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Chrono Trigger Mafia (Lavos and Magus wins!)

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15 minutes ago, rackcs said:

I was obviously wrong but I am Earth aligned. Anyone who has been played with me knows I'm not the type to go that hard for a scummate, I bus and survive. But I'm pretty checked out at this point anyways so do what you will.

I believe you. 

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It seems that Lucca really should've made her lab a bit safer before her untimely murder, as yet another explosion went off there during the night. This time, however, the victim was a poor refugee from the hellscape the group had just left. While not allied with the party, @Pickle Rick was not a threat either. On the contrary, the Sight Scope identified him as Johnny, a cyborg Survivor:


Origin: 2300 AD (Future)
"My granny rides faster than that! Hop on again if you think you can handle it, babe." - Johnny

You are aligned as a Survivor: Survive until the end of the game. You are not a threat to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Hoodwink: Target another player to steal an item from that player's inventory. If that player is attempting to use an item that night, they will be blocked from doing so and that item will be the one stolen (if not, the item is chosen randomly). Factional items are converted to their generic version, and the target receives another copy of that factional item at the end of the next night. You cannot steal the same type of item from that player again this game.
  • Turbo Engine (Passive): Your vote cannot be locked by any effect or mechanic that normally would. This ability does not prevent you from choosing to lock your vote normally.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Jet Bike (Support): Once per game, on use, all actions targeting you during the night will fail. You cannot use this item and an ability in the same night.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Overdrive: Once per game, on use, you may use two separate items during the night. Additionally, using this ability does not prevent you from using a Jet Bike in the same night.

Still, the party was optimistic that their plight might soon be over - no heroes of Earth were lost during the night. Day 7 is open, and will close at 9:00 PM ET on Tuesday, January 17th.

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Okay, so here’s what I know. 

It’s not Xmad. He was proven to be aligned with Earth. Not only did he approach me, but Ragnarok also confirmed. I’m willing to lose to this  

MWil and Ragnarok are essentially cleared of being Lavos, but they could still be a threat to Earth. 

AFAIK the game has just accepted that Deadpulse is a friendly other. Has this been actually proven? 

What else do we know?

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I’m somewhat concerned that the last threat to Earth (or it better be the last one) is an Indy rather than Lavos. But 4 is a bit small for 20. I don’t know how Nacho balances his games but with the strength of town I’m guessing there’s 5

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