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Nightless Mini Mafia - Ratio is 2:1 - Day Six ends Tuesday at 8pm EST


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1 hour ago, rackcs said:

Huh, we haven't gone over that in my class yet

My first year of teaching I had a kid who if he ever wanted to prove himself/pull something out of his you know what, would preface it with the caveat “Harvard did a study…” and I’ve now taken it and made it a meme.

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1 hour ago, Malfatron said:

Tying at deadline could be an effective way to scumhunt based on who scum does or doesnt pick for the lynch

-me as scum, probably

“Let’s see how the bad guys react when we play along and let them kill us.” Is a theory that could only be cooked up in FF mafia 

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Day Zero

*clop* *flap* *clop* *flap* *clop* *flap

The captain made his way out to the deck to look his mutinous crew in the eyes.

YAAAAARRRRG!” he proclaimed! “Who among ye is prepared to mutiny? I be hearin the whispers at night! Let’s settle this now! Show your faces and prepare to die like a sailor should!”

The captain pulled a lever and a wooden plank fell into place, creating a short walkway to the forever blue abyss. 

You!” the captain pointed his hook at a man “Walk or I’ll tear ye from limb to limb!

The man followed the order. He walked to the end of the plank and plunged into the icy waters below. He died. A good pirate is dead.

Two rough looking pirates looked at each other across the deck and smiled, two others began rocking back and forth and salivating, the rest looked scared.


Roles going out now.


Final Setup Info 

4:2:2 starting ratio - Four Good Pirates, Two Mutineers, Two Cannibals 

There are no abilities in this game. All players have their vote and nothing else.  

Good Pirate PM:


You are a good pirate. Use your vote to vote out all 4 threats. Win the game when they’re all overboard.


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