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Super Bowl: San Francisco 49ers vs Kansas City Chiefs

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4 minutes ago, NcFinest9erFan said:

Do you guys have family members who troll you after this lost or before the game started? lol

Not really. The only people in my family invested in football, is my auntie/uncle. Cowboys fans. Haven't heard from them in a while :) 

And I ain't got no friends interested in football. Especially overseas. People here are still talking about Messi clowning Hong Kong. 

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5 minutes ago, TecmoSuperJoe said:

Not really. The only people in my family invested in football, is my auntie/uncle. Cowboys fans. Haven't heard from them in a while :) 

And I ain't got no friends interested in football. Especially overseas. People here are still talking about Messi clowning Hong Kong. 

Yeah idk what it is but I have family members who most don't even have a team and yet the trolling appears. Luckily I don't seem them on a day to day basis for it to bother me but its easy for them to sit at home and say YOU GUYS CHOKED. 

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5 minutes ago, NcFinest9erFan said:

Yeah idk what it is but I have family members who most don't even have a team and yet the trolling appears. Luckily I don't seem them on a day to day basis for it to bother me but its easy for them to sit at home and say YOU GUYS CHOKED. 

Ahhh those types. Yeah that's as annoying as it is weird. Like an orphan making fun of another kid who has parents. 

I don't get talking junk when you don't have any skin in the game???? 

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6 minutes ago, TecmoSuperJoe said:

Ahhh those types. Yeah that's as annoying as it is weird. Like an orphan making fun of another kid who has parents. 

I don't get talking junk when you don't have any skin in the game???? 

in the past its so bad, I've had to run my mouth at them. Then I get the chill we just playing. sure... its just playing now because there's push back.

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19 minutes ago, NcFinest9erFan said:

Do you guys have family members who troll you after this lost or before the game started? lol

My wife and her family are all KC fans, and my kid decided to go with his mom instead of me. I walked into his room to drive him to school this morning and he had already put on his Chiefs shirt. I was the only person in my Missouri  high school (or college) who repped the Niners.. so yeah i get another year of ****


At least I can take solace in my positive gambling year and some of the most fun football games we've ever seen. I am not someone who turned of games at halftime either, so I got to see it all

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I have an family member that at this point feels like he's trolling me but he isn't. He likes to message me in the first half of all the big niner games and uga games saying you've got this one in the bag. It's been the kiss of death like 4 of the last 5 times he's done it.

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6 hours ago, Geek said:

This was a really rough one and tensions are high but I really want to say my piece before I go to sleep tonight.


On February 10 2023 my dad died. He was an immigrant from Colombia and couldn't even speak english when he got to America. The first night he got here he was in a hotel in San Francisco when he turned on the TV and the 49ers were playing. He couldn't understand the language. He didn't know the rules. But he saw Joe Montana playing and understood immediately what a gorgeous game football is and the type of player Joe was. He instantly fell in love with the game and raised me as a 49ers fan.

Now I'm 27. I've never watched us win a superbowl.

I've been lurking on this forum since I was around 10 years old. Visiting pretty much every day. I genuinely can't stress enough how formative you guys have been in my life. It's actually pretty embarrassing to admit but reading all these posts and occasionally commenting has meant a great deal to me. This little corner of the internet is one of the few bright spots outside of the dumpster fire that is the rest of the fandom sometimes. I'm uneducated (no fault of anyone but my own, I was just never a fit for the education system). I ended up joining the Marine Corps, getting out, and am now a security contractor. Even when I'm in Iraq or Jordan under heavy stress from my job I'll stay up to 3 in the morning to watch these games and read your comments.

I really wanted us to win this one. For my dad. For the team. And for myself. It didn't work out. But I'm never going to give up on this team. I've mentioned before but I really do believe that football(and life in general) is a game we're an incredible amount of luck is involved. What of that ball hadn't bounced off Luter's foot? What if Dre and Feliciano didn't get hurt? What if just one of those fumbles had bounced our way? Now I don't want to say we lost solely because we were unlucky. We didn't. We had several missed opportunities to say the least. We should never have let the game be that close in the first place. But I trust this team to do it. I'll trust them until they don't trust themselves. If the day finally comes when the team doesn't believe they can win that'll be the day I think we need to seriously start over. We just need to keep pressing forwards and eventually in that one moment the ball will bounce our way or the opponents will muff a punt. One day we'll perfectly execute our gameplan for 60 minutes. And we'll get ours. We just need to continue creating these opportunities to put us in contention and through a mixture of skill, discipline, and heart we're gonna win.

