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FF Big Brother 9: Swoosh wins!!


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57 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

I’m sorry that I haven’t made enough posts for your liking, as all I look for as your effing approval.

You’re a dunce.

That’s the spirit!

Show a little bit of that earlier and we wouldn’t be here now.

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Let’s be honest here, Josh...

Daboyle would have likely done the same thing.

Everyone would have except for ET, who would have nominated Orca and probably you.  Or you and Dwight/Gopher in order to back door Orca.

There was a limited number of nominations, which is why @Daboyle threw this competition.

You’re either going up against Orca, whom he’s working with, or you’re upsetting the Shady gang.

I’m not going to do a former Jeff like that, so that eliminated Shady and Ted.

I’m tied to Dwight due to Jason, so I wasn’t making an enemy out of him.

So that leaves you and Gopher.  If Daboyle hadn’t thrown the HOH, it’s still you and Gopher.  Or you and Dwight.  Worst case scenario it’s Dwight and Gopher and one of them comes off the block, which puts you up.

So let’s not act like you weren’t nominated the second your team lost that first challenge.  

And Daboyle, come on... The only reason I decided to try was because I figured you’d probably throw it.  Just admit it.  ET and Jason are your targets due to what they did to Pickle.

Only I’m capable of saying Mini Cola, Mini Soda, Mini Can 10,000 times and not putting together Minnesota.  Only I’m capable of looking up 10,000 synonyms for quarters and knowing it’s “My Mind,” by not being able to get change.

Like why are we all pretending?  We all know what’s going on here.

Edited by Outpost31
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32 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Let’s be honest here, Josh...

Daboyle would have likely done the same thing.

Everyone would have except for ET, who would have nominated Orca and probably you.  Or you and Dwight/Gopher in order to back door Orca.

There was a limited number of nominations, which is why @Daboyle threw this competition.

You’re either going up against Orca, whom he’s working with, or you’re upsetting the Shady gang.

I’m not going to do a former Jeff like that, so that eliminated Shady and Ted.

I’m tied to Dwight due to Jason, so I wasn’t making an enemy out of him.

So that leaves you and Gopher.  If Daboyle hadn’t thrown the HOH, it’s still you and Gopher.  Or you and Dwight.  Worst case scenario it’s Dwight and Gopher and one of them comes off the block, which puts you up.

So let’s not act like you weren’t nominated the second your team lost that first challenge.  

And Daboyle, come on... The only reason I decided to try was because I figured you’d probably throw it.  Just admit it.  ET and Jason are your targets due to what they did to Pickle.

Only I’m capable of saying Mini Cola, Mini Soda, Mini Can 10,000 times and not putting together Minnesota.  Only I’m capable of looking up 10,000 synonyms for quarters and knowing it’s “My Mind,” by not being able to get change.

Like why are we all pretending?  We all know what’s going on here.

I’m deceased. I’m actually dead. You’re out here yelling into the abyss. You hate to see it.

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5 hours ago, Malfatron said:

VETO 7: Monster Melee

No working with anyone on this!

Deadline: Monday 7 pm cst

Veto players:








The Game:

First pick your monster, and then pick your strategy (described below)


The Monsters


The Thing - Has a 5% chance to assimilate its target on each turn.  If it assimilates its target, that target is OUT of the challenge, but keeps fighting for The Thing.  Has a very low health, but its hiding (dodge) ability is unparalleled.  Assimilation is also contingent on a SUCCESSFUL attack.  If the player dodges, it is not an assimilation

Health - 5
Attack - 2
Aim - 3
Dodge - 6
Defense - 5
Speed - 2


Godzilla - Has a 15% chance to apply a finishing move to its target.  Each time it is Godzilla’s turn, there is a roll to see if it has a finishing move.  If it gets the finishing move, its attack goes to 10.  

Health - 11
Attack - 4 
Aim - 4 
Dodge - 1 
Defense - 6
Speed - 0


Gremlin - Has a 20% chance to have water spilled  on it or get fed after midnight (just one roll).  If it’s a 20% hit, it multiples and attacks every remaining player. 

