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Mascot Mafia Sign Up and Thread


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20 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

I’m nervous about mathman.

I thought his “plan” D1 to misdirect a hit was a bunch of crap and he was trying to build off his Turkey Mafia where he basically orchestrated a win playing as a civ out in the open. It was very strange and reading it again doesn’t make anything more clear. Why would an investigator be that bold on N1? You’re asking to get hit early being so bold and clearly pro-town. 

So far we have 2 deaths (not NHL) and our “investigator” hasn’t found any NHL-aligned players either. Who can you clear after last night mathman? 

Our “investigator” is still alive and as far as we know the mafia he’s after doesn’t even exist, and they certainly haven’t killed anyone.


20 hours ago, MathMan said:

You guys are really voting me? lol


20 hours ago, MathMan said:



sanchez--2- ted, math

tyty--2--et, mookie

math--3--bucs, tk3, dome

bucs - 2 (tyty



20 hours ago, Tyty said:

Why Sanchez, math? He has been posting very infrequently, as has hockey it seems like. Is that it?

Early heat on mathman, and he pushes sanchez instead



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20 hours ago, MathMan said:

I investigated you. You are my clear.



20 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

You said you felt I was civ in D1 before I had even posted, because of Matt’s schenanigans. Then later you said I was “semi” cleared again because of the same situation and I mentioned it was odd you were pushing my clear so early. 

So you’ve had good feelings on me since D1 but still felt the need to investigate me over guys l that you’re be actually had questions about?

Mafia knows everyone who isn’t mafia, clearing me isn’t exactly earth shattering coming from you considering you already tried it twice. 

This doesn’t look worse for you obviously, but it doesn’t do much for me in proving you’re a civ.


20 hours ago, MathMan said:

I started getting suspicious of you during the Night 2, which is why I changed my move to you.

Mostly because it felt like you were setting up ty for tomorrow.


Is it what it is. I think you should continue to let me find mafia. I'll find one. And even if you don't believe me, and call it "bussing" or whatever, at least its another mafia down.


19 hours ago, MathMan said:

How about this?

let me do 2 more invests.

If I don't find mafia, lynch me, and then we know the 4 clears are good, and it's auto-win probably.

If I find mafia, lynch them.

If I get killed by mafia, then you know I'm clear.


I'm willing to bet on myself that I can find mafia.

I was going to invest tyty tonight, but it might be better for him to hard claim, and then we can try to figure out if he's lying (or get cc's)


19 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Can’t really say I Iike you asking for a specific amount of nights.


19 hours ago, MathMan said:

I know how it sounded when I wrote it. Hopefully, I have success tonight.


19 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:


You’re scum and you’re using your knowledge of who is scum to “clear” people that you “investigated” as I’ve said several times, mafia can clear anyone

I think you might be Godfather type that’s immune to investigation or maybe survive your first lynch and that’s why you were OK playing so open early in the game and wanting to get close with me cause you really did see me as a clear civ and wanted to get someone on your side.

I’ve never heard of an investigator asking for just “two more” invests.

Didn’t @bucsfan333 mention an arsonist role? Isn’t this exactly how an arsonist role would work?


19 hours ago, MathMan said:

Because you guys are determined to lynch me, and I don't think there's a way to clear myself other than finding mafia or having the tracker track me.


19 hours ago, MathMan said:

fine. Lynch me tomorrow if I don't find mafia.

If I find inno, I'll just post me inno and vote for myself.


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18 hours ago, MathMan said:

I doubt it. FWIW, I asked bcb if NHL was mafia, and he told me that he couldn't reveal the win conditions of other players.


18 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

So you’re not sure if NHL is mafia.

but you’re declaring “clears” for non-NHL players and referring to them as “innos”



18 hours ago, MathMan said:

I'm assuming they are mafia, because what else could they be?

Assuming they are a threat to town at the very least.

I was thinking that the write-up would support that but mafia didn't make a successful hit yet



More stuff that doesn't sound like a detective at all. He's not sure he's hunting mafia? But declaring clears, sometimes without actually clearing them first, and sometimes before they've even posted in the thread?

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16 hours ago, NS922 said:

I believe Malf is the detective like he says. Anyone who votes for him will be on my mafia list.

The "two more nights" thing is suspicious, but I feel he said that more out of desperation than out of manipulation.


16 hours ago, MathMan said:

Chances are, I need to be lynched (or hit) sometime this game to be trusted.

I'm fine with it.


math--4--bucs, tk3, dome, tyty

Utley - 3 (whicker, math, ted

tyty--2--et, mookie,

sanchez--1, ted



16 hours ago, Tyty said:

Mathman doesn't get desperate 


15 hours ago, MathMan said:

I mean, I know I can get mafia in 2 nights. I highly believe I can get mafia in 1 more night.

It's fine though. I still think civs win, even if I'm lynched.


15 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

I feel like he already used his “desperation” card when he “claimed” with 4 more votes to lynch...

Sounds like you’re setting up a bus.


