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Who do you want to see as our next HC and GM?


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47 minutes ago, RaidersAreOne said:

All this talk about how Pierce helped turn around this D so drastically, but what exactly did he change? We seemingly learned how to rush the passer, cause turnovers, stop the run, etc. 

Isn't this a major cause of concern for PG too? Why was he so horrendous the first half of the season? How come he could only field a capably NFL D once JMD was gone?

Defense started turning around about the time he went into the booth for games. Better usage of personnel helped, but whether that was AP or PG who knows. Cutting that MFer Peters (AP). Adding Jack Jones (AP). Playing Koonce. Moving Wilson inside. Getting Hobbs back from injury.

A lot of factors that are hard to pinpoint credit to one guy. More of a reason those of us who support AP don't want to see anything change on the defensive side of the ball. Keep it intact because amidst all the variables it worked, so don't mess with a good thing.

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5 hours ago, RaidersAreOne said:

All this talk about how Pierce helped turn around this D so drastically, but what exactly did he change? We seemingly learned how to rush the passer, cause turnovers, stop the run, etc. 

Isn't this a major cause of concern for PG too? Why was he so horrendous the first half of the season? How come he could only field a capably NFL D once JMD was gone?

Because PG ain't really that guy and never will be. 

At best, he's the typical Patriot WY lacky that allowed Josh McDaniels to dictate to him how run a defense who was "unleashed by Pierce". 

My guess is that, all platitudes aside, Pierce in no uncertain terms sat down with Graham and told him to make changes. 

Look, I'm sorry to the Pat Graham truthers out there, but this wasn't just Patrick Graham and his janky scheme all of a sudden working wonders through sheer grit and determination. Changes were made. And as much as I despise every single atom of Josh McDaniels, you're not convincing me that he was so self-enamored that he was honestly weilding that much power over the defensive side of the ball as to essentially cuck Graham from doing his job. 

What changed was that someone did. Someohe from, unironically, the defensive side of the ball took over and clear changes that weren't made before were made. Graham is either a yes-man patsy or he's just good enough to follow direction from a better mind. No real loss if he leaves. Folks can ignore his overall crap track record all they want and find every excuse in the book for why our defense was dog**** and no changes were being  made before Pierce becoming interim head coach, but the facts don't lie. This was an AP job to to bottom, end of story.

What changed? Patrick Graham wasn't allowed to keep Koonce on the sideline, leave Marcus Peters in single man coverage, line Cle Ferrell up at CB, not send pressure, etc. He wasn't allowed to keep putting his jankass product on the field without running it through someone who has overseen year to year improvement without regression and isn't from a tree of people too egotistical to check their own work. 

Edited by ronjon1990
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The narratives around AP are getting wilder and wilder.

AP critics were clearly saying:
"Nobody in the NFL would consider him as DC or HC"

And now the same critics are whining about that he only gets the interviews because of the Rooney-Rule.
So why didn't you guys add that to your initial statement?
I tell you why. You were so dang sure that he is so bad that he will never get any consideration for any job in the NFL.
And now instead of taking your L and admitting you were wrong like a man you are cowardly hiding behind the Rooney-Rule.

btw. admitting that you were wrong on the consideration part, doesn't have to change anything about why you want another candidate.

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7 hours ago, NYRaider said:

Why not hire the best candidate available? 

I think Harbaugh is the best candidate, hence why I’m in that bandwagon but that wasn’t your argument, you were trying to rubbish AP’s credentials. 

If you just said that, I’d agree 🙂

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7 hours ago, NYRaider said:

Yeah he has multiple Super Bowl rings as a coordinator I forgot about that. Oh wait he was too busy getting fired by Long Beach Poly and ASU

Given the same tools he did a much better job. McDaniels does have the credentials of course, and if you were judging on purely accomplishments McDaniels wins, but do you think if we didn’t make the change we do better than 8-9? The offence had an uptick, backed by statistics and results after we made the change.

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11 hours ago, NYRaider said:

He knows offensive ball so well but couldn't put together an effective offensive game plan? I want a head coach that understands offensive football and can develop a young QB

He’s had some bad performances on offence certainly and they should be acknowledged, however, he also holds the Raider record for points scored and we were at least competent against the Giants and Broncos I thought. Seems like our game plans were pretty good there given the QB limitations. 

I agree with you we need someone they can nurture and develop a young QB though, especially as it looks like regardless who we draft (if we do draft one) he’ll have significant flaws. I don’t think any QB in this class is absent major flaws.

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10 hours ago, justwinbaby81 said:

By the way, the "rah rah" style coaching--not even completely sure what you mean by that if it isn't a slight at AP (players coach? Good motivator? Leader?), but if it's any on those 3 they are traits of Jim Harbaugh too, and you seem to have confidence in his style. AP doesn't need to be a master in X's and O's if he isn't calling plays and has the coordinators handling that, which they should. We need to find our OC equivalent of Graham and we could be contenders with this regime if they take the next step. As always that's predicated with a QB and in my opinion retaining PG.

Emotional coaching. They get buy in and players love them. 

Harbaugh is a rah rah guy. Pete Carrol was as well. They are also experts at X's and O's and build all world coaching staffs to develop and recruit talent. I have no issues with the rah rah type assuming it's not the only tool in their bag.

You can talk culture all you want, but that feel-goodery eventually wears off when the losses start piling up. I don't trust AP to nail the OC hire and build a top end offensive staff. Should I? What evidence is there he can accomplish this? Maybe he surprises me. 

I agree, AP needs a high end OC. But like Graham, that OC will likely start getting advancement opportunities. Do you trust AP to call the defense if he has to? Do you trust him to replace coaches and staff? 

There are just too many variables I'm not sure about. AP can get buy in and guys playing hard, but I worry about X's and O's without Graham. I worry about the staffing and administration side of coaching I think will prove hard for someone so green.  

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Is there ever going to be a time things are not so decisive with this franchise?

I'd be fine with AP, but think it will be short lived unless he nails the staff decisions. And hitting on a QB will be paramount to his success. 

Edited by big_palooka
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12 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

Honestly might be difficult. 

Alabama had the upper hand of Satan's tight ship and paying guys under the table, which helped build the brand back up. Tuscaloosa isn't quite as appealing now that NIL deals and other frills aren't the black market anymore.  

It's tempting to say any number of his past assistants, but....

Bill O probably wants an NFL gig. Sarkisian is in Austin which dominates Tuscaloosa in practically every way. Smart is in Georgia and Athens is nicer. Jimbo would be a massive downgrade and it's all downhill from there. 

My two best guesses would be Kiffin or Locksley but I don't think Kiffin would go and Locksley wouldn't move the needle. Alabama's probably going to need to leave the Saban tree if they want a potential slam dunk, but I don't know that any of those types would leave their current situations and risk being the guy who follows Saban bit can't fill his shoes for a plethora of reasons beyond their ability as a coach. 

Rumor is DaBoer has been high on their succession plan for awhile. Personally, I think that is a mistake. He's not built for the South.

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10 hours ago, NYRaider said:

Exactly this. Exactly what I've been arguing. Hiring a defensive coach in todays NFL puts you behind the 8 ball from the start. You have to nail the OC hire and hope the OC doesn't advance and you have to nail it twice.

I have nothing against AP. I think he's good at what he does, but you are swimming upstream against the rest of the league with a defensive coach. Hiring DC's is so much easier than OCs in the league now, simple as that. 

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