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TCMD Discussion!!


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NNNNNNNN         NNNNNNN    eeeeeeeeeeeeee llllllll  sssssssssss       ooooooooooo     nnnnnn    nnnnnn
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5 minutes ago, Trojan said:

     QQQQQQQQQ                                                                      tttt                                             
   QQ:::::::::QQ                                                                 ttt:::t                                             
 QQ:::::::::::::QQ                                                               t:::::t                                             
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     QQQQQQQQ::::QQ    uuuuuuuu  uuuu    eeeeeeeeeeeeee    nnnnnn    nnnnnn          ttttttttttt     ooooooooooo     nnnnnn    nnnnnn

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N:::::::N::::N  N::::::N e::::::eeeee:::::eel::::l ss:::::::::::::s o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn 
N::::::N N::::N N::::::Ne::::::e     e:::::el::::l s::::::ssss:::::so:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::n
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NNNNNNNN         NNNNNNN    eeeeeeeeeeeeee llllllll  sssssssssss       ooooooooooo     nnnnnn    nnnnnn

Now I gotta move up to get him after seeing this.

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15 minutes ago, ny92jefferis said:

Oakland isn't going to be happy about this latest news of Nelson going 3rd overall.

Hope that isn’t why he moved up. If it is that is why I think you should wait to see who is there. But I’m sure he could use Chubb or someone else.

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Hope that isn’t why he moved up. If it is that is why I think you should wait to see who is there. But I’m sure he could use Chubb or someone else.

I might be wrong, just remember the GM saying something about him after moving up.

I'm not moving up, if anything I wouldn't be opposed to dropping down another 6 or so spots.  I've got targets 20 deep that I'd be cool drafting.


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12 minutes ago, ny92jefferis said:

I might be wrong, just remember the GM saying something about him after moving up.

I'm not moving up, if anything I wouldn't be opposed to dropping down another 6 or so spots.  I've got targets 20 deep that I'd be cool drafting.


I’m contemplating Edmunds also though. 

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1 minute ago, Counselor said:

I’m contemplating Edmunds also though. 

You really trying to sell this pick aren't you.  Say the prospects name of who you think your opponents are targeting, hoping we'll move up.....lol.  Awesome logic.

But I'm not buying it....haha/...








.............................................But can I take that chance that the player you take I can live with.....ohhhh the humanity!


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Just now, ny92jefferis said:

You really trying to sell this pick aren't you.  Say the prospects name of who you think your opponents are targeting, hoping we'll move up.....lol.  Awesome logic.

But I'm not buying it....haha/...








.............................................But can I take that chance that the player you take I can live with.....ohhhh the humanity!


No lol. I’m not moving down trust me.

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