15 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

@MathMan how could you KNOW you’re gonna get mafia in 2 more night? You’re back on this “I just need 2 nights/invest” thing and it makes no sense.


15 hours ago, MathMan said:

Because I think things are narrowed down fairly well where it would be like shooting fish in a barrel.


15 hours ago, MathMan said:

Here's what I think.

My role is in the game to find mafia  (my role can't find the other)

Whicker's role is in the game to find the other (maybe mafia doesn't have a hit, so whicker cant track them)


If there is ANY OTHER investigative role in the game, you should speak up now.


15 hours ago, MathMan said:

I'm saying this because I know there isn't.

It looks like mafia doesn't have a hit, so Whicker's role is worthless against them.

You are lynching the only investigative role that can find mafia, and I bet mafia are going to jump on at the last minute, last tyty is.

tyty, you should claim, so we can test the validity of your role.


15 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

You know this?


15 hours ago, MathMan said:

Why would there be 3 investigate roles?

That's way to overpowered for civs.


15 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

I don’t think there are. I think you’re bluffing your role. 


15 hours ago, Tyty said:

I don't like:

• mathman playing head games because I've never felt so on the fence with him with how he's been all game 

• domepatrol going so hard after mathman. He's been trying way too hard and it makes him look extremely suspicious 


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18 hours ago, MathMan said:

@Whicker do you think it makes sense to split up our moves (like you track even numbered players, and I invest odd numbered players), or should we just go and hope we don't do the same person.

Also, do you think you should out the person you tracked? 


18 hours ago, Whicker said:

Yes we should pick different players. 

Don't think it makes sense to say who I tracked. If others want me to say I will. He went no where but that doesn't clear him. 


18 hours ago, MathMan said:

right because he might have not called in his hit (or not had a move). It might help mafia narrow down the PR, so probably keep it hidden for now.

Do you want to track Even or odd numbered players? I'll take the other set.


18 hours ago, Whicker said:

 I'll do even


18 hours ago, MathMan said:

OK, I'll take odd.


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14 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Malf, this post stinks.


14 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

Most of them do, to be honest.


14 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Not like that one.


14 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

Has he done enough to earn your vote?


14 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Still deciding between it being desperation due to actually being the detective or due to being mafia


14 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Can’t really say I like how much you jumped on it


14 hours ago, EliteTexan80 said:

So, we're voting against our un-countered CCed detective? Yeah, that makes sense.


14 hours ago, domepatrol91 said:

It does if we don’t have a detective. He’s already said civs don’t have 3 investigative roles... however, IF he and whicker are to be believed, I can confirm that we do have 3 investigative roles.

But I tend to I agree with him that 3 would be unbalanced, and I think he’s the one who made it up, not whicker


13 hours ago, EliteTexan80 said:




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13 hours ago, MathMan said:

assuming you are the watcher.

makes sense.

tracker/watcher to catch the pirate (he makes the hits and thus visits)

detective to catch the mafia (they dont make hits, but are grouped together in a chat and can coordinate votes)


13 hours ago, MathMan said:

so,  dome = watcher

whicker = tracker

mathman = detective


what does that make tyty then?

he claimed a pr.


13 hours ago, MathMan said:

everyone need to get their vote on record between either me or tyty. 

from my pov (and the towns pov) it doesnt make sense that we are both power roles

i trust whicker, and i believe dome is the other pr.


13 hours ago, MathMan said:

because dome claimed he was a power role, and i have a non-nhl result on him. so fmpov, tyty pretty much has to be mafia. his soft claim as he was getting heat was suspect, and we shouldnt have laid off


13 hours ago, MathMan said:

not a big deal if i am lynched over ty, because we should lynch him tomorrow. 

however, if everyone picks a side, mafia cant hide


13 hours ago, utley4568 said:



13 hours ago, MathMan said:











pick a vote.

me or tyty.

one of us has to be mafia


12 hours ago, MathMan said:

its your call whicker. if you vote me, ill just self hammer to end it bc then at least 3 civs would be on me

i encourage you to vote tyty, but i get it if you vote me


12 hours ago, MathMan said:

lets see if scum hammers.

who wants to do the honors?





12 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

tyty malf is bold but not that bold


12 hours ago, MathMan said:

make a choice.

hammer me or vote tyty

we cant both by prs.

if you choose wrong, get it right tomorrow


12 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

I’d rather go for Bucs based on how he jumped at trying to get me to vote you.


12 hours ago, MathMan said:

ok on the off chance that tyty is a legit pr



math--6--bucs, tk3, dome, tyty, et80, utley,

tyty--3 mookie, NS922, touch

Utley - 2 (whicker, ted

bucs - 1 (math


12 hours ago, MathMan said:

@theuntouchable @Whicker

vote bucs?

without your support, theres not much of a chance.

id rather know now if im to be the lynch so i can do something else

malf boldly puts the final vote on himself, for all of 14 minutes. Screams desperation move, not "bold".

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