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Push Gate


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39 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

You seem more outraged about other people being potentially outraged in your mind lol

Less outraged, more surprised and befuddled at how strongly a lot of people reacted to this.

 Like I said initially, this isn’t NOTHING, but it isn’t much of something either. And my belief in that has only been strengthened when I see the other angle, and since seeing ex players say that when a game is over and players are headed into the tunnel, others aren’t supposed to be crossing in that path.

Adams was obviously frustrated and it wasn’t a great moment for him. He shouldn’t have done it. But taking everything into context, I still think don’t think beyond an exchange of a few thousand dollars between the involved parties is necessary. Something on the lower end of five figures at most.

I’ve seen several people suggesting a suspension. That’s crazy to me.

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4 hours ago, ET80 said:

I had to ask the question because it seems like you're completely aghast on someone walking around an unrestricted area they're allowed to be at, doing their job.

And to you... shoving him out of the way is a justified response? Are you serious? 

If this was some area he shouldn't be at, there would be restraints or ropes sectioning it off for non-players to not walk through. There would be signs saying "Reserved for Players only" notating that nobody other than the players can be there. This is rather common in facilities that have restricted areas - from a football field to a hospital and everywhere in between.

Did any of that apply to the area the cameraman was in? Was it a restricted area? If not, there is absolutely nothing preventing that guy to be there. 

Agreed. Adams being angry after a loss is irrelevant, and I don't know why that keeps getting brought up as if it's supposed to paint him in a better light. It could have been a stumbling drunk, and that still wouldn't warrant getting shoved to the ground. There is a little conspiracy theory brewing here that the cameraman also may have did it on purpose, but intent can't be proven. He could have just been doing his job, and there are so many media people moving about after a game, that walking in front of a player headed to the locker room win or lose, isn't a surprise. Adams acted more "wrong" and that's the bottom line. 

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20 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

So you'd be cool if someone just shoved you to the ground for no reason while carrying your laptop and phone and trying to do your job?

Setting aside that supposedly, when the game is over and players are going to the tunnel, it’s established that you don’t cross that path?

No, I wouldn’t be “cool” with it, nor am I suggesting that nothing happen as a result of this.

Fine Adams, give the dude whatever money is needed to replace or fix equipment and cover hospital bills (and I’d be triple checking those medical reports to sniff out any BS), throw him a few extra thousand dollars as an “oops, sorry bro”, and move on.

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36 minutes ago, Jakuvious said:

Let's be real, the dude is definitely just trying to get money. Which, good for him, honestly. Can't blame him at all. But I really doubt serious injuries came from this.

That said, the defense of Adams is weird to me. Like, it's the cameraman's fault for not watching where he was going, but Adams wasn't either? The cameraman should stop and wait for Adams, but not the other way around? Even though Adams ran into him, the cameraman was in that space first. Like, from a car accident perspective, Adams hit the guy, not the other way around. Adams should've yielded. Now I get it, he was upset and distracted, but thats an excuse, not justification. 

Doesn't matter he was angry and headed to the locker room after a loss. :)

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6 hours ago, ThatJaxxenGuy said:

Even if you walk in front someone absent mindedly, that’s not free license for an assault. 

Did some of you guys never mature past the playground? Adults aren’t allowed to just shove people to the ground because they’re very, very briefly in the way. 



Yep. This thread is disheartening.

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20 minutes ago, DannyB said:

Less outraged, more surprised and befuddled at how strongly a lot of people reacted to this.

 Like I said initially, this isn’t NOTHING, but it isn’t much of something either. And my belief in that has only been strengthened when I see the other angle, and since seeing ex players say that when a game is over and players are headed into the tunnel, others aren’t supposed to be crossing in that path.

Adams was obviously frustrated and it wasn’t a great moment for him. He shouldn’t have done it. But taking everything into context, I still think don’t think beyond an exchange of a few thousand dollars between the involved parties is necessary. Something on the lower end of five figures at most.

I’ve seen several people suggesting a suspension. That’s crazy to me.

A short suspension for assaulting an employee seems crazy to you? That's outrageous ;)

But for real, it's nuts you think that's "crazy". It's very appropriate.

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18 minutes ago, DannyB said:

Setting aside that supposedly, when the game is over and players are going to the tunnel, it’s established that you don’t cross that path?

No, I wouldn’t be “cool” with it, nor am I suggesting that nothing happen as a result of this.

Fine Adams, give the dude whatever money is needed to replace or fix equipment and cover hospital bills (and I’d be triple checking those medical reports to sniff out any BS), throw him a few extra thousand dollars as an “oops, sorry bro”, and move on.

If Andre Johnson snatched Cortland Finnegan's chain in 2022, there would be people calling for him to do 15 years for felony robbery. I have no idea how anyone takes this seriously. Someone got pushed slightly outside the acceptable pushing zone at an NFL game. Ya don't say.

The only thing I disagree with you on is the size of the bag the dude gets. Let's send his kids to college at least.

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1 hour ago, incognito_man said:

I don't understand why people believe so strongly that this couldn't have resulted in actual injury. Guy had his arms full of gear and didn't brace a hard shove to the ground. It's more likely than not he had a legit injury.

I mean, if he was 75 years old, I’d find it more believable. Every so often you’ll see one of the sideline guys take a worse hit than that when a ball carrier happens to run into them. Hell, you see Buffalo fans do worse to themselves at any given tailgate every Sunday morning. Shrug.

Speculative in both directions, so I’m not really going to push on it. Just doesn’t seem like something I’d see and think “oh crap that guy’s got a physical injury and should probably go to the hospital”. Not impossible, of course. Just not what I’d call likely. “Arranging personal transportation” is part of the sell, IMO.

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1 hour ago, Yin-Yang said:

My state’s different than most others (a push, by itself, isn’t criminal) but the idea that this dude went to the hospital with physical injuries seems like a stretch. Just off face value, this isn’t something my department would likely entertain beyond a harassment report, sans some sort of actual physical injury.

Momentary d-bag move by Adams but come on. 

Initially I thought it might be a stretch, but the more I thought about the less of a stretch it seemed that he may have picked up some (likely minor) injuries.

The guy clearly didn’t see the push coming, so he was already at a disadvantage to break his fall, but to add to it, he had that cumbersome piece of media equipment in his hands, so he went straight down onto his back on what looked like concrete without being able to use his hands to break his fall. He also had a backpack on, it doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to think he may have had some media equipment in there such as a camera that he would have landed back first onto when he hit the ground. Both videos I’ve seen also don’t show if he hit the back of his head on the concrete as well. 

Edited by tyler735
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