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Stalking Rodgers

Brit Pack

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I wanted Aaron to play the season and lose as many games as possible. I wanted to show everyone he isn't the world beater he use to be. I didn't want him to get hurt. I also wanted that 1st round pick. The Jets played well except for the quarterback...hopefully it will be a high 2nd round pick. Good luck to Arod rehabbing and maybe he can come back next year.

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Not knocking on Rodgers. But the Achilles tendon rupture rate was very steady at 6.2% for five years running. If you look at the data closely, however, you can see that the rupture rate started going up even before COVID. COVID may play a role, but something else is going on too. It started going up in the 2008-09 season and the increasing curve is pretty smooth except for the 2019-20 season, which my be a statistical blip. 

Is COVID playing a role? Perhaps, the guy gives some causal information about how the virus interrupts tendon function, but the data suggest there's also another reason for the steady uptick. It amazes me the the owners who invest hundreds of million of dollars in their player-employees don't hire some good scientists to track injuries and the causes to look into safer training methods, playing surfaces, and equipment. Maybe they are and I don't know it. 

Back to the curve. A single year blip for a specific injury is just randomness, but a curve like that should be concerning. 

To be open about it, I was glad to see Rodgers leave. I would have dealt him even a year earlier. He needed a new environment, but it sucks for him to go out like this. The owners need to up their game on preventing injuries. As someone who is old enough to remember Daryl Stingley being taken off the field, and Ken Dyer at Lambeau, I know there have been rule changes to try to protect players, but more needs to be done with playing surfaces, equipment (look at an 1960's photo of an NFL player wearing pads!) and training prep. 

Sorry for the rant. For all his late career goofiness, Rodgers was still one of my favorite QBs. A high IQ QB who could beat a defense with his head as well as his arm. Just upset this happened to him. Seriously hoping it is just a strain. Haven't seen the MRI results yet a I write this.

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Oh wow, I hadn't paid any attention to the off-season for him but saw he tweaked that left calf twice in practice. The writing was on the wall. He committed a crime by not being 100% "quick pass" mindset. Jets fans should be livid with him. They will be in not too long once this all sinks in.

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2 hours ago, Packerraymond said:

Yeah, time and place for that. 12 hrs after the fact is not the time or place. 

Odd, I've heard that argument somewhere else. Hum. Let's see. Oh yeah, after every mass shooting some congress critter on the take from the NRA says, too soon to talk about doing something, and then nothing ever gets done. Lot's of tots and pears, but no action. People act on emotions. That's why we have them, or nothing would ever get done.

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2 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

Oh wow, I hadn't paid any attention to the off-season for him but saw he tweaked that left calf twice in practice. The writing was on the wall. He committed a crime by not being 100% "quick pass" mindset. Jets fans should be livid with him. They will be in not too long once this all sinks in.

Didn't he have trouble with that calf in the 2014-15 season? 

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3 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

Oh wow, I hadn't paid any attention to the off-season for him but saw he tweaked that left calf twice in practice. The writing was on the wall. He committed a crime by not being 100% "quick pass" mindset. Jets fans should be livid with him. They will be in not too long once this all sinks in.

Nope, it will continue to be just spurned Packers fan. 

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