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Official 2022 Draft Discussion

m haynes

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24 minutes ago, m haynes said:

I agree, but I will go further. I don't see taking any DB in the 1st RD. You take a CB you don't move the needle. You just replace JC Jackson.  I use to think CB was one of the most important position to fill but I completely changed. Mike Haynes would have hard time in today's game. He takes his man out so what the QB just runs if he in man coverage.

Also what the difference if you draft a 2/3 RD CB without a RUSH.

I can understand feeling this way, but in the sense of roster construction we aren't only worried about this year. This team may not be a playoff team, let alone a super bowl contender.. so I'm not drafting that way personally. 

  • If Andrew Booth is healthy and you feel he will be healthy moving forward he could become a superstar corner.. and you have him cheap for 5 years.. that allows you to get other players with the extra money you are saving 
  • Daxton Hill would 100% play outside corner this year ( maybe slot too) then switch to FS when McCourty retires.. i think it's very underrated how important it is to get McCourty's successor in here WITH McCourty so that they can spend some time together.. that position is insanely important to this defense. 


I also believe they feel that they can get some added pass rush from their safeties. This CB group isn't good.. it's average at best.. if Shaun Wade turns into a starter I'd feel much better but they need at least one starting caliber CB in this draft. 


What they really need is a NT and it bothers me that we have heard NOTHING from them regarding one.. this defense needs one to operate. From what I have seen you've got Davis/Jones at the top then a massive drop off to day 3 guys.. the world isn't talking enough about the unsexy pick of taking Jones.. if it weren't for Davis' crazy combine Jones would have pushed himself into the last 1st conversation with his. The most likely BB picks in my mind right now are trading back ( could be 3 picks.. could be 10) and either taking Raimman or Jones.. BB just loves the line too much to not get a NT when he can get one. 

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11 minutes ago, Crimmage said:

I think a better pick here would have been Zyon McCollum

I wouldn't necessarily disagree but I think Grol and BB will see immediate contribution value as an all around ST player/pro bowl potential returner on punts AND kickoffs. Plus an aptitude to start immediately in the secondary and even immediately get some snaps at WR too! Jones is similar to the Anderson pick in that he can play all phases at an extremely high level and is considered a reach.

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2 minutes ago, DoleINGout said:

His assignment to start is equally diminutive Tyreek Hill.

The other part of the size factor is weight, Hill is going to have a good 10-15 pounds on him. 


Especially against the dolphins I don't think they will be able to handle just throwing speed on speed. Maybe you could give Hill/Waddle a Jones each with some safeties over the top .. if that's BB's thinking with the pick I kind of get it but i'm not sure it works. 


I'd feel sooooo much better if Jones was 5'10" 185 lol.. THEN I would totally take him at 54. As it currently stands I'll probably continue to worry until he proves me wrong 🤷‍♂️

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14 minutes ago, Crimmage said:

You like him more than Shakir? or is this 100% due to the Rutgers connection? 

Rutgers is the cherry on top. The talent speaks for itself. Probably no better fit on the board that does anything different than what the Pats already have at receiver. Speed is a huge determining factor here as well.

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2 minutes ago, DoleINGout said:

I wouldn't necessarily disagree but I think Grol and BB will see immediate contribution value as an all around ST player/pro bowl potential returner on punts AND kickoffs. Plus an aptitude to start immediately in the secondary and even immediately get some snaps at WR too! Jones is similar to the Anderson pick in that he can play all phases at an extremely high level and is considered a reach.

If you hadn't also picked Melton I would agree with you, Melton can give the special teams value. 

McCollum I also believe they would throw to the wolves and play this year. He tape is awesome and his combine was amazing. He is a guy who needs to learn via trial by fire. He is so fast/agile that you could even have him play some slot too, moving him all over the field. 


Out of the two, McCollum to me just has the higher floor and ceiling.. he could be a shutdown corner

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1 minute ago, DoleINGout said:

Rutgers is the cherry on top. The talent speaks for itself. Probably no better fit on the board that does anything different than what the Pats already have at receiver. Speed is a huge determining factor here as well.

Agreed, and he hits all of the boxes.. under 7 3-cone .. great shuttle.. good senior bowl. He is very underrated. 


If you give him a good QB he easily has over 1,000 yards. Every one of his highlights consist of him beating someone then having to stop and wait for the ball to get to him. 

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4 minutes ago, Crimmage said:

Out of the two, McCollum to me just has the higher floor and ceiling.. he could be a shutdown corner

Again, I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you even if it is rather even between the two as prospects. I just am doing a mock that is something I'd expect BB to do. Plus I know that they already have had Marcus Jones in for a visit/met with Jones. Josh McDaniels did too, in LV, fwiw.

Edited by DoleINGout
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23 minutes ago, Crimmage said:

Good pick, good option at receiving back

I would be surprised if Borghi is available for the Pats that late and honestly it would be a huge steal. But it seems like where his projection is at. I guess because he hasn't had the hype pre-draft rehabbing from an ankle ding despite still training a week for his pro day recently. Would be a good WR potentially too.

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25 minutes ago, Crimmage said:

I do like that he played C, BB really likes smart players

BB also appreciates history and Brown has had two family members play at the same level as he is. Ben Brown is publicly aware and respectful this so on top of the attributes he brings on the field, this aspect historically in his family may be a slight favor his way with BB. Brown is probably going to slot in at RG but as you said he has some versatility inside at C and is plenty big enough and I think agile enough to work across the line. He is like a bigger Ted Karras for project for them.

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6 hours ago, Crimmage said:

then Perkins was a redshirt so that throws a wrench in things.

BB couldn't control himself any longer. He demands Perkins, bust!!!  Kraft and Groh lock BB in the closet with the 4th pick!!!! Grand slam !!!!

6 hours ago, Crimmage said:

very concerned about spending such a high pick on a guy who's 5'8. He's fast and athletic and looks like a good corner..

Yes its a concern but not much, I will give up the occasional missed match knowing he's battling and can actually play the position. Ellis Hobbs was a  good CB and he would of been a much better player if he didn't have a napoleon complex.

Ex Elam everybody loves him all the measurable if he's a 1st /2nd IMO so is Jones. @CrimmageI know your not a fan Elam, just using him ex.


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6 hours ago, Crimmage said:

If Andrew Booth is healthy and you feel he will be healthy moving forward he could become a superstar corner.. and you have him cheap for 5 years..

This I don't agree with. I think CB is a waste if you don't have a rush. Booth can be an ALL Pro and it still doesn't move the needle, its just like having JC for the next 5 years and if you used a 1st on Booth, next year is a wasted year (without a rush) and now its 4 yrs left and still looking for a rush.

Also what the difference between Gorden and Booth. IMO not much.

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