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Death Note Mafia - TKN Edition (Kira and Sakura TV wins!)


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21 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I am saying that for the deathnote to be used, the bearer of the book needs to know both the persons name and character (or a similar mechanic). On any given night, the note-bearer most likely has the option of using the shingami eyes to investigate someone *OR* writing a name and character down in hopes of killing someone.

Hence, if someone (me) were to soft L all day, there is potential that a note-bearer wrote down "Matts is L, kill him" in their book last night and it failed. It was worth a shot, anyways.

Its sad that I have to spell all this out. @Malfatron knew exactly what I was doing. Hence why him playing dumb is one more scum tell. 

Malf also knew the "connecting dots" between A=Apple and A=Ryuk is the fact that RYUK EATS APPLES THE ENTIRE SHOW! He 100% understood the reference, hell we joked about it in his game when I kept posting apple gifs. 


Malf is scum. I am very confident in this. 


PS- Malfs next move is the classic "Matts is wrong but I believe he thinks he is right" schtick. Oh wait, hes going to have to pull something new. Lets see what he comes up with!


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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I already explained myself.

My Bad Swaggy poo. Which one of these is you explaining yourself?

58 minutes ago, SwAg said:

So, am I getting that there is no appetite to lynch matts, who is obviously scum?


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

And yeah, I don’t recall you really asking me any questions other than “you gonna start playing??”


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

Lmao, how do you reconcile this with your “Town Hunt Mafia,” and “Mafia Hunt Others.”


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

Matts, do you think there is a single threat in this game made by Nacho?


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

Malfatron’s Death Note Mafia as a reference point on flavor is likely all you need to answer that, even if the Wiki would be better.


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

What were the other four?


2 hours ago, SwAg said:



2 hours ago, SwAg said:

You can kinda have a sense of where this game is at based on past Nacho games, and matts “Town Hunt Mafia, Mafia Hunt Others” trope was more telling than he thought.


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

I mean, it’s pretty clearly matts.


3 hours ago, SwAg said:


I will wait for you to dumb it down for the rest of us. Because from my POV, you havent explained jacksheet. 

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Matts4313 - 5 - The Orca, Shinigami B, Malfatron, SwAg, Daniel

Malfatron - 2 - squire12, Matts4313

bcb1213 - 2 - Blue, Whicker

Blue - 1 - theuntouchable

The Orca - 1 - MWil23

bcb1213 - 1 - Forge

Daboyle - 1 - Lind L. Tailor

MWil23 - 1 - Shinigami A

theuntouchable - 1 - Pickle Rick


Yet to vote: JoshstraDaymus, Nazgul, Daboyle, bigbadbuff, swoosh, bcb1213, kingseanjohn, Tk3, SirA1, gopherwrestler, Counselor, Shinigami C, Shinigami D, MD4L

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