Health - 9
Attack - 2
Aim - 2
Dodge - 5
Defense - 2
Speed - 5


Predator - Is invisible until spotted, and takes 2 points away from whomever kills it.  If it is killed in the final two and the player who kills it dies from the explosion, both players start over with 1 HP each.  It takes a roll of 70% to find the Predator and destroy the invisibility mechanism before an attack attempt. The predator cannot be targeted before that.

Health - 9
Attack - 4
Aim - 3
Dodge - 4
Defense - 2
Speed - 2


Graboid - Tough to find and hit.  Low health.  Precise aim.  Very fast.  

Health - 7
Attack - 5
Aim - 5
Dodge - 4
Defense - 1
Speed - 4


Raptor - Clever girls.  Very fast.  

Health - 11
Attack - 3
Aim - 1
Dodge - 4
Defense - 2
Speed - 7


The Entity (from It Follows) - No strategy to decide. Will always attack the last target who screwed ("killed") another player. Otherwise attacks randomly.

Health - 11
Attack - 3
Aim - 3
Dodge - 3
Defense - 3
Speed - 2


Tar Man (from Return of the Living Dead) - Gains 5 HP for successful kill it makes(eats brains).

Health - 11
Attack - 3
Aim - 3
Dodge - 2
Defense - 2
Speed - 3



This is where you'll tell your monster as to which OTHER monsters it will attack.
The publicly available information for your monster to make choices about are:

* Stats (Attack, Aim, Dodge, Speed, Defense, etc)
* The monster's current HP,
* the attacks made by the monsters earlier in the round or in the previous round

* hierarchy of monsters to attack
*any other discrete information you can think of.

You will basically choosing which robots to attack based on certain information about the robots. You CANNOT decide to attack based on the monster's owners. Your program will ALWAYS attack Alive monsters, so you don't need to program that part. You monster will never attack itself, so you don't need to worry about that either.




HP falls as the battle royale goes on. If reduced to zero then you're eliminated.

This is the amount of damage that can be done on a successful hit.

The higher it is then the greater the chance of scoring a hit.
This will be compared with your opponent's Dodge.

For each point higher than or equal to your opponent's aim, there will be an additional 10% chance that your opponent will miss.
(For instance, if your opponent's aim is 3, and your dodge is 5, there's an 80% chance your opponent will hit).
(if your opponent's aim is 3 and your dodge is 3, there's a 90% chance your opponent will hit)
(If your opponent's aim is 4 and your dodge is 3, there's a 100% chance your opponent will hit).

Reduces the impact of being hit by the value you select. It can not reduce something to less than one.

The higher one's speed the earlier in the turn order they get to attack.
The player(s) (if any) who have the highest speed in the round have a 70% chance to get an extra attack at the end of the round


Just need monsters and strategies from

@JoshstraDaymus @jasonwbantle @ET80 @gopherwrestler

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4 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Let’s be honest here, Josh...

Daboyle would have likely done the same thing.

Everyone would have except for ET, who would have nominated Orca and probably you.  Or you and Dwight/Gopher in order to back door Orca.

There was a limited number of nominations, which is why @Daboyle threw this competition.

You’re either going up against Orca, whom he’s working with, or you’re upsetting the Shady gang.

I’m not going to do a former Jeff like that, so that eliminated Shady and Ted.

I’m tied to Dwight due to Jason, so I wasn’t making an enemy out of him.

So that leaves you and Gopher.  If Daboyle hadn’t thrown the HOH, it’s still you and Gopher.  Or you and Dwight.  Worst case scenario it’s Dwight and Gopher and one of them comes off the block, which puts you up.

So let’s not act like you weren’t nominated the second your team lost that first challenge.  

And Daboyle, come on... The only reason I decided to try was because I figured you’d probably throw it.  Just admit it.  ET and Jason are your targets due to what they did to Pickle.

Only I’m capable of saying Mini Cola, Mini Soda, Mini Can 10,000 times and not putting together Minnesota.  Only I’m capable of looking up 10,000 synonyms for quarters and knowing it’s “My Mind,” by not being able to get change.

Like why are we all pretending?  We all know what’s going on here.

Daboyle is with the twins? Uh oh. I didn’t know. He must hate me

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