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Who do you want to see as our next HC and GM?


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18 minutes ago, bucksavage1 said:

Add in the Colts and Jets. Both teams are flawed

We can certainly rattle of several more Ws

yeah no doubt those games can be won too. 
Jets D def scares me though, I can just see them dominating field position in an ugly low scoring game, but having easier FG attempts throughout. 

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2 hours ago, big_palooka said:

Based on what? A guy from the ADAM GASE tree who has never called plays before taking over and an immobile mid round rookie QB behind the same crappy Oline?

Whatever you guys are on, pass me some. I agree wtih @jimkelly02 here. May get a spirited win or 2 from the change, but this group is wildly inexperienced. 

I swear..... this fan base is so desperate. New guy brings up Compton and gives some cliché sound bites and you guys think they are all of a sudden going to start winning? 

McDaniels might have sucked, but this is still his offense with less experience and a rookie running it.

oh don't get me wrong I completely understand what you're saying. But the way I see it how much of it was we don't have enough pieces on our fans to score as opposed to how much of it was an arrogant play collar that was too stubborn to mold the offense around the actual players. That's what we're going to find out. Isn't me saying that we're gonna win more games. I still think the defense is overrated and isn't gonna really stop anyone(so that's still a problem). We have to consider the reality that what If the truth is that McDaniels is an abysmal play collar who is too arrogant to change his ways because he's had some success playing with an all world defense and/or the best quarterback of all time. What if whoever the play collar is now(who doesn't have the pedigree)  just tweaks a thing or two to just simply run stuff that the players think gives them the best chance to be successful and that somehow allows us to score more than 20 points a game. That is very possible. 

I think a lot of stock was put into the whole McDaniels is one of the best office of minds in the NFL legend that they didn't think about what if hes actually garbage at it and a lot of things went his way. Thats all im saying

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1 hour ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

The best thing pierce did was starting AOC. A question mark is better than Jimmy. That being said, if we wanted to tank for Caleb/Maye, Jimmy might be the best choice.

At least we'll shortly find out if Farva has what it takes to be an NFL QB or not. If he stinks, we're drafting 1/2. If he lights it up, we have our probably franchise QB. Somewhere in the middle, we'll know it's not worth avoiding QB high.

I'm all for it!

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I think the raiders can come out very well early with the switch but as the season goes on they’ll lose steam. I can’t seem them going to the playoffs. What the raiders did a few years ago is really the exception not the rule.  I think a realistic win total will be 5-7 wins. We shall see though. 

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2 hours ago, BackinBlack said:

it seems a lot of people called out Humble, ronjon and others for calling this a 4 win team at the start of the year. . . 
now that we benched their qb and the head coach got fired, those people are saying there is no wayyyy this team can win 2 or 3 more games lol
maybe some apologies are owed?

this team has talent. This team can win if they can get average QB play. Hell even below average qb play i think they can win. 

Pretty easy to see why. They are very inexperienced. Pierce can do the rah rah thing, but he's not been responsible for in game decisions before. The OC has never called plays before and is still running the system that has failed to this point. Aiden is a mid round rookie who last we saw looked out of depth against a mid defense. 

The defense is the same. They have had trouble stopping the run recently and a slate of tough RBs to deal with. 

I really think some of you are overrating Aiden's preseason performance and getting to hype on the cliché rah rah coaching speak of Pierce. 

To each their own. I like the optimism, but just don't see it unless Aiden is a DUDE. 

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2 hours ago, bucksavage1 said:

Add in the Colts and Jets. Both teams are flawed

We can certainly rattle of several more Ws

The Jets are a terrible match up. Their defense is stellar. They will give AO4 a ton of trouble. And Breece Hall is going to be a problem for the defense. 

Colts defense can be beaten. But JT is a problem and Minshew is a gamer. 

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For my part? 2 wins at best. The giants due to over exuberance/adrenaline/extra fight. And MAYBE 1 against either the colts/dolts/vikings or donks. Jets will keep us under 15 pts (and maybe a sauce pick 6 too) the chefs and phish will simply outscore us. I just hope AOC looks competent and composed for starters.

Edited by Devilshark69
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2 hours ago, Jeremy408 said:

oh don't get me wrong I completely understand what you're saying. But the way I see it how much of it was we don't have enough pieces on our fans to score as opposed to how much of it was an arrogant play collar that was too stubborn to mold the offense around the actual players. That's what we're going to find out. Isn't me saying that we're gonna win more games. I still think the defense is overrated and isn't gonna really stop anyone(so that's still a problem). We have to consider the reality that what If the truth is that McDaniels is an abysmal play collar who is too arrogant to change his ways because he's had some success playing with an all world defense and/or the best quarterback of all time. What if whoever the play collar is now(who doesn't have the pedigree)  just tweaks a thing or two to just simply run stuff that the players think gives them the best chance to be successful and that somehow allows us to score more than 20 points a game. That is very possible. 

I think a lot of stock was put into the whole McDaniels is one of the best office of minds in the NFL legend that they didn't think about what if hes actually garbage at it and a lot of things went his way. Thats all im saying

I feel you on this. Skill players aside, the Oline is the same. How do they improve there? And AO4 is a rookie and will make mistakes. The defense, I agree with you on. Which is why those mistakes will be costly at times. 

My guess is, we're about to see a lot of Jacobs. They are going to do everything to get him going and take pressure off A04. It's live or die on Jacobs the rest of the way. 

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15 minutes ago, big_palooka said:

Pretty easy to see why. They are very inexperienced. Pierce can do the rah rah thing, but he's not been responsible for in game decisions before. The OC has never called plays before and is still running the system that has failed to this point. Aiden is a mid round rookie who last we saw looked out of depth against a mid defense. 

