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Walking Dead season 8 (no comic stuff)


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Loved the Eugene double cross and the acting behind it. Angry and tense all episode, making it look like he wanted a piece of Ricks group. But really he was just trying to hold his s*** together. Then switching back to his old mold when ganged up on for a moment. Great job filming and acting it out.


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5 hours ago, buddy_z34 said:

Ive been waiting for his double cross. To me it was fairly obvious he would turn on Negan.

Not to me. Eugene has always stated he knows how to do nothing except calculate the best odds to survive then do what he has to do in order to achieve it. He proved that earlier by lying to literally everyone about knowing a cure so they'd protect him, which is very grimy. If he truly thought the Saviors were his best chance at survival (keeping in mind his only thing he's good at), I figured he'd take that chance. His attitude towards Gabriel further emphasized he was really a part of them. I thought they did that part really well unlike the molitov cocktails which exploded much like mini-nukes. Granted, I've never tossed one or even attempted to make one but my guess is this wouldn't happen.

I would've considered the episode a total waste if it weren't for this double cross and also the very end w/ the exchanges between Maggie and Co. REALLY surprised to see Daryl in the room. We could expect that from the other two but him was a surprise.

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31 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

Not to me. Eugene has always stated he knows how to do nothing except calculate the best odds to survive then do what he has to do in order to achieve it. He proved that earlier by lying to literally everyone about knowing a cure so they'd protect him, which is very grimy. If he truly thought the Saviors were his best chance at survival (keeping in mind his only thing he's good at), I figured he'd take that chance. His attitude towards Gabriel further emphasized he was really a part of them. I thought they did that part really well unlike the molitov cocktails which exploded much like mini-nukes. Granted, I've never tossed one or even attempted to make one but my guess is this wouldn't happen.

I would've considered the episode a total waste if it weren't for this double cross and also the very end w/ the exchanges between Maggie and Co. REALLY surprised to see Daryl in the room. We could expect that from the other two but him was a surprise.

Remember Daryl and Rick had the fight after they secured some guns from one of the outposts.  They have had a few instances where they have not seen eye to eye in the last few episodes/season+.    Interested to see where Dwight ends up.  Certainly seems like he will resurface at some point down the line as his role seemed to grow and with him not being killed off, he  will resurface.  Maybe part of the a new group or at some point comes in and saves a few key people and re-deems himself.

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9 hours ago, JTagg7754 said:

Not to me. Eugene has always stated he knows how to do nothing except calculate the best odds to survive then do what he has to do in order to achieve it. He proved that earlier by lying to literally everyone about knowing a cure so they'd protect him, which is very grimy. If he truly thought the Saviors were his best chance at survival (keeping in mind his only thing he's good at), I figured he'd take that chance. His attitude towards Gabriel further emphasized he was really a part of them. I thought they did that part really well unlike the molitov cocktails which exploded much like mini-nukes. Granted, I've never tossed one or even attempted to make one but my guess is this wouldn't happen.

I would've considered the episode a total waste if it weren't for this double cross and also the very end w/ the exchanges between Maggie and Co. REALLY surprised to see Daryl in the room. We could expect that from the other two but him was a surprise.

I have no way of explaining it. Intuition i guess. 

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16 hours ago, squire12 said:

Remember Daryl and Rick had the fight after they secured some guns from one of the outposts.  They have had a few instances where they have not seen eye to eye in the last few episodes/season+.    Interested to see where Dwight ends up.  Certainly seems like he will resurface at some point down the line as his role seemed to grow and with him not being killed off, he  will resurface.  Maybe part of the a new group or at some point comes in and saves a few key people and re-deems himself.

Very valid point about their fight earlier this season. Forgot about that. Agreed we haven't seen the last of Dwight either.

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My thoughts:


I was happy with the season finale. It wasn't amazing, but I had no major problems with it. Seems like it stayed true to the comics. And Negan is too interesting of a character to just kill off. I love the idea of him being locked in a cage. If people aren't pissed that he's still alive, the show would make less sense.

I also think people are overblowing the whole Darryl & Maggie vs. Rick thing. They aren't going to go to freaking war...they are just going to try and kill Negan when they get a chance. I don't think it ends in some kind of blood feud between the group. Sure they'll be at odds over it, but I don't expect there to be any major repercussions where it turns into Rick vs. Darryl or anything crazy like that.


I am kind of excited the climax of Rick vs. Negan has ended--at least temporarily. The plot can move forward now without being so dependant on that one story (that dragged on too long). I understand why they let the Rick vs. Negan thing play out for so long, but there were too many nonsense encounters where nothing really happened. Everyone knew Rick wouldn't kill Negan in episode 4, 5, 6. The big confrontation was going to happen in a season finale, which killed the suspense of every other episode.

For all of the haters, I'm just curious how you would have booked the show. Would you have had Negan killed or captured much earlier? Kill him off? What would you have done with an extremely popular character that was holding the plot hostage? People would be mad if Negan was out of power after a few episodes.

I would have had less confrontations. It made Rick look like a moron when Negan kept playing Boris The Bullet-Dodger against his attempts. Rick's speech to Negan when he's in his crosshairs made me want to punch a baby. Even Carl last season...he's got an assault rifle and Negan appears. Why don't you just shoot him? And furthermore, why is Negan so confident that he won't be shot in those situations? They could have avoided a lot of these problems by just keeping Negan away from danger. Or making Rick and his people helpless for longer.

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On 4/16/2018 at 6:46 PM, Chinaski_86 said:

Slits his throat and then orders to save him. Makes total sense.

Gabriel made jumping out of a driving car look so easy. 

Part of cutting through just the outer layers of the epidermis (trying to justify the action.....failing miserably) was maybe just so Rick could "prove" that he could do that exact thing at that exact time, if he wished to do so.

Just spitballing there, so I could be completely off base.

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A few thoughts:

1.  Throat slitting - a fair amount of failed throat slits happen, so it's quite plausible.   It was also couched in the guise of Rick disabling Negan, who did have Lucille on him.   I'm not crazy on this arc taking this long, to have that ending, but the actual failed throat-slit is actually very plausible.

2.   Maggie/Darryl/Jesus - TBH, the guy who strikes me as a stretch to be in that 3-some against saving Negan is Jesus.  He was all non-violence even to this ep - and now he thinks saving Negan is the wrong call?  Awful, awful writing there.

3.   Eugene - man, he's such a time-waster IMO.   The twist was OK, but frankly, we've spent way too much time on him.   The whole Negan arc should have been 1 season, not this drawn-out, 2-season mess - and cutting down on character time on Eugene would have been one easy to way to help get there.  Oh well. 

It's not that Rick & Michonne decided to spare Negan, or to spare the remaining Saviors - I could see that angle.   My problem with TWD is that they've just drawn to a complete standstill out of real story progression the last 2 years.   And that's strictly a function of trying to string out the Saviors & Negan for 2 full seasons.  It's turned Rick into a tired trope, and it's left many characters we used to care deeply about so much in a holding pattern development-wise that the show doesn't come off as must-see TV anymore.  

I get there's only so much material you can stretch out - but stretching out this arc for Season 7-8 could very well be the epitath to TWD.   If there isn't a major resurrection to make the characters interesting again...well, damn.  I've invested too much into the series to turn back when it comes on next year, but it could be the last season for TWD if the writers can't turn around the malaise that S7-8 experienced.

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