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37 minutes ago, THE DUKE said:

Whether they make it 10 years or not is besides the point. They need to plan a 10 year narrative arc so they aren't pissing in the wind like the Star Wars sequel trilogy did if they can make it work.

Snyder had a plan, the problem was the plan kind of sucked. That they made it even worse deviating from the plan doesn't change the fact the original plan sucked too.


I dont think anyone would disagree they need, not only a plan, but a good plan to ensure the success of the future of the DCU.

The projects announced and eventual casting will play a major factor in how excited I am going forward.   

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9 hours ago, 43M said:

I dont think anyone would disagree they need, not only a plan, but a good plan to ensure the success of the future of the DCU.

The projects announced and eventual casting will play a major factor in how excited I am going forward.   

We all know they have a plan. They've been working on it for the last few months, and we'll get our first look at some of it in January. The bold is key.

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So we know that were getting some type of information on the new direction of DC Films in the coming month, although we don’t know what that is, or how detailed it will be.

I do have a question for you all. We know Gunn is writing, producing and who knows, possibly directing a brand new Superman Film. So my question is, what should we want in this new Superman film? Maybe it’s the kickoff of the new DCU (I have my assumptions that it will be) but it will surely be a massive part of it.

So not really about who should be Superman (or Lois, or Lex, etc) but more about what we want from it. It sounds like it will be a younger Superman, but I cant imagine a Blockbuster will be all set in Smallville (do we actually want any of those years?) Maybe just some references to his upbringing? What storylines would we want this new origin to pull from? What other mainstay characters should be big parts? who should be a background character? And of course, who would be your Main Villain(s)?

I am personally partial to Superman: Earth One, atleast for the set up/intro to the world. I feel like starting with the Krypton stuff really sets up the wrong expectations for what we are actually getting with Superman on Earth. But if we jump in right as he starts to assimilate to Metropolis, as a stand up farm boy, while showing but muting some of his powers on a very street level to begin with. Having Clark starting the legend of the man who can fly as a whispered myth, as a neighborhood protector helps us come along with him as part of the people he lives among. Having it as Metropolis supporting him goes a very long way with some of the destruction that is likely to follow, which Superman wont cause, but has to be part of to save them.

The idea that he is stepping in to do the right thing, that he can help find cures, and wants to expose truth in all different walks of life make him so much more likeable. His check in call with Martha, and visiting of Jonathan’s grave could be very humanizing moments early in the film. It is also a good set up for some more fun adventures, rather than always doom and gloom (I like the Birthright globetrotting reporter stuff, but thats about it for me in those). Let him use his brain nearly as much as his muscles. I wouldn’t mind some Year One sprinkled in, mostly as his backstory. A military background (pass on the mermaid stuff), his protecting of his friends, the Lana Lang stuff (minus Miller’s assault thing) and plenty more, but all mostly subtext or fodder for future installments.

I think having the Daily Planet being a big part of who adopts Clark into Metropolis is very important too. Obviously Lois (lets take our time with the love story here) but a good representation of Perry White, the blusterous boss seen by the outside, but a hard working father figure to the Planet staff, who is doing the best he can, finding the right reporters, to keep the Planet afloat. Make Jimmy Olsen a real part of the story, and don’t be afraid to actually build out the rest of the bullpen too, Cat Grant, Steve Lombard and Ron Troupe should all be through lines to the entire run of these films.

This is also why I like the Earth One story, is Tyrell the right final villain to this first movie? Maybe, maybe not, but using someone like him, and a Mech-army who can be truly defeated in this first outing would be nice and definitive win (but leave him with questions about what else is coming). That battle, and the Planet Staff’s part in helping Superman as they fight for their City makes for a much better home to Clark Kent than whatever we got in the Man of Steel film.

I mentioned Superman helping in more trivial dust ups throughout Metropolis for Act One, but in Act Two maybe he stops a small timer like Prankster? Or there could also be a run in with some iteration of Intergang, not really getting into the extraterrestrial side at this point, but foiling a job by Bruno Mannheim would be a nice step up from burning buildings and stick ups. Do all those while also laying the ground work for Lex Luthor as the ultimate Antagonist. Lois is already trying to expose him, we see how he has a hand in everything (even Intergang?), and possibly even the link to how Tyrell (or whoever) finds earth to look for the Superman. Id have Lex Corp be the parent company of whatever scientific division we see Clark help/find a cure for, maybe Killgrave is part of that team, possibly even use George Grant or Prof Vale in those groups. Have Clark give another team/company/STAR Labs the final piece of his ship, to complete the puzzle, allowing him to use it in the final battle, but also inadvertently giving Lex a library of Kryptonian information.

