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1 hour ago, MookieMonster said:

Because I'm the protector and I protected myself.


Did Whicker ever announce who he followed last night and what the result was? Pretty sure he was converted, and lost his power.

I wouldn’t have came out with that. In doing so you’re narrowing down the list of people to choose from for them to convert.

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1 hour ago, bucsfan333 said:

Are you trying to convert guys and failing? Is that how you're "investigating" everyone? But how would you fail to convert me?

I don't see how I could be a team for one of the four major sports, assuming that's some sort of requirement.

Would that sport be one of the remaining sports left? Don’t mention what sport. 

I’d be willing to bet that whatever sport wouldn’t fit is what TK is.

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20 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

There’s two reasons I know you’re lying now. One of them is blatantly obvious to me and the other should be obvious to everyone else.

You’re claiming that your invests not only reveal specific role but alignment as well?

Don't be mad because I got you.

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16 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Would that sport be one of the remaining sports left? Don’t mention what sport. 

I’d be willing to bet that whatever sport wouldn’t fit is what TK is.

Oh please.

You and Bucs both need to stop with the "oh gee, I don't know what's going on here" schtick. It's obvious

There are 4 sport cults

Malf was the leader of NHL.
Dome was the leader of MLB.
Tyty is the leader of NBA.
Bucs is the leader of NFL.

You are one of Bucs converts

I'm going to keep finding people, and I am going to keep outing their specific sports.

Kill Tyty, Bucs, or Untouchable. I promise you their result will match the sport I posted.

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18 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Would that sport be one of the remaining sports left? Don’t mention what sport. 

I’d be willing to bet that whatever sport wouldn’t fit is what TK is.

I can't get over the "what other sport could it be?" nonsense you are spitting here.

He is obviously playing dumb.

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8 hours ago, Tk3 said:

Alright guys, time to drop the real knowledge

DOME - cult leader
BUCS - cult leader
TYTY - cult leader

Time to knock them out.

So on D3 after I had said I basically had a no info with my tracker result, you push me into revealing my target by saying that the only power we have as civs is information and it's imperative to share information. However, you had not one but two guilty targets. Not only that, but they were not mafia guilties but CULT guilties. Cult is by far the most dangerous alignment in a mafia game and at the time there were zero reasons for people not in the know to know there was even one cult. I know I'm not nearly as good at this game as you, but if I were cop and I investigated a cult leader on N1 then not only am I assuming they are the only cult, I am 100000000% making sure they get lynched D2 as it was made clear in the Horror Movie game that cults get out of hand and can dominate the game very very quickly.

Alright so let's try and tell this story. On D2 you have a cult leader guilty. I am certain that any person without any extra knowledge at this point would assume that the cult leader would be the only cult leader in the game and that we were town vs mafia vs cult. Malf claims detective which you know is bs and he's not one of your targets so you're pretty sure he's mafia. I reveal that MD4L killed KSJ and he looks like mafia now too. Even if we were to assume 4 mafia and 2 cult in the worst case of a town v mafia v cult game, we have literally half the game solved as soon as you claim and give us your guilty. Even in a universe where you KNEW there was no protector and knew you were going to be NK'd N2 for claiming cop then I still believe you must claim here, get the cult leader lynched, and expose 2 mafia members to subsequent lynches or maybe an X-shot Vig. If you're telling the truth then I'll give you props for calling the correct three guys but I'd also argue that you played D2 terribly. There is NO way you figured out the 4 cults, no mafia mechanic this early.

Then on D3 you now have 2 cult leader guilties, someone you are so sure on that you'd bet your mafia career on it, and a flipped serial killer. We've gone two nights now without a mafia hit and you are certain on three more non-towns. Even if you came to the conclusion that 4 sports leagues = 4 cults in this game, what's the point of keeping it hidden now? What's the risk of coming out and telling town "hey guys I think there's 4 cults for this sensible reason and I know Dome, Malf, and Bucs/Tyty are three of the leaders. I believe Bucs/Tyty is the other leader." You said the only reason not to share information is to protect your identity, and at this time we had no reason to believe that there were any more hits in this game. What were you afraid of?


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8 hours ago, Tk3 said:

You are a cult leader.

You figured out malf, because you realized he was the same as you.

Untouchable is obviously a cult convert also, but the cultists have to go first.

If the cult leaders have to go first (which I agree, they do), why haven't you said all this earlier? I don't care how dangerous Malf is or how sure you are that he's non-town, if you have a cult leader guilty then you have to lynch the cult leader. Instead, though, you let us lynch a serial killer (or what at the time looked like a mafia member with a simple hit) on a claim that didn't even guarantee it to the same degree as yours.

