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On 6/13/2024 at 7:57 PM, D82 said:

After wondering if I've had it for a long time, I finally (at 34) got diagnosed with ADHD. Honestly explains so much. 

Hoping once I'm on meds I'll start to notice a vast improvement in my mood and other areas of life. 

I did not have ADHD, but you are only two years younger than me, and were raised in an era where it was “why can’t you just be normal?” And viewing anything psychologically wrong with someone as a huge scarlet letter.  

I’m actually glad I was primarily raised by my father’s parents, because I seem to have avoided much of that trap.  While I love my mother, and only spent weekends and some summer weeks with her, I likely would have turned out different……and not for the better.  

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On 6/14/2024 at 11:30 AM, Sugashane said:

First, congratulations on your degree. Dropping out of high school then being able to still achieve that is an awesome turnaround.

But don't think you can't do more if you have a goal. I finished my MBA in 2021 and just started my doctorate this Jan. It's a significant pain in the *** but for what I want it is worth it. A lot of programs are now able to be paced more evenly for working adults so if you want to continue to be qualified for a dream job then keep going.

I attempted to get my degree again- I think I posted a back to school thread here actually- but I just couldn’t get wrapped around the algebra math stuff.  I struggled to get through it in high school, and it just looked like gibberish to me when I took it again.  

If you took the math pre-requisites out, I might actually have a masters at this point.  I love learning, especially as it pertains to leadership, but that math thing……….it is just a mental block.  I’m also at the point where, in my field, the degree doesn’t mean much as experience is the main thing, but I’d still like to do it to say I did it.  

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On 6/15/2024 at 4:39 PM, beekay414 said:

Just got back from vacation and I realize now that I'm not one for the touristy type. Just give me my cabin with a fire pit, good beer, good scenery, good food and some edibles and I'm good to go. 

110% me, we just got back from our honeymoon at a creek/lake cabin in the Pocono mountains, we had 14 acres to ourselves.  Aside from all of our stuff smelling like the fireplace (which we take less stuff next time) we had a blast and just enjoyed being off the grid.  Went out to eat at one place a couple times, had some leftovers from all of the food we had, and it was a super enjoyable time.  

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10 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

You can look into just about every company and find something that you disagree with too.  Way too many people try to find their own echo chamber.  A popular company that I am very ambivalent on (but they have a good product) is one I will always respect for allowing matching charitable contributions, even though they will donate to causes that I do not agree with and would not fund personally.  A large company that does that is solid in my book.  

I don’t understand the whole echo chamber thing because that isn’t how I grew up and was raised, but I guess in the world we live in now, it’s what’s popular.  

Eh, I think all large companies are intrinsically bad. They will always be as bad as the world allows them to be because of their fiduciary responsibilities. It's more just people being aware of that and keeping that concept in the back of their minds whenever they try to make a value judgement on companies (and the like).

But yeah, trying to limit your consumption to ONLY good people and entities is borderline impossible. Do your best to make the best decisions for you where you can for sure, but otherwise, just keep yourself happy and your life moving. We're all football fans here, and most of these teams are owned by billionaires. None of these guys are solving the homelessness crisis, and if they bought the team recently, it is because they have such an obscene excess of wealth that they can spend billions (or leverage their wealth to borrow billions) on a game. It's best to ignore that fact and just enjoy the game.

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On 6/16/2024 at 12:10 AM, thrILL! said:

I don’t know when this trend started but I hate how companies now put tags on the inside of t-shirts just above your left hip instead of the back collar. 

A few years ago I started buying my shirts fresh off the Walmart or target shelf.. they don't have tags, just the info screen printed inside the shirt. Super cheap, $5-$10 each, just as comfortable, and who cares if they get a stain or hole because they are so cheap. Plain *** colors with no logos or designs but who needs em

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As a kid I never liked the green marshmallow thing (watergate salad) that was always at family gatherings like Thanksgiving but I've thought about it quite a bit recently because I thought I'd like it now as an adult. At my parents hous yesterday for Father's day and my mom made it. It was delicious, just another thing I was wrong about as a kid.

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23 hours ago, skywindO2 said:

Happy Juneteenth! 


My great-grandfather owned a very large fishing/oyster/ice business along the Chesapeake Bay in the early 1900’s.  He ceded some of his land to the people who worked for him and built houses for them, and some of that land is still owned by the descendants who worked for him.  But yes, a majority of people still treated slaves as such, and many jobs were still not open to them for a very, very long time, as well as things like educations and landownership.  

My grandmother was going to be the principal of a new elementary school in the area, the building was in the same place as our family business.  She was the first school to desegregate in the county, and I am not sure, but maybe even in the state, because she was not going to send kids 15 minutes down the road on a bus, when they could walk around the block to school.  

But from my memories of high school, this was not something that is taught, and the average person probably has no idea what neoslavery was/is/means.  

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I feel like my internet service provider just tried to strong arm me into upgrading my service. I have regular old cable internet.. yesterday the power went out and when it came back, no internet. Powercycled the modem and no dice, so today I got on the websites tech support chat to fix the problem.. after about an hour of them "running scans" or whatever, it still didn't work. They said the modem needs replaced & they would ship a new one. Now, this entire time they tried pushing me to upgrade to a new modem, only an extra $15/month! I declined. They do not have an office anywhere near me & said the new modem has to be shipped. I told them to kick rocks & I'm going to the Verizon store to switch. I left the chat and then tried one more power cycle, miraculously my service is back up and running better than ever!

