - 1 - MWil23


On 1/21/2021 at 10:22 AM, TheKillerNacho said:


theuntouchable - 5 - Pickle Rick, Malfatron, MD4L, Daniel, Lind L. Tailor

Forge - 2 - swoosh, gopherwrestler

Malfatron - 2 - Shinigami A, squire12

Tk3 - 1 - Whicker

Counselor - 1 - MWil23


On 1/21/2021 at 4:55 PM, TheKillerNacho said:


theuntouchable - 5 - Pickle Rick, Malfatron, MD4L, Daniel, Shinigami C

Daniel - 3 - theuntouchable, swoosh, Counselor

Counselor - 3 - Forge, Shinigami D, Shinigami A

Tk3 - 3 - squire12, Whicker, MWil23

Forge - 2 - gopherwrestler, Lind L. Tailor

Nazgul - 1 - bcb1213

bigbadbuff - 1 - Daboyle


Yet to vote: Nazgul, bigbadbuff, Tk3, SirA1


On 1/21/2021 at 6:20 PM, TheKillerNacho said:


theuntouchable - 5 - Malfatron, MD4L, Daniel, Shinigami C, Pickle Rick

Tk3 - 3 - squire12, Whicker, MWil23

Daniel - 2 - theuntouchable, Counselor

Counselor - 2 - Shinigami D, Shinigami A

bigbadbuff - 2 - Daboyle, Lind L. Tailor

bcb1213 - 2 - swoosh, Forge

Forge - 1 - gopherwrestler

Nazgul - 1 - bcb1213


Yet to vote: @Nazgul, @bigbadbuff, @Tk3, @SirA1

100 minutes left to go!


On 1/21/2021 at 7:38 PM, TheKillerNacho said:


Daniel - 8 - theuntouchable, Counselor, Malfatron, Forge, MD4L, swoosh, Whicker, bigbadbuff

Tk3 - 5 - squire12, MWil23, SirA1, bcb1213, Shinigami A

theuntouchable - 5 - Daniel, Shinigami C, Pickle Rick, Lind L. Tailor, Shinigami D

Whicker - 1 - Tk3

bigbadbuff - 1 - Daboyle

Forge - 1 - gopherwrestler


Yet to vote: @Nazgul

20 minutes left to go!


52 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@squire12 I forgot about Lind being a game mechanic. We still need to check his votes

@MWil23this is what I came up with

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