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Ravens CB Marlon Humphrey arrested for robbery


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I'm guessing it went something like this.

Marlon: Hey can I barrow a phone charger?

Uber driver: sure here you go

Marlon: hey man this S**t doesn't fit my phone

Driver: sorry. Can I have it back please?

Marlon: in a drunken rage gets mad because dude tried lend him a charger that wasn't for his phone. decides dude cant have it back.


Also why are so many people blaming the victim? It doesn't mater what it was or how much its worth you don't get to take things from people and get away with it "because it wasn't worth much". Do some of you not understand that maybe this guy cant afford to go spend $15 on a charger? 


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5 minutes ago, lovetitans said:

Do some of you not understand that maybe this guy cant afford to go spend $15 on a charger? 

Could be true but either way you can't be strong arming people of their stuff. A line has to be drawn somewhere. $15, $50, $1500 you have to draw a line somewhere and I personally draw it at $.01. If you ask me for a penny I'll give it to you if I have it but if you try to force me to give it to you either I will try to handle it or I will call the authorities. I'm rich enough that I could have dozens iof pennies taken from me before I'd struggle to pay my bills it is about more than that though.

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4 hours ago, MKnight82 said:

Ya for real.  This is an absolute waste of everyone's time involved.  The courts/cops could be out doing actual important things.  

Also, besides the fact that I wouldn't call the cops on someone over something so trivial anyways, who's gonna call the cops, wait there till they show up, talk to them, wait for the arrest to happen, take the time to make a statement (all at 3:30 am and later no less), and then possibly have to go to court to testify over a $15 charger?  

Its a waste of everyones time to steal something trivial not for you to try and get baco stolen goods. Your thought process is so crazily backwards i dont even know how you arrived there. 

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27 minutes ago, Thomas5737 said:

Could be true but either way you can't be strong arming people of their stuff. A line has to be drawn somewhere. $15, $50, $1500 you have to draw a line somewhere and I personally draw it at $.01. If you ask me for a penny I'll give it to you if I have it but if you try to force me to give it to you either I will try to handle it or I will call the authorities. I'm rich enough that I could have dozens iof pennies taken from me before I'd struggle to pay my bills it is about more than that though.

exactly. It doesn't mater what its worth. not saying this is that case because after all it is a phone charger. But my most cherished possession is a coin my dad gave me when he retired from the military. Its worth maybe $3 but I will tell you right now, if anyone tries to take that coin from me the police will be the least of their worries.   

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26 minutes ago, eagles101 said:

Its a waste of everyones time to steal something trivial not for you to try and get baco stolen goods. Your thought process is so crazily backwards i dont even know how you arrived there. 

Crazily backwards?  Lol ok.  Sorry I don’t think a stolen $15 phone charger is a valid reason to call the police.

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9 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

Crazily backwards?  Lol ok.  Sorry I don’t think a stolen $15 phone charger is a valid reason to call the police.

What if someone stole your mail? It could just be a postcard from your cousin that was taken but if convicted you are doing time in Federal prison.

A stolen charger probably equals no time. Robbing someone of their charger equals felony and prison time.

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16 hours ago, RavensTillIDie said:

Joking aside, I can understand calling the cops, but pressing charges is a little overboard. Meaning, I can totally understand someone much bigger/intimidating than you stealing something (anything) from you and you contacting the authorities to report it. But in this type of situation, you figure all parties (driver, Humphrey, and the cops) could have just talked this out and settled the situation amicably, with Humphrey returning the charger and apologizing, without all the extra noise.

Agreed. Uber also has a means of reporting lost or stolen items. Chargers are $5 on Amazon. I understand being upset if I’m the uber driver, but this is definitely a cash grab scenario. Why get paid a $5 fare, when you could press charges and then drop said charges for an out of court settlement? Heck, Humphrey tells this guy he’ll pay him $1000 to drop this, you think he won’t do it? That’s 200x the return on his investment.

And for Humphrey, even the smallest threat to his playing career is a huge threat. He’s already going to lose probably like 20k in a fine, what’s another 1k to eliminate the problem and put it behind him?