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28 minutes ago, adamq said:

I feel like my internet service provider just tried to strong arm me into upgrading my service. I have regular old cable internet.. yesterday the power went out and when it came back, no internet. Powercycled the modem and no dice, so today I got on the websites tech support chat to fix the problem.. after about an hour of them "running scans" or whatever, it still didn't work. They said the modem needs replaced & they would ship a new one. Now, this entire time they tried pushing me to upgrade to a new modem, only an extra $15/month! I declined. They do not have an office anywhere near me & said the new modem has to be shipped. I told them to kick rocks & I'm going to the Verizon store to switch. I left the chat and then tried one more power cycle, miraculously my service is back up and running better than ever!

If you have 2 internet providers available to you at your house, there is no reason to re-negotiate every 3 or 4 years. They're gonna try to up your service price anyway after that rate lock runs out. By 're-negotiate', I mean either just straight up switch (because the other company will always offer you a better rate), or threaten to switch and your current provider will almost miraculously be able to knock a few bucks off your bill and give a piece of upgraded hardware or something.

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On 6/14/2024 at 9:10 AM, Sugashane said:

My son has a bad case of ADHD and my oldest daughter has a smaller issue with hers. Youngest seems to have none thankfully. But my son was nicknamed Taz growing up and struggled BAD in pre-K, K, and most of 1st grade. I didn't want to put him on anything but knew he was a major issue for others in class and we eventually went and he was diagnosed. They put him on Vyvanse and it was almost within the hour the kid was just at ease. The "homework" we did use to cause fits and he just couldn't get the math down, he use to cry and fight because he couldn't do it. All of a sudden he could keep the numbers straight and kid is a math whiz at 13. Already doing the same math I was doing in high school, and my daughter's reading comprehension scores skyrocketed. 

I know it is overprescribed at times but I am a 100% believer in treating actual ADHD whenever possible. My kids have a quality of life they would have zero chance of without these meds. Hopefully it offers some of the same boosts for you too. 


Like Jimmy Neutron, I always thought you were a high functioning psychopath. lol 


I kind of approach it from the other end of things.  Where i'm probably a case of ADHD though it's entangled with an Anxiety thing that was also never diagnosed.  I've got a lot of hallmarks of it, but at the same time...i'm glad i never got put on medications.

Not really sure if it's just because i got "lucky" with parents who were weirdly specialized to deal with it, as a Psychologist and a Teacher specializing in basically special needs children.  But i was also always missing the "disruptive" element of it all.  I was actually a pretty overly shy but high achieving student early.  But it started to come out later where i really struggled with exactly the sort of stuff it sounds like your kid was.  I still have a lot of the weird ADHD features.  The change of state transition stuff, the hyperfocus, and obviously the distraction issue in starting tasks still plague me.  I have to be super aware of them.  And i'm bad at it.  lol.  But still accumulated all sorts of educational letters after my name and found a spot that mostly works for me.  Just day to day struggle sometimes with...moving on with my day.

So i'm a big proponent of "struggle through it".  As a "survivor" or whatever i guess.  But at the same time...it sounds like the situation was very different there.  Where medical intervention might be necessary and sounds like it's having hugely positive results.  So...pretty hard to argue with Wins.

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On 6/22/2024 at 11:26 AM, Tugboat said:

So i'm a big proponent of "struggle through it".  As a "survivor" or whatever i guess.  But at the same time...it sounds like the situation was very different there.  Where medical intervention might be necessary and sounds like it's having hugely positive results.  So...pretty hard to argue with Wins.

My wife works in Healthcare and her pet peeve is this trend of adults seeking out autism or ADHD or OCD or similar diagnoses. She says she sees it a lot on social media. Apparently, by rule, if whatever you think you have doesn't impact your day to day life, you're not supposed to be diagnosed. It sounds like that definitely wasn't the case of D80 and he should have gotten diagnosed as a kid, but that sounds similar to what you're saying. If you can "struggle through it", you shouldn't be diagnosed with anything. 

Like, leaving the house and worrying you left the oven on is a normal thing that happens. If it happens to you every time you leave the house and you have to perform a ritual of opening and closing the oven 3 times before you can even leave, then yeah, you probably need an OCD diagnosis and appropriate treatment. If you're awkward in social situations, welcome to the club of being human, you don't have autism. If you are unable to make friends with coworkers because you can't understand any social cues at all, then yeah, you may have a form of autism and a diagnosis could certainly help you. 

There seems to recently be a big wave of adults seeking out diagnoses for things that don't really impact their lives. Maybe this has always been the case though and we only hear about it more because of social media.

My 2 cents, I think the general populace anxiety level is probably close to an all-time high and people are looking for anything to make them feel better and more at ease. Being told by a Healthcare professional "here is exactly what you have, it explains XYZ, now here is a treatment, and you now have a community of others you can join that will be able to relate to you" definitely would ease the mind of a regular person at least a little bit. So I could see why it's happening a lot more lately. Maybe that's actually good? I don't know. 

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