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the Jaguars should fire Urban Meyer immediately


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2 hours ago, Apparition said:

The character of what's being said is important. They all point to him not really having a grasp of how coaching grown men at the pro level differs from coaching college kids.

Other than hearing some sound bites from the usual ESPN talking heads who don't do any real research either, how much information do you have on the subject to make this evaluation?

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3 hours ago, Blue said:


Nobody is calling for Saleh to be fired because A) he's never been a head coach before and B) he has less control over the roster than Meyer does.

That said, I agree with everybody saying 3 games is way too early to talk about firing a first-year head coach. But I do want to know: what exactly do you expect Urban Meyer to learn and improve on?  This is not Meyer's first go-round as the guy in charge, though admittedly his first time at the NFL level. What does "learn and improve" look like in concrete terms here? And why in the world would anyone look at Urban Meyer's track record and think he wouldn't jump at the USC job in a heartbeat?


There's a massive difference between being a college HC and a NFL HC. There's a lot to learn. And on top of that, guys need to get comfortable in the systems.

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Rookie quarterbacks don't put up points. I'm not sure head coaches like Meyer are aware of this. Maybe it's easier for me because I wagered on sports for 24 years in Las Vegas. Situational understanding is everything in that environment. These coaches can work on their game plan and all the matchups, etc. It means next to nothing with a rookie quarterback out there. You'll have these wonderful outputs like the Jets, Bears, Jaguars and Patriots managed yesterday. It's a double whammy in games like Saints/Patriots, when the road team is very proud and talented and coming off a loss. Put a rookie quarterback opposite them and I honestly don't know how you can expect anything else.

As a Dolphins fan I remember when Jeff Fisher decided to start Goff for the first time at home against the Dolphins. It was so laughable. They had a home game with a situational advantage yet Fisher brainstorms to give it away by starting a rookie. Sure enough, the Rams outplayed the Dolphins all game but gave it sway late because Goff didn't impress the scoreboard, per norm for a rookie.

As a USC alum I'd love to have Urban Meyer head west. No question his eye for talent and offensive philosophy is more suited to college. But if I were the Jaguars I would never let go of him. If Meyer connects he'll connect big. That's has to be the overriding perspective. If you overreact to a handful of games or one season then you'll dump Meyer and talk yourself into some coordinator with nice recent resume and no upside. That describes 15 years as a Dolphin fan since Saban bolted.



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4 hours ago, Forge said:

He's just an example. There are others. But Doug is an okay head coach. I don't know if he's solely responsible for destroying Wentz (I give Wentz himself a large chunk of that blame as well), but you could easily find a competent retreat and honestly, you may even be able to land a guy like EB, who would have everyone fawning all over the Jags. At this point, I'm not convinced that he doesn't just take whatever job may be offered to him. I'm not sure if he's any good or not, we never really know that...but he has as much chance at being good as he does bad, I think. 

Oh I absolutely blame Wentz for his own downfall. I’m just saying, if you’re going to fire a guy 3 games into his career, you’d better find someone you KNOW will develop Lawrence (what they should have done all along).

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I have mixed feelings and emotions about Urban Myer. I am a UGA football fan, so I loved to hate the man for many years while he was at Florida. I don't think he is the biggest saint I have ever heard about, but I try to keep that stuff for others to talk about. I just don't know enough. As much as I hated him, as a college coach it's hard to deny his track record of success. His style/offense/personality, everything seems to work really well at the college level in terms of building winning programs. 

I tend to not love long time, successful college coaches pro HC potential because I just think what is asked of a HC in college and the NFL is so incredibly difficult from how you manage personalities, how you design and run your offense, how you build the roster, etc. But it's not like it's impossible for the coach to find success at both levels. 

End of the day, it's been 3 games. The Jaguars were a team with very little overall talent compared to the rest of the NFL. As good a prospect Lawrence was, it was foolish to think he would instantly lead to them rattling off wins. I expected Lawrence to make them a BETTER football team, but the evidence of that coming into the season was always most likely to show itself in the back half of the season as he gets a little more comfortable with the speed of the NFL game, understands what he can and can't do, understands the way he has to play when he isn't playing on the most talented roster every week, and when he gets some experience and familiarity for the new offensive system he's in.

We all can have our opinions about whether Myer was the right man for the job or the wrong man and whether we would have hired him. I can see the appeal for a team like Jacksonville that is trying to excite fans, sell tickets, and take advantage of landing a prospect like Lawrence, and if he works out it is likely to lead to a lot of success. But the success never should have been expected THREE GAMES into taking over a 1-15 team that lost 15 straight to end the year. That is just absurd. And frankly, firing him now is the exact move bad teams with terrible ownership and management make and a big reason why those teams stay bad for so long. If you believed in his plan, his vision, and his ability to make that happen with some time and patience when you hired him a few months ago, 3 games with a rookie QB installing entirely new schemes with coaches also learning on the job is nowhere near enough evidence to say that should override whatever it was that made him the guy for the job a few months ago. 

The worst thing you can do now is draft a Lawrence, try and get him to grow and mature and learn the NFL game inside one offensive system under that head coaches vision and requirements and then immediately ask him to forget all of that and instead of building on that foundation of familiarity in the system and what it needs, requires of him, and what it's looking to accomplish based on this look or that look from the defense and immediately say none of that matters anymore. Take in this new voice, new offensive system, with new language, new checks, new concepts. If 3 games is enough to shake you off your belief in a coach being the right match with your blue chip QB prospect to the point of firing him and bringing all that damage of instability with it, then whoever made the decision to hire the coach in the first place made an even bigger mistake than whatever the coach has done in 3 games. And frankly if the coach you picked doesn't deserve more time and patience because he is that wrong for the job, I'm not sure the person who hired him has ANY business getting a second crack at hiring the next coach. 

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It was a hype hire that probably won't pan out. 

I don't think he's up to or interested in the NFL game. I don't think the Khans realized the stark difference between the NCAA level and NFL level. 

Heck, if we're being brutally honest, I'm not even sure why the guy wants to coach anymore given his track record. Conversely, I'm not sure why anyone would want to hire him at this point if they're looking for a serious commitment.

But those are just opinions. 

A fact is that the Jaguars didn't have a good roster to start with and are 3 games into a total rebuild. 

Methinks that some people bought into the Trevor Lawrence hype too much (see: How long will it take Trevor Lawrence to win 3 Superbowls thread) and expected brilliance from day 1, and we're further enamored with the Urban Meyer mythos. 

To be clear, I hate Urban Meyer as a coach and think he's a cancer to sportsmanship and common decency and if I had a son, I'd want him having zero influence on his life, career, or anything else. I've also given my opinion about thinking Lawrence had bust written all over him, and I still think he's vastly overrated and nowhere near what he was portrayed as. 

But seriously? It's 3 games in with a ton of new faces in key roles. The Jaguars we're expected to win, what, 4 or 5 tops? Way too early to make drastic moves. Even Sean McDermott looked utterly lost and incompetent before things fell into place and made him one of the better coaches in the league. 

Only way I'm firing Urb this year is if he decides to quit on the team for the USC gig, and only because I'm not letting him just "step down" since it would be another Urb styled c*ck move. 

Edited by ronjon1990
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18 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I mean you can definitely get walked out in a month if you are incurably, transparently un-employable. Showing up late, lying on the resume to get you the job, etc

Bingo - we're talking gross incompetence or a blatant disregard for the rules that trigger this.

Rule of thumb from what I've seen, the higher the salary the more time you have to acclimate. It's not like Urban Meyer is on some commission job or working off of an hourly rate - he's making several million a year, he's going to get many opportunities to fail.

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