As you can see, while I said do not worry about building the larger DC world in this film, Superman’s world should feel jam packed with potential future characters, but more so used to make the Metropolis we see feel alive. John Corben should be a rival of Lois’ that we meet and hate. Probably too early to meet Hank Henshaw or Rudy Jones, but a voiceover of Leslie Willis’ radio show/podcast about the Flying Man and his good deeds would work even if we don’t see her. Id love to see some references to UBC as well, the potential of Blackrock would be interesting at some point (maybe a mix of Blackrock and the Elite would be good in a later film)

I probably threw out too much already for one film, but I think a lot of this is important to have. I want Metallo and Brainiac and Parasite and Lobo and all the big hitters to face off with Superman in this set of films (I think they want to squeeze as many as they can, not just settle for a Trilogy) but I think you have to start smaller, with his connection to Metropolis, and with a Definitive Win for Superman in the first film.

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15 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

Give me a Superman who does things like this: 

Superman and the Jumper - Imgur

Only villain I'm partial to is Brainiac, and it's too early for him.

I would love if they would set a large piece of a hollywood film around that strip. But they never would. Just showing the first part of him saying "No, but I will talk to her" would be lost on most without the follow through. 

If you were doing a Superman TV series, this would be the perfect into to him, but its hard to imagine they would do it for an entire film. It could absolutely be done, putting in Clark's flashbacks among their conversation, showing the conversation of the police, the reporters, and onlookers below, but I just dont think it would be greenlit

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6 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

Superman is boring.  Setting a whole universe around him is a huge mistake. 

Should be Batman probably. They could introduce Superman by using parts of the Smallville Red Blur story but don't make it obvious to whether it's Superman or Flash. Heck, maybe make it be the Flash or a combo of the two.

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If DC wants to make money they just need to recreate Twilight but with the big 3. Wonder Woman is the center of the universe and the through line narrative of every movie is whether or not she is gonna be with Batman or Superman. #teamBatman. 

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49 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

If DC wants to make money they just need to recreate Twilight but with the big 3. Wonder Woman is the center of the universe and the through line narrative of every movie is whether or not she is gonna be with Batman or Superman. #teamBatman. 


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1 hour ago, Deadpulse said:

If DC wants to make money they just need to recreate Twilight but with the big 3. Wonder Woman is the center of the universe and the through line narrative of every movie is whether or not she is gonna be with Batman or Superman. #teamBatman. 

Keep BatPat

Kristen Stewart as Wonder Woman

Taylor Lautner as Superman

Animated GIF


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2 hours ago, MKnight82 said:

Superman is boring.  Setting a whole universe around him is a huge mistake. 

I tend to agree.

Use Superman like Marvel used Thor.   You can build him up, but dont launch ymthe universe with him.

Batman is, by FAR, the best character to start and center the universe around, ala Iron Man.   He's the nucleus.    He is the most relatable.    He has the best rogues gallery.    You could start with another character, but you damn well better hit a ******* homerun in every facet of the project (casting, movie, advertising, building for future projects, etc...)

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8 minutes ago, 43M said:

I tend to agree.

Use Superman like Marvel used Thor.   You can build him up, but dont launch ymthe universe with him.

Batman is, by FAR, the best character to start and center the universe around, ala Iron Man.   He's the nucleus.    He is the most relatable.    He has the best rogues gallery.    You could start with another character, but you damn well better hit a ******* homerun in every facet of the project (casting, movie, advertising, building for future projects, etc...)

Superman can also solve pretty much every problem easily. 

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2 hours ago, MKnight82 said:

Superman can also solve pretty much every problem easily. 

That's kinda the biggest issue with the JL as a whole.   Most of them are op af.    Its proven you can still tell great stories with them, but it hasn't been done much in live action.

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