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NFC Championship Game: Vikings at Eagles, Week 20


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8 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

Just think if we wouldn't have lost to the Lions. We would have been the #1 seed, and being at home would have made the PHI game MUCH different. 

Well it probably would have changed the Minny Miracle because we would not have been playing the Saints.  So instead of coming off such a huge high when facing Philly, We might have stood a chance.  

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3 hours ago, Freakish Mind said:

Well it probably would have changed the Minny Miracle because we would not have been playing the Saints.  So instead of coming off such a huge high when facing Philly, We might have stood a chance.  

Instead of getting revenge for 2009, We'd have to get revenge for 1998 lol.

And then (because I think New Orleans beats Philadelphia) then we get the Minnesota Miracle.xD

But, what can you do? It was a fun year and we got beat badly by a team that we don't match up well with.

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I blame Zimmer for the loss more then Keenum

When you get that outplay on both ends of the field, and defensive studs are all having their worst game of the year, and missing easy tackles, and the game strategy is questionable... that's mostly on the coach. He got outcoaching in both playoff games, but we pulled out the first game.

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8 minutes ago, Duff Man said:

It was definitely needed.

No. If that is what you need to do, do it somewhere else. Not allowed here.

@gopherwrestler - if something needs attention of the mods, send us a PM. going back in forth with someone in a thread just derails everything further. 


Also, I am locking this thread. There is clearly no more football to be discussed.


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