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orlando magoc thread: franzchero era


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Lol @ all the people whining about the Bamba pick because we don’t have any scoring...how do people not see this is all about getting a franchise cornerstone and not winning now? It’s not like we’re gonna go out and compete for the East this year if we added a scorer in the draft. I’m so glad the FO drafted BPA and not need. That’s the worst mistake you can make. Like I said I wouldn’t mind adding IT to the roster to atleast keep it interesting. At the very least it would be funny to watch him not be able to guard anything but then have Bamba Isaac and Gordon show off their athleticism and provide the necessary help lol

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1 minute ago, flyingmonkey30 said:

What could the Mavs offer to take Vuc off your hands?






We really need a playmaker and/or point guard. I don't think you guys have anybody you'd be willing to give up that we'd be interested in. The only thing that's intriguing are Doncic, DSJ and future 1sts but that's all dumb to give up during a rebuild for someone like Vuc. You guys should tank it up again for 2019 and resign Noel to a cheap deal. Let Doncic and DSJ facilitate and develop while Barnes/Matthews/Dirk give you spot scoring and Noel patrols the paint. Take the BPA in the 2019 draft and try to sign a big time FA to pair with Doncic/DSJ/2019 1st with the 27 mil coming off the books from Matthews, Dirk, and JJ. If you can't sign a big time FA next offseason keep building through the draft and don't dish out any crazy contracts like you guys did for Matthews and Barnes. Just my opinion

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3 hours ago, flyingmonkey30 said:

What could the Mavs offer to take Vuc off your hands?

Don't think it takes much to get him tbh.  The Mavs aren't dealing DSJ for him, and the Mavs' don't really have any notable assets.  Maybe Dallas swaps Wes Matthews for him, but not sure what kind of incentive they could/would add.

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