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The 2023 Offseason Thread


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12 minutes ago, Jroc04 said:

I’ll worry about a QB contract when every other team does or (some) fans do(es), when his cap is an issue. Clearly there will be adjustments made when Jalen goes from making 1.2 to 40. But are we supposed to keep 50M in cap money because of a future contract? Let Howie worry about the numbers. He clearly can manipulate more than we can see. And along with that, if Howie has a shot to put together a better roster for the year, don’t we want him to push and get those guys even if he has to spend precious resources a couple years down the line to do it? 

I mean, sure, having a slew of rookies contribute to your team successfully is not only rare it’s unusual. It’s also extremely hindsight. Howie generally doesn’t operate like that. Maybe because he doesn’t have the ability too. But then your argument is different. KC being able to do what they did is more luck than skill. Yes, they have a juggernaut QB and TE with a HoF HC. That’s not luck. But when you’re able to field the team with rookies and still be that good, there’s some luck involved. You can’t count on that happening season to season. 

Bottom line is, until Howie is giving away important pro bowl players because he’s cash strapped then I’ll start to tell you he needs a new strategy. Obviously, situations vary. Outside of CJGJ, who clearly messed his own contract up, I don’t think we lost anyone that wasn’t in our short and long term plans anyhow. But how can anyone sit here and post about his cap situation and handling and at the same time be gleeful and happy about watching a team who was arguably one play away from clinching 2 SBs in 5 years? I’m not old but I’m not young either. I grew up with Eagles teams that were trash, underperforming and directionless. I’m cool with what I’ve seen the last 20 years. I’m REALLY cool with what I’ve see in the last 5. I don’t want to go back. This is a new NFL. There’s more than one way (the old school build through the draft and create a dynasty) to skin a cat. Id rather have a GM that’s not limited to the rules and someone who can manipulate and traverse the rules and bend them to his will than the opposed. 

My thoughts is on who I think the money should of been spent on should be generally on the right side of thirty vs top dollar for guys who can easily fall off the age cliff. I feel it's wishful thinking to give a 35yo DE 6 million and 32yo DT 10 million will be productive enough this year to run it back successfully than spend that money on players who could of been very productive the next 3-4 and fit under that money. For 16 million, probably could of got tj, CJ, and white or Epps. Been younger and more quality players on the field and then draft or trade for potential higher quality of players.  It is a philosophy difference. ATM it seems Howie is on a cycle. two years fringe good play, Build up money, big year push, deep playoff run, bring the old people back for one more run, blow it up,  start over. This feels like the bring old people back stage lol 

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5 minutes ago, UndyTaker said:

Any time a player leaves then the fans down play that players ability and any time we add a player we exaggerate how good they could be for us.

Yes.  Nick Morrow the latest example.  Dude gets abused in coverage, but folks will talk him up as a good signing.

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16 minutes ago, downundermike said:

It is such comedy sometimes.

March 13th, CJGJ is priority 1, have to re sign him at all costs.

March 21st, CJGJ is a bum, head case, was the 8th best player on defense.


Twitter is toxic. Haven't seen many here really bash CGJ. 

Ofc it sucks to lose him. I wanted him to stay over almost everyone. Didn't work out and we gotta move on instead of crying about it. Howie will fix the hole by the time the season rolls around 

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8 minutes ago, downundermike said:

Ike Reese just wrecking the idiot ESP on WIP right now.

ESP giving the Eagles off season to date an A, and Ike Reese making him look like the idiot he is.

I do not like esp and the off season probably isn't an A. It's still incomplete but so far it's been surprisingly well so far. We lost Hargrave and CGJ. Everyone else was meh. As long as we fix those 2 issues it'll balance itself out. 

You're knocking on the wrong door on these forums with the Howie stuff and dead cap. We all understand the dead cap and while it sucks to look at it's better then wasting away Hurts best years. We can talk about the ramifications when it actually Hurts us but that won't be for awhile. 

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Just now, UndyTaker said:

Guys Morrow is not a decent starting LBer....they have yet to sign one this year is what im saying. 

right. But howie wont draft one and then will point to morrow as like well we already took care of it.

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