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16 hours ago, MKnight82 said:

Ya for real.  This is an absolute waste of everyone's time involved.  The courts/cops could be out doing actual important things.  

Also, besides the fact that I wouldn't call the cops on someone over something so trivial anyways, who's gonna call the cops, wait there till they show up, talk to them, wait for the arrest to happen, take the time to make a statement (all at 3:30 am and later no less), and then possibly have to go to court to testify over a $15 charger?  

This is the biggest point that proves it’s a cash grab. Disrespected yes, but no one goes through this level of inconvenience for nothing. He could’ve simply reported this to uber and they would’ve charged Humphrey an extra $15 for his fare.

Just like if someone throws up in an Uber, you message them and they will charge the customer like $300 for the damages... you don’t call the cops for damages to your personal property.

What Humphrey did is wrong and I think he deserves a fine for it. But at the same time, I’m not pressing charges over this. MAYBE I call the cops, maybe. But the money wasted with pressing charges, showing up in court, etc... is money the Uber guy loses out on. In the hour it took him to get his $15 charger back, he could’ve made $25 back and waited for uber to pay him an extra $15 to his fare for the theft. And that’s not even counting the money he loses from going to court later on.

So if we're talking about money, no way I go through all this trouble unless I’m hoping I can get some extra cash. If I’m the uber driver, Marlon paying me to drop this is definitely worth the time spent to call in the cops and fill out the report.

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Humphreys acted like a dbag, is facing consequences. 

Simple solution to this is dont refuse to give back something you took that isnt yours

I swear we hold our children to these standards, why not to grown *** men.

Is this case a waste of time, yes. But the fault for it is on Humphrey. Im glad the uber drive wasnt taking crap. Like yes Marlon you are a celeb and yes you probably did take home whatever girl you wanted from that party but that doesnt give you the right to take something that isnt yours

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596 defensive snaps, 54.53% of total defensive snaps, 69 targets, 32 catches, 411 yards , 0,TDs, 2 INTs, 7 pass defenses, 53.5 QB rating allowed

src: https://www.baltimorebeatdown.com/2018/1/17/16897670/was-marlon-humphrey-snubbed-from-all-rookie-honors-tredavious-white-cb-rookie-stars-2018-pfwa-honors

Humphrey has a very promising future as a CB if the grand theft charger business doesn't work out for him.

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14 hours ago, diamondbull424 said:

Humphrey tells this guy he’ll pay him $1000 to drop this

He can't drop robbery charges, they don't belong to him he was charged by police officers. This is certainly not a "cash grab" there is no cash to be made. He had an item stolen from him, was mildly assaulted and threatened with violence and evidently Humphrey damaged further items of the victim. The victim did the right thing. If this happened to a family member of yours would you say take the elbow and damages to your property and let the guy go with stealing other items and threatening to do you bodily harm, it was only a $15 charger. Suck it up.

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2 hours ago, Thomas5737 said:

He can't drop robbery charges, they don't belong to him he was charged by police officers. This is certainly not a "cash grab" there is no cash to be made. He had an item stolen from him, was mildly assaulted and threatened with violence and evidently Humphrey damaged further items of the victim. The victim did the right thing. If this happened to a family member of yours would you say take the elbow and damages to your property and let the guy go with stealing other items and threatening to do you bodily harm, it was only a $15 charger. Suck it up.


I would say don’t be a punk. I would say four quadrants theory. Is the charger urgent? No? Cool. Is the charger important? No? Even better. Now is the charger something that is not urgent, but important? Oh, you have more at home? Smart. So then it stands to reason that the charger is not urgent nor is it important? Cool.

Now cousin, what about money? Is that urgent or important? It is? Cool, so you’re wasting money by waiting around calling the cops when you could be taking more fares at one of the most popping times. There are more drunk people to drive and make tips off of. Cool? Cool. Let’s do this!”

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19 hours ago, diamondbull424 said:

This is the biggest point that proves it’s a cash grab. Disrespected yes, but no one goes through this level of inconvenience for nothing. He could’ve simply reported this to uber and they would’ve charged Humphrey an extra $15 for his fare.

