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Who do you want to see as our next HC and GM?


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21 hours ago, big_palooka said:

I've heard "The Chargers and Harbaugh are a done deal". He's shopping real estate in LA. And also "The Raiders have the upper hand" 

Rooney rule be damned I guess. 

Honestly, while Herbert is good and is a big draw, their best players are aging and their cap situation is a nightmare. I actually think we are a prime situation to draft a good young QB and take a decent-good young defense to great.

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4 hours ago, BackinBlack said:

yeah for me its Harbaugh or AP. 
Think Harbaugh is the only name that could keep the locker room together, as they clearly just want AP. But think everyone would understand Harbaugh is a legit name

if we did land Harbaugh, id love it if he found a way to keep AP on staff too. 

i have concerns with harbaugh having total control, but, its a shot worth taking if possible imo. 

if not, give it to AP.

Meh I think the locker room is sold on pierce and after jmd I don’t think harbs can win over the locker room. As a coach with the expectations of doing better than 8 wins your first year imo only harbs is ready for that smoke. I don’t think the players are into going thru another experiment in coaching. With pierce I can see pg staying similar to cowboys dc. Imo lose pierce you also lose pg. 

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My stance on Champ Kelly hasn't changed, but if he sticks, cool. He can have his shot to prove me wrong. 

That said, I like how Davis appears to be targeting franchises with FO staff that came in and got things turned around quick and efficiently. 

Bengals, 49ers, Bills...these are the teams and drafting to emulate. Not the Patriots who largely suck at drafting, not the Bears who can't draft OR attract FA's. Glad to see Mark is serious about joining the winners' club after all these years. 

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