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Are the Saints the Best Team in Football?


Are the Saints the Best Team in football?   

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  1. 1. Are the Saints the Best Team in football?

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3 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

My argument was that we’ve been dominant against bad offenses and average against good ones. It was incredibly clear, and you even quoted me when I said it.

What exactly am I skirting around? 

ive already covered this, go back and reread if needed. 

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11 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

ive already covered this, go back and reread if needed. 

Looooooool, when I said this you said I was “avoiding” something. So what are you avoiding?

Fwiw I will not be rereading anything you’ve posted. You arguments were poor (the ones that weren’t outright lies or grossly inaccurate anyways) and won’t be improving a second time through.


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9 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

yeam that was 14 points. the saints scored 52, tahts 24 points the lions offense. Not dominant.

The funniest thing about this is that the Saints defense was responsible for scoring 21 points and giving up 24 points. In other words, there are 3 points unaccounted for. If the Saints would have given up 3 points and not scored any points defensively it would be viewed as a dominant performance with the flawed logic being thrown around.

It's the exact same result in points accounted for either way, but for some reason you choose to look at it differently lol

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5 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

Looooooool, when I said this you said I was “avoiding” something. So what are you avoiding?

Fwiw I will not be rereading anything you’ve posted. You arguments were poor (the ones that weren’t outright lies anyways) and won’t be improving a second time through.


oh, does it seem like i was avoiding something?


Ive already said, its clear you want to say the saints d is dominant but know how foolish it is. you tried to point to the lions game as being dominant, when someone shot that down and gave reason why, you wanted to introduce other games. just come out and say what we all know you really want to say, this wasnt clever enough for people to not realize anyway.

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Just now, GSUeagles14 said:

oh, does it seem like i was avoiding something?


Ive already said, its clear you want to say the saints d is dominant but know how foolish it is. you tried to point to the lions game as being dominant, when someone shot that down and gave reason why, you wanted to introduce other games. just come out and say what we all know you really want to say, this wasnt clever enough for people to not realize anyway.

I think the Saints have been dominant/nasty against bad defenses and average against good ones. I believe they’re (going to finish) middle of the pack defensively. Thats the third time I’ve said it, but you insist I believe something else?

So you want me to make an argument I don’t agree with, in order for you to have something to argue with?

You understand that’s not how any of this works right? You should be arguing with the arguments I’m making, not the ones you think I want to make.

If I’m not making an argument it’s because 1)the argument doesn’t need to be made or 2) I don’t believe the argument in the first place.

If you want to keep pounding your head against an argument I’m not making, be my guest.

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Just now, domepatrol91 said:


I think the Saints have been dominant/nasty against bad defenses and average against good ones. I believe they’re (going to finish) middle of the pack defensively. Thats the third time I’ve said it, but you insist I believe something else?

So you want me to make an argument I don’t agree with, in order for you to have something to argue with?

You understand that’s not how any of this works right? You should be arguing with the arguments I’m making, not the ones you think I want to make.

If I’m not making an argument it’s because 1)the argument doesn’t need to be made or 2) I don’t believe the argument in the first place.

If you want to keep pounding your head against an argument I’m not making, be my guest.

you realize all the posts are saved, right? we've all seen the "look, this is dominant" "ok, not that one, but look at this one" posts. youre making those arguments, not me. I asked you outright which games were they dominant in, you refused to answer. and around and around we go.

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2 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

you realize all the posts are saved, right? we've all seen the "look, this is dominant" "ok, not that one, but look at this one" posts. youre making those arguments, not me. I asked you outright which games were they dominant in, you refused to answer. and around and around we go.

I didn’t refuse to answer, I refused to repeat myself when, like you said, all the posts are saved. You quoted me the first time so I thought you had a grasp on it, but I overestimated you. That’s my fault.

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1 hour ago, domepatrol91 said:

I didn’t refuse to answer, I refused to repeat myself when, like you said, all the posts are saved. You quoted me the first time so I thought you had a grasp on it, but I overestimated you. That’s my fault.

whose lying now? you never said what games you felt the defense dominated in. I guess i overestimated you on this whole "truth telling" thing. My apologies.

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1 hour ago, GSUeagles14 said:

whose lying now? ..... I guess i overestimated you on this whole "truth telling" thing. My apologies.

Says the guy who claimed Lattimore played a half, then "corrected" it to say he actually played in a quarter, which was also false. C'mon man, are you being serious? 


you never said what games you felt the defense dominated in.

7 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

Dominant defenses pick off Cam Newton 3 times, they also score 3 TDs against the the Lions offense while holding them to the same number of TDs , they also shutout the Dolphins and hold the Bills and Bucs to 3 each points until garbage time. It took two 4th quarter fumbles by Mark Ingram to even give the Bears offense a chance.

Good defenses are supposed to beat up on bad teams, which they’ve done. It’s not like they’re barely scraping by.  They don’t get to pick their schedule.

It's clear you're ignoring the arguments you don't want to fight, and simply replacing them with made up arguments you think you can win. 

I'm outtie after this post. Your arguments are flawed (assuming they're even true to begin with) and they aren't getting any better.

Enjoy the rest of the season dude. SHould be a fantastic NFC playoff this year. 

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5 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

Says the guy who claimed Lattimore played a half, then "corrected" it to say he actually played in a quarter, which was also false. C'mon man, are you being serious? 

It's clear you're ignoring the arguments you don't want to fight, and simply replacing them with made up arguments you think you can win. 

I'm outtie after this post. Your arguments are flawed (assuming they're even true to begin with) and they aren't getting any better.

Enjoy the rest of the season dude. SHould be a fantastic NFC playoff this year. 

so youre specifically talking about the saints here and you very specifically said dominant. So youre calling the saints defense dominant after saying you werent for pages and pages?

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2 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

so youre specifically talking about the saints here and you very specifically said dominant. So youre calling the saints defense dominant after saying you werent for pages and pages?

I know I said I was out but this post needs a reply. 

You understand that teams (or units) can be dominant in some games, average in others, above average sometimes, and sometimes crap the bed? Right? 

Saying the defense has been dominant against X, X and X opponents isn't saying they're a dominant defense, especially when I've said three (now four) times that they're average against good offenses.

Like it's mind numbingly simple, I don't know how you're failing to comprehend this. 

For real though, I'm out after this one. Not getting anywhere with someone who just refuses to read what's being said. 

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11 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

I know I said I was out but this post needs a reply. 

You understand that teams (or units) can be dominant in some games, average in others, above average sometimes, and sometimes crap the bed? Right? 

Saying the defense has been dominant against X, X and X opponents isn't saying they're a dominant defense, especially when I've said three (now four) times that they're average against good offenses.

Like it's mind numbingly simple, I don't know how you're failing to comprehend this. 

For real though, I'm out after this one. Not getting anywhere with someone who just refuses to read what's being said. 

so verbatim " dominant defenses do" and then list what the saints have done. but im not reading whats being said. You literally just quoted that post, are you even reading what youre writing? dominant offenses/defenses/players are still dominant despite a poor outing here and there. You didnt say they were dominant in these games, you said "dominant defenses". 

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