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Walking Dead season 8 (no comic stuff)


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57 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

Yeah. I kinda liked it. There wasn't as much Carl love as I anticipated.

Agreed and this is what was the kicker for me. They did a great job splitting it up between that plot and the other subplots quite nicely. Something this show has absolutely struggled w/ in the past.

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4 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

Agreed and this is what was the kicker for me. They did a great job splitting it up between that plot and the other subplots quite nicely. Something this show has absolutely struggled w/ in the past.

The commercials made it look like it was gonna be a 90 minute Carl suckfest. And that's pretty much what I expected. I was pleasantly surprised.

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Glad to see Carl gone tbh, as long as they don't turn around and start giving other kids airtime - oh wait.


Just when we thought Morgan couldn't get more ridiculous as a character, they're really going all-in on the tacti-kewl commando thing huh (except when he misses the blond boy ninja sneak behind his prize).

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4 hours ago, cddolphin said:

Glad to see Carl gone tbh, as long as they don't turn around and start giving other kids airtime - oh wait.


Just when we thought Morgan couldn't get more ridiculous as a character, they're really going all-in on the tacti-kewl commando thing huh (except when he misses the blond boy ninja sneak behind his prize).

I liked Morgan's change.

Better than Jesus and Ezekial questioning the morality of everything.

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30 minutes ago, MathMan said:

Better than Jesus and Ezekial questioning the morality of everything.

At least they're somewhat consistent.. Morgan has swung from sadistic torturer to reformed non-violent philosopher back to Human Weapon, it's just stale to me. Maybe it's the actor because Carol is kind of the same way but it's executed better.

I just want more Negan.

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