Just like if someone throws up in an Uber, you message them and they will charge the customer like $300 for the damages... you don’t call the cops for damages to your personal property.

What Humphrey did is wrong and I think he deserves a fine for it. But at the same time, I’m not pressing charges over this. MAYBE I call the cops, maybe. But the money wasted with pressing charges, showing up in court, etc... is money the Uber guy loses out on. In the hour it took him to get his $15 charger back, he could’ve made $25 back and waited for uber to pay him an extra $15 to his fare for the theft. And that’s not even counting the money he loses from going to court later on.

So if we're talking about money, no way I go through all this trouble unless I’m hoping I can get some extra cash. If I’m the uber driver, Marlon paying me to drop this is definitely worth the time spent to call in the cops and fill out the report.

See people dont understand how the criminal justice system works.  The state of Alabama is charging Humphrey, not the victim. And the victim blaming is ridiculous.  Heres an idea, dont steal things that dont belong to you and dont threaten violence. The state (specifically the prosecutor) has the full authority to lessen or drop the charge based on their ability to convict.  Ill let you in on a secret, prosecutors only pursue slam dunk cases, thats why they have 97% conviction rate.  So will Humphrey end up actually indicted on a robbery charge? Well that is going to depend on A) if the prosecutor thinks he can get a conviction, B) does he he want to use Humphrey as an example.  Maybe they have had a problem with football players coming in and causing a nuisance.  Maybe he sees a political opportunity.  Most likely a plea agreement will be reached and Humphrey will miss a game check or 2, but it certainly is no guarantee.

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3 hours ago, Superman(DH23) said:

See people dont understand how the criminal justice system works.  The state of Alabama is charging Humphrey, not the victim. And the victim blaming is ridiculous.  Heres an idea, dont steal things that dont belong to you and dont threaten violence. The state (specifically the prosecutor) has the full authority to lessen or drop the charge based on their ability to convict.  Ill let you in on a secret, prosecutors only pursue slam dunk cases, thats why they have 97% conviction rate.  So will Humphrey end up actually indicted on a robbery charge? Well that is going to depend on A) if the prosecutor thinks he can get a conviction, B) does he he want to use Humphrey as an example.  Maybe they have had a problem with football players coming in and causing a nuisance.  Maybe he sees a political opportunity.  Most likely a plea agreement will be reached and Humphrey will miss a game check or 2, but it certainly is no guarantee.

But let me ask you something. If the Uber victim were to no longer want to cooperate with the case, does that now constitute a case that isn’t a slam dunk anymore? Because in that event everything I just said still applies, correct? Or did you not consider that point?

What’s more, I drive uber on the side on weekends and this incident is like par for the course for the drunk crowd. Either they’re pleasant, give uninvited hugs, and want to say we’re best friends even though we just met three minutes ago OR they’re belligerent, ramble a bunch of nonsense, and you’ve got to use your words carefully or they start to get upset.

 If I were to call a cop every time something like this or similar happened, I might as well not drive uber. And it’s also why I always have a BACKUP charger. They’re three a pack for $10 on Amazon. That’s one fare at that time of night. Plus he’s going to make profit when uber reimburses him $15, while getting a NEWER charger with said money.

 And victim blaming? No, it’s called calling out a guy for seeing a busted play and making a great catch at the end. This uber driver is either illogical and is profit adverse OR like I imply in my post, highly aware and intelligent. He saw a situation that he could milk for profit and make a lot more money then otherwise. That’s not blaming, that’s props. Immoral? Arguable. But Marlon Humphrey now has to know that the world ain’t all sunshin and roses. You do dumb stuff and not only will the NFL penalize you, but society will as well.

Hes a young player and has no prior record of consequence. Thus like you I expect this to be dropped. But hopefully the lesson that an $11 uber ride almost led to a year in prison along with an NFL fine/suspension, and being extorted for an additional couple hundred bucks sticks with him. So he doesn’t do it again. So in that respect, I hope this uber driver can get all he can get out of the situation because he’s teaching an invaluable life lesson to a player that otherwise might see himself as untouchable... and because he’s got bills to pay. And Robin Hood needs to eat.

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