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MNF Titans vs. Bills


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14 minutes ago, deeluxx3 said:

more random things that are bugging me to pile on

-Tory Carter is terrible

-Between Kendall Lamm and Jamarco Jones, we've made attempts to strike Dennis Kelly-lightning-in-a-bottle only to have it blow up on our faces.

-If we are hell-bent on running this offense thru Henry, the glaring and repetitive mistakes at OL are just killing us

-MyCole Pruitt>>Geoff Swaim

-Continued decision to not invest in SPEED on this offense catches up to us

-Feared this last year...I question David Long as an unquestioned starter. He and Cunningham have been awful.

-I know we all love Fulton. But he is made of glass.



etc etc!

Tory Carter-Terrible I don't know. He didn't make that block on the sweep, but that was a terrible call that even I saw coming. Why are we toss sweeping it on something like 2nd and 10. Again with Hollister on the field.  Seen the video breakdowns and he is actually good.  Henry averages like 4.5 yards or something (against the Giants) when he was run blocking for him.

Yeah Pruitt should have been signed.

Why Cunningham and David Long didn't play in the preseason is beyond me. They aren't all pros. 

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11 minutes ago, KingTitan said:

My question still remains, what will AJ look like in November? Would he really made a difference yesterday the way the team was playing?

And maybe Robinson does see the writing on the wall with this roster. Why invest in a WR with shoddy injury history only to be sucking in a year or two. 
As talented as AJ is, he isn't a player that transforms an offense. That's my opinion. And it could be wrong but it's how I feel about it. 

It's a real tricky thing, because here he had 7 games where he didn't crack 50 yards receiving last year. 12 games in total if you count the games he was out. 5 games in 2020 (missed 2 games). So 19 games over the last 2 years where he was pretty much pedestrian or unavailable.  Is that a function of the offense? I don't know. We know he is super talented.  Is that worth $25 million per?

The thing is, we talk about his injuries, but he’s consistently played his best as the season has gone on, nagging injuries or not. He’s averaged 11.5 yards per target and 90 yards per game in December and January in his career. He was the only offensive player who bothered to show up the last two playoffs. He doesn’t make a difference yesterday, he’s probably worth a couple points against the Giants though.

Even if we are planning on a soft rebuild, guys like AJ are who you should be investing in. Guy is barely 25, if you lose two years to a rebuild, you still have a WR1 in the prime of his career for whichever young QB you have at that point.

Its just wild to me that we drew the injury line at the player just approaching his prime that still played and produced in our most important games. It didn’t stop us from trading for Julio. Or taking on Woods salary. Or giving Dupree big money. Or spending a first on Farley. We’ll ride with Lewan forever. But AJ, we can’t deal with it.

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After sleeping on the game my thoughts:

Play calling is a serious problem. We have no counters. We have no creativity. We can't execute even the simplest plays. We are not putting our players in the best position to succeed. 

Our defense is now in a lot of trouble. We are down Fulton. Farley can't be trusted and was benched. McCreary is a rookie and didn't do anything I can tell as bad last night.  The Ugo Amadi was hurt last night. Chris Jackson was cut for a reason. Tre Avery is an Undrafted FA that looked all like a UDFA.  Simmons can't hold then line on his own. Ola was hurt. Dupree was hurt. Our discipline was terrible last night, jumping off sides. Our LBs missed game changing tackles. Cunningham missed that tackle at the start and that could have held them to a FG. 

Tannehill is very MID. I was done with him after the playoff game and I came back around. But what actually can he do? I mean he threw 17 passes. Completed 11 of them. Not bad but we've said this before. Allen threw 17 almost on one drive. 

Out offense put up 60 something yards going into late the game.   Yeah. that's bad. 

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7 minutes ago, titans0021 said:

The thing is, we talk about his injuries, but he’s consistently played his best as the season has gone on, nagging injuries or not. He’s averaged 11.5 yards per target and 90 yards per game in December and January in his career. He was the only offensive player who bothered to show up the last two playoffs. He doesn’t make a difference yesterday, he’s probably worth a couple points against the Giants though.

Even if we are planning on a soft rebuild, guys like AJ are who you should be investing in. Guy is barely 25, if you lose two years to a rebuild, you still have a WR1 in the prime of his career for whichever young QB you have at that point.

Its just wild to me that we drew the injury line at the player just approaching his prime that still played and produced in our most important games. It didn’t stop us from trading for Julio. Or taking on Woods salary. Or giving Dupree big money. Or spending a first on Farley. We’ll ride with Lewan forever. But AJ, we can’t deal with it.

Franchise setback trade.

2nd most valuable position in the game and one of the best players in the game 25 or under.

He would have been drafted first overall if he was available in that draft, and the Eagles essentially got him in the middle of the first.

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I mostly don’t even know why I’m so bothered. Things have played out exactly how I thought they would on offense. We made no effort at having a good offense, why should it be a surprise when the offense, you know, isn’t good?

Relying on a vet coming off an ACL, two rookies and then just bodies at receivers. And even then, it’d be one thing if there was a blend of skill sets instead of four redundant guys. An injury prone LT, a LG thats 30 pounds too light and a rookie at RT. And handing the keys back to Downing. We’re just getting what we asked for.

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The problem with blaming Tannehill is by the time the game was over he was actually looking pretty good the few times we let him throw it. Once it was out of hand he just **** the bed.

Those 2nd and long runs are the bane of our offense and they kill drives about as bad as penalties do. 

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With Lewan out, I don't think you can start throwing it more. Pass-blocking has been a massive weakness for us for several years in a row and it's going to be horrible again now.

We're going to have to run or we'll be sacked 8 times a game. We need more PA on first-down, the run fake helps us pass-block.

Derrick Henry is still horrible at pass-blocking.