We all have our weakness. Shanny is an incredible coach who gets way too in his head sometimes. Our players played their hearts out but in key moments they made grevious errors that cost us the game. The team failed to capitalize on must have opportunities. But that's OK. This sport is the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. But it'll make it that much sweeter when the moment finally does come. This year's journey was a fun one and I can't wait to talk about the off season and try it all over again next season. After all it just a game and no matter the score we were going to have to deal with this whole circus that is the NFL again next year. As important and meaningful as this game was to me and everyone else here that's just life. It comes with it's ups and downs but as long as I'm having fun doing it, it doesn't really matter.


Sorry for the long rambling post but I just had to talk about it. Thanks fellas and hope yall enjoyed the ride.

Great post.

Your dad raised a pretty good human being from the sounds of it.

Kudos to him & yourself. 

I just turned 45 in January and have been blessed enough to see us win three SBs that I was old enough to understand the magnitude of.

Alot fanbases can't say the same so I get that it's other fans who are looking at us in envy.

But losing these last three definitely has me wondering if I'll ever see us get to six before I leave this earth.

Last night was brutal to sit through.

Hoping and praying just to be outdueled by Reid & Mahomes yet again.

I just understand how your title window can slam shut in a second unless you have a outer-worldly talent at QB.

That's why this loss stings more than 2019, for me personally.

I thought this group was just getting started back then.

We've should had had at least two SB wins out of this core, imo.

Too much talent to haven't gotten at least one by now.

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I wonder at what point does Kyle potentially lose the locker room. There will be this even bigger cloud over Shanahan, and at some point players might feel it, or buy into the outside skepticism. Especially when playing a team like the Chiefs. Everyone is human after all. Aye what a mess.

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45 minutes ago, TecmoSuperJoe said:

Ahhh those types. Yeah that's as annoying as it is weird. Like an orphan making fun of another kid who has parents. 

I don't get talking junk when you don't have any skin in the game???? 

Hate those types with a passion! 2019 I went to a Super Bowl party with friends and co workers. Come to find out everyone at the party was rooting for the chiefs and i was the only true Niner fan. Fast forward to this year, I told my wife, nope we are hanging out at the house and watching.  Best decision, but you will still get the texts lol. 

This game was/is gut wrenching. As everyone has already mentioned continuously, this game wasn’t on one person, but Pat and that defense made plays when they had to. Simple! 

Look back on it, if we would have ran the ball after the 2 min warning when it was 3 and 4, we could have made it harder even if we didn’t convert instead we threw the ball and KC didn’t have to waste a TO. 

This Offseason is going to be key. I know some ppl are still tied on, but Aiyuk will get paid and hopefully it’s by us. Draft Oline and DLine! This team is getting older at skill players and hopefully we can keep finding late round gems. 

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No major blame on anybody for me. I thought Purdy played well and Kyle overall called a good game, he was aggressive but not too much. The touch/fumbled punt was the major turning point, and the blocked xp hurt a little too.


Was anybody else surprised by our decision in OT to receive? And Kyle loves having the ball last. I was wondering if Kyle knew the playoff rule change bc I didnt know until they announced it. Its so much more advantageous to defer in that scenario. You know what you need, whether it be a field goal or a td and then you have 4 downs the whole drive to do it.

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21 minutes ago, TecmoSuperJoe said:

I wonder at what point does Kyle potentially lose the locker room. There will be this even bigger cloud over Shanahan, and at some point players might feel it, or buy into the outside skepticism. Especially when playing a team like the Chiefs. Everyone is human after all. Aye what a mess.

The players know this is on them. I am not worried in the slightest about Kyle's future 

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