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Who do you want to see as our next HC and GM?


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2 hours ago, RaidersAreOne said:

People legitimately want Jon Gruden back? 


I think it's a dream of having the Raider Way back. He was the Raiders. He's the last time WE were the Raiders. Pierce saying he wants to be the Raiders again got me so hyped. 


Gruden is the image we all want. I love say Mike McDaniels but he isn't Jack Tatum, George Atkinson, Bill Romanowski, Lyle, The Stork etc. Gruden is the bit of nostalgia we hold on to.


I think people are stuck on wanting that image back. I for sure am. I became a Raiders fan because they were the Raiders. "THEY'LL KNOCK YOU ROUND AND UPSIDEDOWN AND LAUGH WHEN THEY'VE CONQUERED AND WON"

My favorite player as a kid was Romo. He was everything I thought an alpha football player was. He was a Raider. He didn't look like the people of Oakland but they loved him . I hope Pierce brings this back. I don't care about goodell and his fines. We need to be feared 

Edited by kmonahan07
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34 minutes ago, agarcia34 said:

Lou would be an underwhelming name. Not saying he couldn’t have success by any means. Just not a fan of defensive minded HCs. With any coach you have to think about the connections he may have and think about the staff he could put together. Just not inspiring when you think of the possibilities on offense. 

I gotta disagree, to be honest. 

A D minded HC might be what we need most given our division. Reid and Mahomes are gonna be around a while, Payton will probably have Denver up and running eventually, and we're going to have Herbert and whoever they hire in LA to contend with. 

Our offense, outside of this year, usually seems to hum well enough to more or less run on autopilot. The personnell we have out on the field matter way more than the person on the sideline as long as that person isn't a moron meddling in things (admittedly this projects certain guys staying around). A good OC can handle the offense as a sole priority. 

Defense is another story. We haven't had luck, and if we want to be competitive while rebuilding, we can't routinely get boatraced. Maybe a HC who prioritizes it can help us gain a competitive edge against 3 likely potent offenses within the division. We've seen our offense, even when not humming, move the ball on KC, Den, and LA- we just can't seem to score enough to keep up the pace. 

Anarumo probably has some decent connections, too. Though the teams weren't great, he has history with Ben Johnson in Miami. He coached under Joe Philbin who undoubtedly has some connections. There's some potential for poaching "next guy up" types like Cincinnati's QB coach Dan Pitcher. 

He's not my favorite candidate, but I can definitely see some 4D chess logic at play with him as a candidate. I do like that he doesn't seen particularly tied to any individual "tree", which could actually help attract some staff candidates who otherwise might not get a look. 

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4 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

Big big no to Gruden. 

Look, I'll be the first to say that I think the way he was let go was shady and probably something he'd have a field day with in court. 

However, that doesn't negate the factual part of him doing what he was accused of doing. He did it, just that it was leaked under less than above-bosrd circumstances. 

Bringing him bad would look awful on the franchise, and while not a bad coach, he's not so good as to make the hassle worthwhile. 

Agreed! Good post 

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1 hour ago, ronjon1990 said:

I gotta disagree, to be honest. 

A D minded HC might be what we need most given our division. Reid and Mahomes are gonna be around a while, Payton will probably have Denver up and running eventually, and we're going to have Herbert and whoever they hire in LA to contend with. 

Our offense, outside of this year, usually seems to hum well enough to more or less run on autopilot. The personnell we have out on the field matter way more than the person on the sideline as long as that person isn't a moron meddling in things (admittedly this projects certain guys staying around). A good OC can handle the offense as a sole priority. 

Defense is another story. We haven't had luck, and if we want to be competitive while rebuilding, we can't routinely get boatraced. Maybe a HC who prioritizes it can help us gain a competitive edge against 3 likely potent offenses within the division. We've seen our offense, even when not humming, move the ball on KC, Den, and LA- we just can't seem to score enough to keep up the pace. 

Anarumo probably has some decent connections, too. Though the teams weren't great, he has history with Ben Johnson in Miami. He coached under Joe Philbin who undoubtedly has some connections. There's some potential for poaching "next guy up" types like Cincinnati's QB coach Dan Pitcher. 

He's not my favorite candidate, but I can definitely see some 4D chess logic at play with him as a candidate. I do like that he doesn't seen particularly tied to any individual "tree", which could actually help attract some staff candidates who otherwise might not get a look. 

