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2 hours ago, Raves said:

Would anyone be able to help me with the Hunt Nergigante investigations this weekend?  I would really like to try to farm through them so I can get a set of his gear but I know if I try to do it on my own I'll just end up failing.

What system?

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3 hours ago, skywindO2 said:

If I'm hunting/farming a specific monster for parts, is there any reason I should choose do it in an expedition versus an investigation? 

Investigation keeps them from leaving the locale if you take too long and gives you extra loot at the end. Almost always rock the investigation.

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On 3/13/2018 at 9:32 AM, Raves said:

Would anyone be able to help me with the Hunt Nergigante investigations this weekend?  I would really like to try to farm through them so I can get a set of his gear but I know if I try to do it on my own I'll just end up failing.


I like killing monsters.  

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23 hours ago, skywindO2 said:

If I'm hunting/farming a specific monster for parts, is there any reason I should choose do it in an expedition versus an investigation? 

You might use the expedition if you had bounties for piscene and brute wyverns and wanted to knock those out faster.  You probably aren't using materials from Barroth or Jur... mudfish guy.  And neither are very difficult to kill.  In an expedition, you can probably get multiple, and complete any gathering bounties if you wanted.

If you do defeat multiple monsters in an expedition, you can collect reward materials from the handler in the camp without leaving, but as @titansNvolsR#1 said, your rewards will be better in the investigation.  

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1 minute ago, Supersuavesky said:

I'll be on sometime this weekend.


Did you try just using the join quest search? Most of them are elder dragons. 

I did try looking in Join Quest but no one had it posted normally and those that did were always full.

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2 hours ago, titansNvolsR#1 said:

Story mode beaten. I can't believe the anjanath almost made me quit this game.

Seeing as this is my first MH game, I thought that was a final boss or something, until I found out there were more areas and much much worse monsters to come.  I finally defeated my first Elder Dragon of 3 last night in Teostra, only failed the mission once before taking it done.  The 2nd time I was able to instantly pop my flare and started out in a larger area to run fight in until 3 joined in to help me take it down.  Def made sure to bring an extra 10 Flashbugs along with the 3 Flashpods already done and just kept using those while they bashed on him as well as adding in my own dmg.

Also is it better to use a weapon that the monster is weak to, like I swapped to the Hunter's Proudbow I, or should I use something that might not have his weakness but has Elderseal like Dragonbone Bow II?

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13 hours ago, Raves said:

Also is it better to use a weapon that the monster is weak to, like I swapped to the Hunter's Proudbow I, or should I use something that might not have his weakness but has Elderseal like Dragonbone Bow II?


Without getting into the math and calculations, the jist of it is that elemental/status damage is really only in play with weapons that perform lots of hits. For instance, dual blades make great use of elemental or status damage, while withba great sword you’re better off just going for the high raw damage. 

As for elder seal, without looking at the stats of those weapons (I’m not a bow user) you’re better off with going with the higher damage vs the elder seal weapon. Elder seal is somewhat nice if you’re soloing and having trouble with enraged elder dragons, but the extra damage is negligible unless you’re running two weapons with similar stats.

Also to answer your previous question, I’ll do some Nerg runs if you want. I might not be on this weekend (possibly Sunday night), though. HR ~70, I can’t remember lol.

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