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Week 14 GameDay Thread: Titans (8-4) vs. Cardinals (5-7)


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1 hour ago, Justin615$ said:

I got a question. Would you all rather us squeak by and make the playoffs then get destroyed or lose out and miss playoffs if it meant getting new coaches and a new offense? Don't think Robinson would even fire Mularkey if that happened though : (

I don't think we would get destroyed in the playoffs whoever we played in the 1st round.  We might get beat, but not destroyed. It would be a 10-9 game or something stupid like that. I want to make the playoffs. I don't think Murlakey gets fired either way.

I just don't think he gets fired. Not with the record and the way the team has improved since he took over.  He needs to be forced to change the offense or the OC at the least. If he can't do that then yes fired.

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Just now, KingTitan said:

I don't think we would get destroyed in the playoffs whoever we played in the 1st round.  We might get beat, but not destroyed. It would be a 10-9 game or something stupid like that. I want to make the playoffs. I don't think Murlakey gets fired either way.

I just don't think he gets fired. Not with the record and the way the team has improved since he took over.  He needs to be forced to change the offense or the OC at the least. If he can't do that then yes fired.

Right like I don't see a way he gets fired this year. Playoffs or no playoffs. And we're not going to get destroyed in the playoffs LOL. As of right now we would play KC. I don't think they are destroying anyone...

THE OC has to go btw. If he keeps Terry next year then I'll jump on the train.

I really just want to hire someone and change up the system. And the play calling flow. Mike would be a fine HC if our OC has control of things and doesnt suck at play calling

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Firing the OC is more of a scape goat route than a solution. He is running Mike Mularkey's offense and we will continue to run that scheme if he is fired. We will either promote from within or hire someone else Mularkey knows will run his offense, instead of trying to bring their own offense in.

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This is the perfect demonstration of what I was referring to when comparing what the Jags do for Bortles vs. what we ask Mariota to do. Running a tight formation with Eric Decker as the only wide receiver. The offense is designed to force Marcus to make ridiculously tough throws into tight windows.

Mariota has, without question, been a disappointment this year. But the coaching staff has done absolutely nothing to make things easy on him or let him get into any rhythm. He's being set up to fail and he's not playing well enough to carry the offense in spite of the play calling and design. 

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My $0.02...

Mariota has definitely regressed this season.  Coaching is definitely an issue... but some of it has also definitely been on him.  The 2nd pick for instance... it was a 3 man route... definitely a coaching issue.  But why did he throw that ball?  DId he just not see the LBer in front of Walker?  It's not just the playcall... it's his execution.  I also noticed his footwork in shotgun is horrible... he stands flat and tries to make an upper body throw.  It was surprising when I saw his shotgun stats.. but now it makes sense.  I mentioned Michaels as a potential and obvious OC candidate... but if Mariota's mechanics have regressed under him... is he really a good option?

The job's LeBeau doing with the D, on the other hand, is nothing short of spectacular.  8 more sacks yesterday... and now we're 5th in the NFL with 37 sacks (we only had 17 after 11 weeks).

At this point, I don't even care if we replace Robiskie or the entire coaching staff.  I don't think Mularkey is the problem, per se... but he's failed to assist Robiskie in changing up what's not working.  As much as I want Mularkey to succeed, it's about the team... I was not a fan of the hiring (the hiring process specifically)... and letting him go isn't the worst thing that could happen... although it does mean that we're starting over once again... 3 years of Munchack, 1+ of Whiz, and 2+ of Mularkey... here we are going onto the 5th coach in an 8 year stretch.  I think only the Browns can make a similar claim.  

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1 hour ago, 615finest said:

I feel like Mularkey babies Marcus too much especially when it comes to the media. I’m pretty sure Marcus wouldn’t take it personal if he was criticized.

He don’t won’t to go there wit Marcus cause Marcus can easily say I could do my job a lot more easier if I had a HC wit a brain 

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17 minutes ago, ragevsuall17 said:

The 2nd pick for instance... it was a 3 man route... definitely a coaching issue.  But why did he throw that ball?  DId he just not see the LBer in front of Walker? 

I've rewatched it a few times. I think it's as simple as he read man coverage. The linebacker that was on Delanie turned his back to chase after him down the seam, so Marcus thought he had man and thought he could get rid of it quick enough to get it over the backer in coverage. It was a total misread on Mariota's part, but also a direct result of the formation. Even if it was man, we only had three players running routes, so the crowded box almost guarantees that you'll have a couple extra defenders in the middle of the field without a direct assignment. 

It's definitely a combination of regression from Mariota and the coaching staff doing nothing to try to fix it or help him out. His footwork is just bad. Even in clean pockets, he's rarely stepping into his throws, which makes his arm look a lot worse than it is. I'm hopeful that a good portion of the problem stems from him having to play catch up in training camp and then the nagging injuries limiting the full practices he's getting in during the season (also, I doubt that they're practicing fundamentals and footwork too much throughout the week during the regular season).

I don't know. I'm not going to give up on him, but I'm getting concerned. I'd much rather bring in someone from the outside to work with Mariota rather than just replacing Robiskie with Michael. I'd have no argument if we fired Robiskie today and slapped the interim tag on Michael so we could get a look at his offense for a month, but I can't pretend like I'd be excited about canning Robiskie this offseason if it just means that we get a guy who was the QB coach during Mariota's worst year. 

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