The defense is the same. They have had trouble stopping the run recently and a slate of tough RBs to deal with. 

I really think some of you are overrating Aiden's preseason performance and getting to hype on the cliché rah rah coaching speak of Pierce. 

To each their own. I like the optimism, but just don't see it unless Aiden is a DUDE. 

But everything you just said, is what you attacked the other posters for saying when they called this a 4 win team? Bad qb and bad coaching will hold us back, which you laughed at, but now it’s being voice of reason because it’s not your qb or hc ? Seems a little two sided to me.  

we still have DA, we still Maxx. We still have Jacobs. ..

this is more about the ease of our schedule then anything truthfully. 
aiden playing at Jimmy level is not tough to see. Jimmy led the league in ints. 
he still got 3 wins. 

JMD coaching / management was a mess, he still got 3 wins. 

My stance is, if Aiden outplays Jimmy we have a chance in like 6 of our remaining games. 
I don’t believe that is hard to do, but some are a lot higher on Jimmy than me, which is fine. I know you have stated we would’ve beat Chargers with Jimmy, and I just wholeheartedly disagree with that. 

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21 minutes ago, BackinBlack said:

But everything you just said, is what you attacked the other posters for saying when they called this a 4 win team? Bad qb and bad coaching will hold us back, which you laughed at, but now it’s being voice of reason because it’s not your qb or hc ? Seems a little two sided to me.  

we still have DA, we still Maxx. We still have Jacobs. ..

this is more about the ease of our schedule then anything truthfully. 
aiden playing at Jimmy level is not tough to see. Jimmy led the league in ints. 
he still got 3 wins. 

JMD coaching / management was a mess, he still got 3 wins. 

My stance is, if Aiden outplays Jimmy we have a chance in like 6 of our remaining games. 
I don’t believe that is hard to do, but some are a lot higher on Jimmy than me, which is fine. I know you have stated we would’ve beat Chargers with Jimmy, and I just wholeheartedly disagree with that. 

Between the inexperience and schedule, there is something wrong with me thinking they won't win max 2-3 more games?

Not hard to understand. I thought they'd win >4 games based on the experience and familiarity in  the system which despite everything, they did win 3 thus far.

 Those 3 were against 3 of the worst teams in the league who have a combined 7 wins. The back half of the schedule they play 5 team with a winning record. 

Aiden didn't outplay Jimmy in his one start. In fact, he played arguably worse. And while his arm talent is better, he's still a rookie and will be tested against some good defenses. 

I just don't see how anyone can look at this offense and think it does a 180 because of a mid round rookie QB. 

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6 minutes ago, big_palooka said:

Between the inexperience and schedule, there is something wrong with me thinking they won't win max 2-3 more games?

Not hard to understand. I thought they'd win >4 games based on the experience and familiarity in  the system which despite everything, they did win 3 thus far.

 Those 3 were against 3 of the worst teams in the league who have a combined 7 wins. The back half of the schedule they play 5 team with a winning record. 

Aiden didn't outplay Jimmy in his one start. In fact, he played arguably worse. And while his arm talent is better, he's still a rookie and will be tested against some good defenses. 

I just don't see how anyone can look at this offense and think it does a 180 because of a mid round rookie QB. 

Is bad experience better than inexperience? I honestly don’t think so. 
Josh mcds is more experienced than AP, but I’ll take inexperienced vs proven crap. That’s just me I guess. 
same goes for Jimmy. 
Aiden’s 2nd half is the best half football played by a raider qb this season. (Not saying much though)

Almost as if a young player had the game settle down a bit for him. Yes he was brutal in first half, and fumbled. Jimmy took brutal sacks and turned the ball over too. He also threw suicide passes. 

multiple people on the staff and team felt AOC gave them the best chance. Surprise JMD didn’t, just like he favored literally every other NE player over rookies. Maybe he was wrong again. Remember your position that Jones is better than Koonce because they seem him in practice every day. Well that didn’t turn out great, so maybe this will be the same. 
rumors DA been asking for AOC a long time. 
there is no doubt in my mind, the energy of an O sinks when they see missed tds being picked by terrible passes. 

again, to be clear, it’s not just because of Aiden. 
better coaching. Simpler play book on O, allowing players to play free etc. 

literally averaging 15 PPG currently, so again it’s just hard to be any worse. I’ll take the unproven vs the proven Turd. 

you call DC play last year terrible and crap the bed, right? All I’m saying is AOC play to that terrible level, and we can beat Giants, jets Vikes Den Chargers or colts 

or was Carr’s play not crap and easy to replicate?

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51 minutes ago, big_palooka said:

Between the inexperience and schedule, there is something wrong with me thinking they won't win max 2-3 more games?

Not hard to understand. I thought they'd win >4 games based on the experience and familiarity in  the system which despite everything, they did win 3 thus far.

 Those 3 were against 3 of the worst teams in the league who have a combined 7 wins. The back half of the schedule they play 5 team with a winning record. 

Aiden didn't outplay Jimmy in his one start. In fact, he played arguably worse. And while his arm talent is better, he's still a rookie and will be tested against some good defenses. 

I just don't see how anyone can look at this offense and think it does a 180 because of a mid round rookie QB. 

     Agree 💯

     I'd even say there's actually a chance the offense could get worse. The one (and only) positive thing about McDaniels's playcalling was that guys were getting open -- now he and Lombardi are both gone, and we have someone who's never called plays ever at the helm. That + a mid-round rookie QB + the same O-Line could end up being more of a recipe for disaster than we currently realize. Not that I'll be too upset about it if that happens, since I'm firmly on the @Tank4Drake train -- but the fanbase needs to be aware that it's definitely a possibility.

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