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Stafford traded to the Rams for Goff, multiple FRPs


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3 minutes ago, El Ramster said:

Honestly guys I’m just gonna MIB myself tonight.. When we take the field and I see Goff has aged 7 Years and changed his number! I’ll feel much better. Nothing heals pain like wins do. Hope we get a lot wins, Tuddies and more Tendies. 

I hope you start 0-6 and trade Ramsey to the Eagles.

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2 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

Stafford is a slightly better than Goff. Its a upgrade, but it's not a 2 first round pick + some type of upgrade.

The Rams upgraded, but it's like they paid the cost of a wagyu tomahawk steak when they are only receiving a new york strip.

Its better....... but you overpaid.

I’d compare it getting a tenderloin  paired with a fine vintage cab (that D), fingerling potatoes & sautéed Cremini mushrooms (the weapons) - instead of the flank steak that was sold as New York.    Whether it’s good enough to win the SB (or go deep enough into playoffs to devalue both picks) will tell the tale, but this is a major QB upgrade imo for LAR.  

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6 minutes ago, 49erurtaza said:

If you look in the Niners forum I think they actually can. I wanted stafford for the Niners so badly. He's super under valued and in a elite coach offense he can get Stafford as a top 5 qb. Add that onto the rams they would be as good as the Packers. But yes there line is 25 the rank in the leagues but I expect this team offense to take the next step or even two and having a actual down the field Passing game to add to McVay tool pocket can be covered alot of problems with the online. Maybe actually dont think someone's trolling when I wasn't. 

If you actually believe they can, then replying to another poster who is (unreasonably so, in my opinion, but it is what it is) emotional intimating the opposite (you did it, your post is plain as day for everyone to read your words) is textbook trolling - you were trying to agitate him further and little more.

The Rams need to repair their interior OL.  Now, you're clearly not getting top-end IOL in FA without outlaying serious coin, but anyone who wants to claim that quality staring IOL cant't be had on Days 2 and 3 of the draft hasn't been paying attention the last several years.  

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6 minutes ago, Mr Bad Example said:

Most numbers I've seen show that even if your run game sucks, play action works. Maybe not as well as if you're, say, the Raven or Titans, but still has a noticeable effect. 


Fair and the comment was somewhat in jest - but that’s also dependent on game script - play action when you are down 2+ scores is far less effective and raises the risk of sacks / negative plays.   Especially combined with bad OL play.  A situation DET found itself in a lot. 

Edited by Broncofan
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4 minutes ago, ET80 said:

We need a wildcard.

@ramssuperbowl99 is the brains, I'm the looks... We need a wildcard.


What are we doing this time? Are we giving Sean McVay an intervention? True Life: I'm Addicted to Trading First Round Picks.

I'm picturing @jrry32 reading off a notes app. "Sean, your addiction has hurt me in the following ways..."

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4 minutes ago, Turnobili said:

i remember when i decided to stop doing damage control for questionable raiders transactions. huge monkey off my back.

That you want to call realism "damage control" tells me all I need to know about you as a poster.  Have a nice night.

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