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Why couldn't Rodgers be even slightly as successful as Brady?


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9 hours ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

We don’t know but people say it and it seems like a silly thing to lie about. Then you consider that guys like Brady, Rice, Ray Lewis weren’t supremely gifted and everyone who’s been around them raves about their legendary work ethics. And you think maybe teammates just like them but then consider that despised players like Terrell Owens and Antonio Brown were also praised for their legendary work ethic and excelled despite not being the most gifted. And then you have physically gifted players like Clowney and McNabb who publicly had their work ethic criticized and didn’t come anywhere close to living up to their potential.

It’s not that no one else thought about it. Everyone has thought about it. It’s just really really hard and most people don’t have it in them.

Wait, what people "say it"? Do you mean Jerry or Tom say they work harder than everyone else? I've never heard them say anything like that, just that they work every single day, and hard. But there are countless players that say the same thing, yet due to lack of accolades a good amount of the public don't care about those players' efforts. Only the "successful" yahoos are spotlighted, and given praise from the peanut gallery like "well they just worked harder than than everyone else!" But was the peanut gallery there to compare everyone else to one another themselves? That's what I'm getting at. Even if Jerry or Tom said "well I just worked harder than everyone else" in a smug manner, I would still be have the same inquiry. I guess that just sounds better than "well I was just more talented". Folks don't want to hear that lol. Yeah, working hard obviously plays a role, but I think other factors like just being talented in addition to playing with quality teammates, coaches, and organization are just as big a factor if not greater ones. 

I remember Rod Smith apparently also practiced every single day, never missed an offseason voluntary workout, led by example, etc. But everyone would scoff at Rod Smith being on the same level as Jerry was. Because Rice has more yards, touchdowns, and whatever else records does that mean Rod Smith didn't work just as hard? 

Also...I'm confused about your remark about Owens? Did you just claim he wasn't the most gifted, but still excelled? Wut? 

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7 hours ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

Unless you think Brady plays the QB position at a level so much higher than Rodgers that it’s worth 6 additional SBs, the answer is quite obvious that Brady consistently played on the better team/organization, + had more “luck”. Look no further than 2014-15 postseason: Rodger’s D surrenders what, 2 scores to Seahawks in final few minutes of NFCC and then loses OT coin toss. Meanwhile in the SB Brady’s D makes an all time goal line stop to beat those Seahawks. Unless we want to argue Brady makes his D play better… but come on.


Is Brady a better QB than Rodgers? I think so. Is he 6 SBs better? Of course not. 1 man, even the QB, can only impact the game so much.

Great response. Thread should stop here. 

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10 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

He ran like a 4.7. Unless that was a lie to make himself seem like a harder worker.

That's just his 40 time though...clearly on tape he's always looked, and played like a man among boys. 

He's almost 50 and looks like a genetic marvel physique-wise. 

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1 hour ago, ChazStandard said:

Without derailing the conversation, is Brady actually lucky? Yes, there have been incidents of good luck, but there have been just as many bad luck moments, if not more. They probably break even over the years.

Really, the weird thing about Brady’s career isn’t just the winning, it’s that even in the years his teams weren't winning the SB they were always in the hunt, there were no down years or rebuilding seasons so they were always in a position to parlay a lucky break into a championship. That’s down to three factors really: an almost pathological desire to win, a consistently well coached defense and his ability to turn any collection of even vaguely capable receivers into a productive offense.

On topic, and I’ve said this before, there’s no point in asking “why isn’t Rodgers as successful as Brady?” Because nobody is. Before Brady, nobody would have looked at Rodgers’ career and said it was anything but a success.

It’s always been said before now that player got “his ring”. One or two Super Bowls were enough to prove you could go all the way. Favre, Young, Warner, Payton, Namath, Elway…none of them were branded losers for their 1 or 2 rings.

Now Rodgers and Wilson are nearing retirement with people considering they could have done more, Brees and Peyton faced the same when they hung it up. If Mahomes never wins another he’ll get the same treatment too.

Thats Brady’s greatest legacy for the sport, completely resetting the very definition of success. 



Also bad luck is why 19-0 isn't on Brady's resume.

Rodgers' playoff failures occur because he is waaaaaay too timid with the ball and afraid of throwing a pick.

Edited by biggie.
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Brady comparison is weird. What is funny though is that even perennial playoff choker Peyton Manning had more playoff success and appearances in Super Bowls than Rodgers. I feel like people have in their mind Rodgers first 2 playoff trips are the norm. He has had a lot of individual underwhelming play that he has barely gotten criticized for because the press liked his personality until fairly recently.

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4 hours ago, notthatbluestuff said:

Nice, we’re starting to get more varied and interesting answers. Food for thought, no doubt.

Seems like your looking for a specific answer, he’s a playoff choker, he’s a great QB but he sucks when he has the pressure on him only in the playoffs. He tries to play hero ball and it is evident last year when he chucked it to Adams when he had someone in the crossing wide open. The only game I wouldn’t blame on him is the 2014 nfc title game, every other game his defense got scored upon and he couldn’t respond 

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1 hour ago, Manny/Patrick said:

He tries to play hero ball

For one, he has to play hero ball in most cases because the defense and/or special teams wet the bed. And two, when you have a QB as good as Rodgers is, then you want him to play hero ball. That's part of what makes him great. if you're the Packers coach and the game is on the line, who do you give the ball to?  Rodgers.


1 hour ago, Manny/Patrick said:

The only game I wouldn’t blame on him is the 2014 nfc title game,

I have so many questions here but I'll start with a simple one.

So you blame Rodgers for 2009, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2019, or 2020?

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5 hours ago, Manny/Patrick said:

Seems like your looking for a specific answer, he’s a playoff choker, he’s a great QB but he sucks when he has the pressure on him only in the playoffs. He tries to play hero ball and it is evident last year when he chucked it to Adams when he had someone in the crossing wide open. The only game I wouldn’t blame on him is the 2014 nfc title game, every other game his defense got scored upon and he couldn’t respond 

A specific answer? No. I was, however, looking for something a little more believable than “how can we possibly expect a 4-time MVP to score more than 28 points? Come on now, playoff games are hard!”

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10 hours ago, Manny/Patrick said:

Rodgers keeps running into the nfc west in the playoffs, where he’s like 0-8. Look at those defenses and you’ll find the answer, only title win was against a cutlerless bears. 

I mean, he did beat a great Steelers defense in the Super Bowl :)

But yeah, playing the Bears made it easier to get there. Ok to have a break when you need to win three road games just to get a bite at the apple though.

Edited by TecmoSuperJoe
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