I agree we had great success under Del Rio and a good OC. A defensive coach and a good OC would be ideal. Del Rio got himself fired messing with the O.

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44 minutes ago, raidr4life said:

I agree we had great success under Del Rio and a good OC. A defensive coach and a good OC would be ideal. Del Rio got himself fired messing with the O.


The way I see it, a hotshot would-be OC would have an absolute field day with an offense consisting of Adams, Renfrow, Mayer, Meyers, and a QBOTF TBD. That's more than enticing for any hotshot looking to prove himself as the next wunderkind OC, and that's with no other improvements to the offensive side of the ball. Once we start addressing the OL and RB situations, it's a very good opportunity. So let one guy handle just that and let the HC be hands off of it. 

With how QBs go in the draft, I also think a defensive minded HC would take less flack for a QB bust. Maybe that's just me, but I'd be willing to give a pass and see another QB taken so long as the defense and rest of the team looked solid, if the HC was a D-minded guy. Hopefully give us some consistency with a bit of wiggle room. 

If we go with an OC-> HC, the QB pick 100% has to work out, or he's probably gone by year 4 with how trends seem to go these days (unless you have Kyle Shanahan). And the roster as a whole needs more attention than just a QBOTF.

Let an OC and QBC take care of that, and let the HC focus on the other side of the ball to build something that will last a while. The right OC will bring in assistants that can replace him if he gets a HC shot elsewhere. Anymore QBCs seem to operate as Co-OCs in a more hands on way anyway. Plus, the last thing we need is a HC/OC clash while the defensive side of the ball struggles. 

Unless we 100% can land Harbaugh or Johnson, I'm looking at defense guys for the HC opening. 

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I think Harbaugh has a 1% chance to be our coach. Even though he wins, he’s apparently tough to get along with. It is another 90s dinosaur that is not a players coach. Been away from the NFL game for awhile now. 

Consider the outrageous scandal going on at Michigan now, chances are the NFL blocks him for being a coach at the moment

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1 hour ago, bucksavage1 said:

I think Harbaugh has a 1% chance to be our coach. Even though he wins, he’s apparently tough to get along with. It is another 90s dinosaur that is not a players coach. Been away from the NFL game for awhile now. 

Consider the outrageous scandal going on at Michigan now, chances are the NFL blocks him for being a coach at the moment

He coached the 49ers in 2014.

His literal calling card is that he is a players coach. Part of why the NCAA doesn't like him is because he commented that players should get a chunk of the TV revenue. 

Management, ownership, etc. don't get a long with him because he's not a company line guy. Which is refreshing. 

This scandal isn't coming out of know where either. He poked the bear with some comments and business daddy didn't like it. 

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2 hours ago, bucksavage1 said:

I think Harbaugh has a 1% chance to be our coach. Even though he wins, he’s apparently tough to get along with. It is another 90s dinosaur that is not a players coach. Been away from the NFL game for awhile now. 

Consider the outrageous scandal going on at Michigan now, chances are the NFL blocks him for being a coach at the moment

Exactly, players f***in hate Harbaugh. They are coming off a coach they hated already in McDaniels. Ben Johnson is well-liked by the locker room. 

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20 minutes ago, big_palooka said:

He coached the 49ers in 2014.

His literal calling card is that he is a players coach. Part of why the NCAA doesn't like him is because he commented that players should get a chunk of the TV revenue. 

Management, ownership, etc. don't get a long with him because he's not a company line guy. Which is refreshing. 

This scandal isn't coming out of know where either. He poked the bear with some comments and business daddy didn't like it. 

Not all the articles I read. Harbaugh was strict and lit players up in a condescending way on the regular. The players were sick of it. 

Edited by Tank4Drake
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51 minutes ago, SilverNBlackFan said:

I don’t know who i want next, i just hope this time around that Mark will have a true head coaching search. The last two ’searches’ were basically shams, Mark went into them already knowing who he wanted to hire. 

Yeh, I think he’s said that he is going to wipe the slate clean and go from scratch for his coach. He obviously had pre determined who he wanted in Gruden and McDaniels last times.

Harbaugh was my #1 choice but I’m starting to learn more and like more about Ejiro Evero. Antonio Pearce I think has a real chance if he can show potential over these next few months.

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