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BDL Discussion Thread 2023


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Rags is a staple of dependability and consistency. His seemingly super stoic mindset yet ability to stand his ground is one that I appreciate, as he's unbending in his values and yet comes across as very nonjudgmental as well. I've seen him have the best team in the league and the worst, and never once wavered on his quality of gameplans on overall positive attitude. You can tell that he really cares about his family, is really a glue guy that holds the league together, has a great sense of humor, and puts up with my shenanigans. Ragnarok is the classic "be a thermostat, not a thermometer" guy who sets the tone instead of being reactionary.

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This is a guy that I appreciate more with each passing day/season in this league. I got to know MD4L as a guy in Mafia games and really only saw him under that lense for a while. After some time, I've gotten to appreciate his analysis of players/prospects, whether I share them or not, and that he's another valued member of this league. His IRL connections and insight into the inner workings of leagues/front office dynamics is one that I enjoy seeing. The more I get to know him, the more I appreciate his knowledge of the game and seeing some things from different angles.

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EPC has one of the best senses of humors in the league. His willingness to shamelessly promote his own players, throw Blue under the bus for Jordan Mailata (which I wasn't here for), banter with others, and self deprecate his hatred for gameplans is something that I've grown to thoroughly enjoy. In discord he's awesome as well. He adds a lot of much needed "personality and humor" to the league.

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I love his sheer willingness to play the long game on the team building and how he hoards draft picks. I enjoy his fun dichotomy of playing the long game and yet playing the "now game" in acquiring players and picks, all while keeping a super positive attitude. You can always count on him to give as close to unbiased insight/voting as humanly possible, with some fun rationale, whether you agree with it or not, you never question his motives, and I absolutely appreciate that.

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I legitimately didn't know he was someone separate from Pickle Rick until this past off-season, which is pretty funny to me for some reason. I've gotten to know him and appreciate how much he cares for this league and the people in this league based off of behind the scenes things in discord and IRL. Apparently he's a Michigan fan, which I obviously don't like, but I always appreciate those who love college football, as that's my favorite as well.

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Legitimately I had no idea how to take Ruskie when entering this league, because he was always that frustrating "Roll Tide" meme trash troll in the college football forum. Then when I got here, I realized how hilarious he is, how much he knows about football, and how he essentially builds a defense/team almost verbatim how I would, which is fun to see. His sense of humor is absolutely hilarious and I grow to appreciate him more each time he posts in this league. I'm rooting for you to complete that infinity gauntlet of DL buddy!

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What's there to say about Rack? I first got to know him in Mafia, as both of us shared a "we suck as scum, what do we do?" love/hate for mafia. I then got to see his epic Mafia Game creations, got to know him a bit more as a person, and realized we are both fellow history teachers. Despite the fact that he's a Steeler fan, I appreciate his passion and insight into the league. Often the "voice of reason" in many cases, you get to see his love for the draft, mock drafts, team building, and how he's willing to build a team/defense his way is something I absolutely appreciate. I also thoroughly appreciate his sense of humor and various banters we've had over the years.

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He's another guy I got to know more in Mafia before I came here. We share a love and passion for old school professional wrestling, and he's got a unique ability to say things very concisely/put simply and yet be relatively impactful and profound, which someone like me tends to struggle with and can learn a lot from.

I also appreciate his sense of humor, shameless self promotion of players on his team, inability to spell basic words, and his back and forth banter with others.  

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I've really appreciated having you in the league. I like your overall philosophy of team building, willingness to engage in your voting rationale, even if I don't agree with it, there's a thought process behind it. You've been very good behind the scenes in willingness to step in a few times and run things/run them well.

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I feel like we've been "passing ships" in this league. You have been able to build up a nice roster and seemingly provide a lot of stability here. I'm looking forward to getting to know you more.


We are "across the world" passing ships. I'm looking forward to you being the dude who is temporarily/indefinitely taking over for JLash/Camden.

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I could go on and on about Malfatron. He's got a contagious personality, I don't recall ever seeing him have so much as an argument of any type with any other user on this site, he's got a great sense of humor, and while he's overtly manipulative in mafia, he's still just so darn loveable. 

In all seriousness, he commands respect without trying to do so or wanting to do so. I appreciate his knowledge of the game, self deprecating sense of humor about his team(s), and some of my favorite memories have been in scum chat together cooking up crazy hair/brained ideas that toe the line between "crash and burn" meets "genius".

Whether it's a TECMO simulation, Mafia game, or BDL banter with homemade memes, you can pretty much always appreciate Malfatron.

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24 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


He's another guy I got to know more in Mafia before I came here. We share a love and passion for old school professional wrestling, and he's got a unique ability to say things very concisely/put simply and yet be relatively impactful and profound, which someone like me tends to struggle with and can learn a lot from.

I also appreciate his sense of humor, shameless self promotion of players on his team, inability to spell basic words, and his back and forth banter with others.  

I lvoe yuo too

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:


This is a guy that I appreciate more with each passing day/season in this league. I got to know MD4L as a guy in Mafia games and really only saw him under that lense for a while. After some time, I've gotten to appreciate his analysis of players/prospects, whether I share them or not, and that he's another valued member of this league. His IRL connections and insight into the inner workings of leagues/front office dynamics is one that I enjoy seeing. The more I get to know him, the more I appreciate his knowledge of the game and seeing some things from different angles.

Thank you for such a kind note. This is fantastic.

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2 hours ago, MWil23 said:


I've really appreciated having you in the league. I like your overall philosophy of team building, willingness to engage in your voting rationale, even if I don't agree with it, there's a thought process behind it. You've been very good behind the scenes in willingness to step in a few times and run things/run them well.

It was a short time but overall it was a good time. I'll be around. Thanks.

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