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

So on D3 after I had said I basically had a no info with my tracker result, you push me into revealing my target by saying that the only power we have as civs is information and it's imperative to share information. However, you had not one but two guilty targets. Not only that, but they were not mafia guilties but CULT guilties. Cult is by far the most dangerous alignment in a mafia game and at the time there were zero reasons for people not in the know to know there was even one cult. I know I'm not nearly as good at this game as you, but if I were cop and I investigated a cult leader on N1 then not only am I assuming they are the only cult, I am 100000000% making sure they get lynched D2 as it was made clear in the Horror Movie game that cults get out of hand and can dominate the game very very quickly.

Alright so let's try and tell this story. On D2 you have a cult leader guilty. I am certain that any person without any extra knowledge at this point would assume that the cult leader would be the only cult leader in the game and that we were town vs mafia vs cult. Malf claims detective which you know is bs and he's not one of your targets so you're pretty sure he's mafia. I reveal that MD4L killed KSJ and he looks like mafia now too. Even if we were to assume 4 mafia and 2 cult in the worst case of a town v mafia v cult game, we have literally half the game solved as soon as you claim and give us your guilty. Even in a universe where you KNEW there was no protector and knew you were going to be NK'd N2 for claiming cop then I still believe you must claim here, get the cult leader lynched, and expose 2 mafia members to subsequent lynches or maybe an X-shot Vig. If you're telling the truth then I'll give you props for calling the correct three guys but I'd also argue that you played D2 terribly. There is NO way you figured out the 4 cults, no mafia mechanic this early.

Then on D3 you now have 2 cult leader guilties, someone you are so sure on that you'd bet your mafia career on it, and a flipped serial killer. We've gone two nights now without a mafia hit and you are certain on three more non-towns. Even if you came to the conclusion that 4 sports leagues = 4 cults in this game, what's the point of keeping it hidden now? What's the risk of coming out and telling town "hey guys I think there's 4 cults for this sensible reason and I know Dome, Malf, and Bucs/Tyty are three of the leaders. I believe Bucs/Tyty is the other leader." You said the only reason not to share information is to protect your identity, and at this time we had no reason to believe that there were any more hits in this game. What were you afraid of?


First off, I was 100% inactive on D2. Go back and look, zero posts, zero votes. I was out of town and missed that entire day.

So I get back during N2. I see my N1 invest, but it is nighttime so I didn't do anything with it. I placed my N2 invest. I received a 2nd cult leader with a different league which got me thinking.

Then, Malf did his "not-NHL" schtick, and it became obvious that he was the NHL guy. Of COURSE at this point I understood it was 4 cults. I saw NFL, NBA, and NHL so obviously I put it together.


Go back and look at my D3 posts. I was consistently all over Malf who I knew was NHL, and I kept saying that I would be open to Bucs as well (because I also knew he was NFL). And guess who was the OTHER player who had potential votes? It was Tyty, who I knew was NBA.


Should I have shared the information on D3? Probably. But regardless, I knew I was getting a lynch that cut the head off of one of the cults, and I pushed for it to be Malf because he was the most dangerous of the 3.

N3 I found Dome, the final leader. Once I found them all, I had to post it, simply because it felt like an epic dominance of the game.

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6 hours ago, Tyty said:

I wonder if math is so confident with getting lynched and announcing himself because he has some role where he is unlynchable so using lynches on him saves his crew. Is that a thing?


5 hours ago, EliteTexan80 said:

No. You're incredibly wrong for discounting Tyty. That absolutely could be in play here.

I don't feel so bad now. I was never this far behind in the game

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6 minutes ago, Whicker said:

If the cult leaders have to go first (which I agree, they do), why haven't you said all this earlier? I don't care how dangerous Malf is or how sure you are that he's non-town, if you have a cult leader guilty then you have to lynch the cult leader. Instead, though, you let us lynch a serial killer (or what at the time looked like a mafia member with a simple hit) on a claim that didn't even guarantee it to the same degree as yours.

As I said, I was not present for the day of the MD4L lynch

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5 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

I don't think Malf was the cult leader. I believe he was a member of the cult from the beginning. But not the leader. 

In bcb's other game, I was the cult leader and I had CWood with me from the get go. And I could only have one extra converted person with me at any time. If someone died, I could recruit again. But three was my max. When I died, I was labeled as the cult leader. Malf was not.

I don't think Malf would give himself up if he was the leader. Granted, this is all assuming there's actually a cult and not a mafia.

Oh god this post is awful hahaha

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5 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

@Tk3, assuming you're telling the truth, don't you find it odd that you hit on all your invests?

Meh, assuming he's telling the truth, I really don't. The first game I played (Skyrim mafia), Tk3 nailed both mafia on D3. The second game I played (Horror Movie mafia) I was mafia with KSJ and Mookie and all three of us agreed to kill Tk3 on N2 because we feared him the most. It is 100% believable to me that Tk3 played this game in God mode although I still believe he still messed up on D2 if so.

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