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the Jaguars should fire Urban Meyer immediately


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14 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Bingo - we're talking gross incompetence or a blatant disregard for the rules that trigger this.

Rule of thumb from what I've seen, the higher the salary the more time you have to acclimate. It's not like Urban Meyer is on some commission job or working off of an hourly rate - he's making several million a year, he's going to get many opportunities to fail.

And, apparently, the Jags really have no confidence/ability to find someone else. It's the height of dysfunction, but if you really can't hire anyone, the people you've got have job security.

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18 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I read the whole post, but the fact that the answer is a stone cold 'I don't know' from the fanbase really should be a scandal. How is this not common knowledge? How is the NFL not starting to put pressure, or investigate?

At a certain point, if you have a failing franchise, it's on the league. To me this is an entirely different scope of failure than other teams making bad draft decisions or whatnot. That's failure, but it's within the realm of competition. If you can't even get people in to work there, that has to be triggers to start changing ownership or (and sorry for saying this) moving/contracting the franchise.

The NFL has shown a lack of desire to do those things, there have been failing franchises before where there was really no move made - the Cardinal under Bill Bidwill were a joke, Green Bay between the departure of Lombardi and the arrival of Wolf, the past 20+ yrs of the Lions, Tampa under Culverhouse in the 80s-90s, the latter days of the Al Davis Raiders, the 21st-century Browns, etc. 


Owners have been allowed to mismanage teams, with incompetent and meddling owners given free reign. 

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7 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

It was a hype hire that probably won't pan out. 


7 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

I don't think he's up to or interested in the NFL game. I don't think the Khans realized the stark difference between the NCAA level and NFL level. 

I've thought this since the beginning. 

7 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

Heck, if we're being brutally honest, I'm not even sure why the guy wants to coach anymore given his track record. Conversely, I'm not sure why anyone would want to hire him at this point if they're looking for a serious commitment.


7 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

But those are just opinions. 

They have merit. 

7 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

A fact is that the Jaguars didn't have a good roster to start with and are 3 games into a total rebuild. Methinks that some people bought into the Trevor Lawrence hype too much (see: How long will it take Trevor Lawrence to win 3 Superbowls thread) and expected brilliance from day 1, and we're further enamored with the Urban Meyer mythos. 

I admit I thought he'd be better to start.

7 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

To be clear, I hate Urban Meyer as a coach and think he's a cancer to sportsmanship and common decency and if I had a son, I'd want him having zero influence on his life, career, or anything else. I've also given my opinion about thinking Lawrence had bust written all over him, and I still think he's vastly overrated and nowhere near what he was portrayed as. 

Fair point that I am in that boat too about Urban. 

7 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

But seriously? It's 3 games in with a ton of new faces in key roles. The Jaguars we're expected to win, what, 4 or 5 tops? Way too early to make drastic moves. Even Sean McDermott looked utterly lost and incompetent before things fell into place and made him one of the better coaches in the league. 

Only way I'm firing Urb this year is if he decides to quit on the team for the USC gig, and only because I'm not letting him just "step down" since it would be another Urb styled c*ck move. 


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18 hours ago, pwny said:

See my follow up post after that one.

In addition, the 49ers are a storied franchise that is literally a large segment of the league’s dream jobs. Jacksonville, is is not.

Anyone who is being considered to be an NFL HC probably has a healthy ego. So it not being anyone's dream job is balanced out by: 

- there are only 32 of these positions that exist - 32nd best NFL job is more prestigious than all but the top, say, 15 college jobs

- "Well, I'm a way better coach than their last guy" - enough self-regard to think that they can accomplish were the previous (x) people failed



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1 hour ago, Mr Bad Example said:

Anyone who is being considered to be an NFL HC probably has a healthy ego. So it not being anyone's dream job is balanced out by: 

- there are only 32 of these positions that exist - 32nd best NFL job is more prestigious than all but the top, say, 15 college jobs

- "Well, I'm a way better coach than their last guy" - enough self-regard to think that they can accomplish were the previous (x) people failed

If this is true, I’d sure love an explanation why last year was the first time we have actually had guys being willing to take on the head coaching job here.

I was 12 when Del Rio was hired, so I don’t know if it has reached that far back. But since Del Rio departed, we have had virtually no interest in the job until Trevor was available at #1. 2011, 2012, 2017. Coordinator positions in between those years. Every time there was an opening, there’s always been reports and guys in the building actively noting publicly — not just “anonymous sources” — of how much of a struggle it has been to find interested candidates, let alone qualified candidates, to actually be willing to take an interview.

1 of 32 and those big egos sure don’t seem to appear in this 1 of 32.

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38 minutes ago, pwny said:

If this is true, I’d sure love an explanation why last year was the first time we have actually had guys being willing to take on the head coaching job here.

I was 12 when Del Rio was hired, so I don’t know if it has reached that far back. But since Del Rio departed, we have had virtually no interest in the job until Trevor was available at #1. 2011, 2012, 2017. Coordinator positions in between those years. Every time there was an opening, there’s always been reports and guys in the building actively noting publicly — not just “anonymous sources” — of how much of a struggle it has been to find interested candidates, let alone qualified candidates, to actually be willing to take an interview.

