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On 5/7/2020 at 2:30 PM, Turnobili said:

ive basically given up on the main game. too expensive and i still insist on being F2P. i just do daily quests and play battlegrounds now. used to play arena a lot more but battlegrounds is more fun imo

I go back and forth with standard and battlegrounds. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/8/2020 at 6:55 PM, ninjapirate said:

yeah i hated the ashes meta having fun in this one so far though. 

I agree, I'm having fun as well. I have played mostly pure paladin and big warrior so far. Both seem very good, with pure paladin being one of the strongest decks right now, and both are very fun. I tried a combo mozaki mage as well, but it hasn't work out yet.

Secret passage rogue can be so annoying. Druid with a good draw is just downright oppressive. Lightning bloom is absolutely busted.

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  • 2 years later...

Damn, 3 years and no updates in here. Anyone still playing?

The new Titans expansion is pretty fun. There are a lot of powerful cards, but they honestly seem to be pretty well distributed across classes. It's a good sign when you see a lot of people complaining about cards that should be nerfed, and there is like 1 from every class in the list they have. Meta is still yet to settle down, so there's some goofy stuff you can do. Mech rogue can really snowball really quickly, but is easily countered with specific cards (silence especially). The new shaman nature spell deck can do 30 from hand with an empty board on like turn 5 if set up correctly and if you get lucky.

I hit legend last night with Jotun relic demon hunter. I also played hound hunter and control warrior in my climb. D1 is full of spell school mage and priest and that's about it. Demon hunter has pretty decent matchups against both, at least from my experience.

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