The 2019, 2020, and 2021 draft classes will be showing up for teams this year, and although 2019 was good for us, the most valuable player from that class isn't on the team anymore. So we have a handful of guys from those 3 classes contributing and we're just not that talented, especially on offense.

Injuries killing the defense with #1 EDGE and #1 CB out.

Edited by TitanSS
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1 minute ago, TitanSS said:

Those 2nd and long runs are the bane of our offense and they kill drives about as bad as penalties do. 

I’ve definitely come around to this. The 1st and 10 run rate annoys me, but it’s not what kills drives. It’s the 1st and 15+ and 2nd and 10+ run rate that is the real killer. Constantly forcing Tannehill into 3rd and longs where the defense can pin their ears back and our receivers pose no downfield threat is an impossible ask for a competent, if relatively average QB.

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13 minutes ago, titans0021 said:

The thing is, we talk about his injuries, but he’s consistently played his best as the season has gone on, nagging injuries or not. He’s averaged 11.5 yards per target and 90 yards per game in December and January in his career. He was the only offensive player who bothered to show up the last two playoffs. He doesn’t make a difference yesterday, he’s probably worth a couple points against the Giants though.

Even if we are planning on a soft rebuild, guys like AJ are who you should be investing in. Guy is barely 25, if you lose two years to a rebuild, you still have a WR1 in the prime of his career for whichever young QB you have at that point.

Its just wild to me that we drew the injury line at the player just approaching his prime that still played and produced in our most important games. It didn’t stop us from trading for Julio. Or taking on Woods salary. Or giving Dupree big money. Or spending a first on Farley. We’ll ride with Lewan forever. But AJ, we can’t deal with it.

It's a weird hill to die on, which again lets me know it was more than about money and injuries. 
I dunno....and I'm getting close to not even caring. lol

It's obvious Robinson has been great for us and got us to a level we've not seen in decades.
But this team and organization is just so average. 

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10 minutes ago, titans0021 said:

I mostly don’t even know why I’m so bothered. Things have played out exactly how I thought they would on offense. We made no effort at having a good offense, why should it be a surprise when the offense, you know, isn’t good?

Relying on a vet coming off an ACL, two rookies and then just bodies at receivers. And even then, it’d be one thing if there was a blend of skill sets instead of four redundant guys. An injury prone LT, a LG thats 30 pounds too light and a rookie at RT. And handing the keys back to Downing. We’re just getting what we asked for.

The thing to me is Woods actually looked good when he got the ball and was thrown too. 

Brewer.....good grief. Again I think Derrick is bigger than him. 
But yes. Downing, Tannehill all to me said we gonna suck it up. 

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2 minutes ago, KingTitan said:

It's a weird hill to die on, which again lets me know it was more than about money and injuries. 
I dunno....and I'm getting close to not even caring. lol

It's obvious Robinson has been great for us and got us to a level we've not seen in decades.
But this team and organization is just so average. 

Following the AFCCG run...has he tho? Yes he got us to that level. But we've taken steps back since then. Some how, some way we clawed our way to the 1 seed last week, but his mistakes in drafting/FA have really come to fruition so far this season


I just think our bubble popped. We turned back into a pumpkin. Teams ebb and flow w/o a franchise QB, so hopefully we can right the ship soon.

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2 minutes ago, deeluxx3 said:

I just think our bubble popped. We turned back into a pumpkin. Teams ebb and flow w/o a franchise QB, so hopefully we can right the ship soon.

This next phase in our rebuild will be crucial. Post Henry era is approaching and it’s an opportunity to switch things up with our offensive approach and philosophy.

I’m worried that Robinson and Vrabel are so adamant on this physical, run first offense that it’s going to lead to them ending up like Rick Spielman and Mike Zimmer. 

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It's time to really start to think about the QB situation.

We know by now, and how they playcall the coaching staff just does not believe in Tannehill. And I am sure some players are over it.

I really don't care to maybe salvage the season to get pumped out of the playoffs.

I don't want to rinse repeat these Tannehill good moments against so so and bad teams, then can't hack it against the big boys when we need to lean on him.

Design game plans for Malik and let it ride.

Edited by twotonebluenation
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35 minutes ago, KingTitan said:

MID. I was done with him after the playoff game and I came back around. But what actually can he do? I mean he threw 17 passes. Completed 11 of them. Not bad but we've said this before. Allen threw 17 almost on one drive. 

Out offense put up 60 something yards going into late the game.   Yeah. that's bad. 

Him throwing 17 passes is not on him. Also as soon as he has the ball the pocket was collapsed constantly. I'm not a Tannehill apologist but he isn't the issue with this team right now. Yeah he threw a dumb pick 6 when the game was out of line. He isn't blocking, he isn't calling the most predictable horrid offense in the league, he isn't back muffing punts, he's not allowing guys to run 5 yards before contact, he's not allowing Diggs to run wide open. Hes not sending out Cody Hollister and Geoff Swaim. The list can go on. No he isn't great but to even bring him up as an issue so far is kinda ridiculous. 

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1 minute ago, twotonebluenation said:

It's time to really start to think about the QB situation.

We know by how they playcall the coaching staff just does not believe in Tannehill. And I am sure some players are over it.

I really don't care to maybe salvage the season to get pumped out of the playoffs.

I don't want to rinse repeat these Tannehill good moments against so so and bad teams, then can't hack it against the big boys when we need to lean on him.

Design game plans for Malik and let it ride.

You trust this staff to tailor a gameplan to a guys strengths? You trust this oline to protect a you g guy a enough to not completely ruin him? All while you g guy is a tremendous athlete with unlimited potential but extremely raw. I don't think this is the answer personally. This has nothing against Malik but everything to do with the organization 

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