1 of 32 and those big egos sure don’t seem to appear in this 1 of 32.

Idk about that. They canned del Rio and gave Murlarkey a year. 

Following him was Gus Bradley, who was a hot prospect at the time that just didn't work out. 

Marrone was in-house and followed up with an AFCCG appearance. Of course he was going to get at least a couple of years to try and get back. He couldn't and you grabbed Urb, who despite the flaws, was a high profile get. 

Since del Rio, who has really come along that was even available? Gruden? Chip? Harbaugh? If anything has hamstrung Jacksonville it's timing of coaching turnover.

Not saying there's not dysfunction, but I have difficulty believing HC candidates actively avoid it per se.


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I'd completely buy into a theory about, in a vacuum, you have Job A and the Jags and people would maybe take Job A more often. Sure. But I also heavily buy into the 1 of 32 proposition. This is what just about all of coaches aim for. I think the list of coaches that would keep holding out if it was their only option isn't that high.

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41 minutes ago, ronjon1990 said:

Idk about that. They canned del Rio and gave Murlarkey a year. 

Following him was Gus Bradley, who was a hot prospect at the time that just didn't work out. 

Marrone was in-house and followed up with an AFCCG appearance. Of course he was going to get at least a couple of years to try and get back. He couldn't and you grabbed Urb, who despite the flaws, was a high profile get. 

Since del Rio, who has really come along that was even available? Gruden? Chip? Harbaugh? If anything has hamstrung Jacksonville it's timing of coaching turnover.

Not saying there's not dysfunction, but I have difficulty believing HC candidates actively avoid it per se.

Mularkey and Gus were the only guys who wanted the job in those years. Dave Caldwell called around asking for favors from close friends who were coaches and couldn’t even get them to agree to interviews. Timing wasn’t the issue. 2017 was filled with hot names; Pedersen, Shanahan, McDermott, McVay, Joseph, Lynn, they all rejected interviews with the team. Coughlin had to call in a favor from an old friend just to satisfy the Rooney Rule, because none of the other candidates would take an interview.

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47 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

But I also heavily buy into the 1 of 32 proposition. This is what just about all of coaches aim for. I think the list of coaches that would keep holding out if it was their only option isn't that high.

The 1/32 speaks to the number of HC jobs - but it doesn't speak to the availability of those jobs. The NFL turns over 5-7 HC positions every season, so its not like taking the Jville position is the only one you'll ever get. And given that you trained your whole life for this amazing opportunity, why would you waste your shot on an organization that doesn't have the critical pieces in place for you to be successful ?  Nobody wants to be a one and done HC - they all want the best chance to succeed.
If they are an HC-worthy candidate - there will be other, better jobs offered.

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6 minutes ago, pwny said:

Mularkey and Gus were the only guys who wanted the job in those years. Dave Caldwell called around asking for favors from close friends who were coaches and couldn’t even get them to agree to interviews. Timing wasn’t the issue. 2017 was filled with hot names; Pedersen, Shanahan, McDermott, McVay, Joseph, Lynn, they all rejected interviews with the team. Coughlin had to call in a favor from an old friend just to satisfy the Rooney Rule, because none of the other candidates would take an interview.

Pederson took the Philly job. Who wouldn't have? And that was 2016. 

Shanahan to San Francisco was almost a given beforehand, given the ties. 

McVay wanted the LA treatment and they had a better roster. 

Vance Joseph and Anthony Lynn were disasters anyway. Joseph had ties to Colorado, and Lynn jumped at a made-to-win roster in LA. 

That's a lot of bad timing. The only real miss was McDermott, and even he had deep northeast ties. 

The Rooney rule is a farce anyway. 32/32 teams could likely be in the same boat, having to call certain candidates to satisfy it because nobody takes it seriously (see: Bienemy, Eric). 

Nobody is going to say that Jacksonville is the top landing spot, not when 2 Los Angeles jobs open up and other candidates have ties to other places with arguably better rosters. But you're really underselling how big of a HC prospect Gus Bradley was if you're playing the "He was the only one who wanted it" game. 

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1 hour ago, Shanedorf said:

The 1/32 speaks to the number of HC jobs - but it doesn't speak to the availability of those jobs. The NFL turns over 5-7 HC positions every season, so its not like taking the Jville position is the only one you'll ever get. And given that you trained your whole life for this amazing opportunity, why would you waste your shot on an organization that doesn't have the critical pieces in place for you to be successful ?  Nobody wants to be a one and done HC - they all want the best chance to succeed.
If they are an HC-worthy candidate - there will be other, better jobs offered.

Gotta make sure your opportunity doesn't pass you by either, but yeah I get it. 

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2 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

But you're really underselling how big of a HC prospect Gus Bradley was if you're playing the "He was the only one who wanted it" game. 

And you're really missing the point if you think one guy wanting a job negates the fact that other guys constantly have turned down interviews. One guy being willing to take an interview each cycle is not a large enough pool to draw from, I don't care how "big named" this one single guy way in one of three timed openings. 

The fact is that Jacksonville does not get very much interest in these job openings, and doing things to make it less appealing is the last thing they need to do.

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