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Just now, MKnight82 said:

If you open the actual CBA document this is a whole separate restriction for Franchise Tags applied the 3rd time.  It appears to be governed differently and I don't think the things available to typical exclusive tags apply.  

Yes, I saw that. I figured that the reason it was separated out from subsection (a) (where it describes exclusive and non-exclusive tags) was to make it clear that those don't matter when getting tagged for the third time.

Maybe I'm wrong. I could definitely see a team arguing for your interpretation (or a player, if that player did not want to be traded to his new team). I suspect that would need to be taken up with the special master for arbitration.

Of course, this is all moot since he's not going to be tagged at all now.

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12 minutes ago, Dashing202 said:

Because Kirk cousins from that that chart also thrown more than smith did to McKnight .

Cousins pass attempts :





Smith attempts :




gotta remember we throw arguably more than most teams not named the patriots and saints .

Again, this is why you use the "percentage" columns. It adjusts for that.

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1 hour ago, MKnight82 said:

) If the Club designates the player as a Franchise Player for the third time, the designating Club shall be the only Club with which the player may negotiate or sign a Player Contract. In lieu of designating such a player as a Franchise Player for the third time, any Club may designate such player as a Transition Player pursuant to Section 3 below.

Section 3. Transition Player Designations:
(a) Each Club shall be permitted to designate one player who would otherwise
be an Unrestricted Free Agent as a Transition Player in the Final League Year. In addition, in each League Year during the term of this Agreement, each Club shall be permitted to desig- nate one player who would otherwise be an Unrestricted Free Agent or Restricted Free Agent as a Transition Player in lieu of designating a Franchise Player, if such Franchise Player desig- nation is available to such Club, in addition to the Transition Player designation permitted by the immediately preceding sentence, during the same designation period as the Franchise Player designation period. The period for Clubs to designate Transition Players will begin on the twenty-second day preceding the first day of the new League Year and will end at 4:00 p.m. New York time on the eighth day preceding the first day of the new League Year.
(b) Any Club that designates a Transition Player shall receive the Rights of First Refusal specified in this Article notwithstanding the number of his Accrued Sea- sons. Any Transition Player shall be completely free to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any Club during the period from the first day of the League Year follow- ing the expiration of his last player contract to July 22, and any Club shall be completely free to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with such player, without penalty or restricion, including, but not limited to, Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs of any kind, subject only to the Prior Club’s Right of First Refusal described in this Article.

I believe this article of the CBA proves you wrong @MKnight82. This article states that instead of a third consecutive franchise tag, a Transition tag could be placed and normal Transition tag rules apply. 

We could tag him, allow him to negotiate a deal and then trade him for compensation.

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Just now, MKnight82 said:

Correct.  Anyone hoping for a tag and trade is going to be sorely disappointed (cue the Kevin Sorbo). 

Wait ... were there people who actually thought that the Redskins would tag Cousins after agreeing to this deal for Smith?

Regardless of whether he can or cannot sign a long term deal, the Redskins would be absolutely insane to apply either tag to him. Cousins would sprint back to Ashburn and sign that tender solely to lock up their cap space with a fully guaranteed contract. Depending on what they do in the next month, tagging him could conceivably spike the Kansas City/Smith deal because they wouldn't be able to make room.

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

I believe this article of the CBA proves you wrong @MKnight82. This article states that instead of a third consecutive franchise tag, a Transition tag could be placed and normal Transition tag rules apply. 

We could tag him, allow him to negotiate a deal and then trade him for compensation.

I may be wrong, but I think the previous set up was saying we would franchise Cousins and try to get draft compensation that way.

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3 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Section 3. Transition Player Designations:
(a) Each Club shall be permitted to designate one player who would otherwise
be an Unrestricted Free Agent as a Transition Player in the Final League Year. In addition, in each League Year during the term of this Agreement, each Club shall be permitted to desig- nate one player who would otherwise be an Unrestricted Free Agent or Restricted Free Agent as a Transition Player in lieu of designating a Franchise Player, if such Franchise Player desig- nation is available to such Club, in addition to the Transition Player designation permitted by the immediately preceding sentence, during the same designation period as the Franchise Player designation period. The period for Clubs to designate Transition Players will begin on the twenty-second day preceding the first day of the new League Year and will end at 4:00 p.m. New York time on the eighth day preceding the first day of the new League Year.
(b) Any Club that designates a Transition Player shall receive the Rights of First Refusal specified in this Article notwithstanding the number of his Accrued Sea- sons. Any Transition Player shall be completely free to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with any Club during the period from the first day of the League Year follow- ing the expiration of his last player contract to July 22, and any Club shall be completely free to negotiate and sign a Player Contract with such player, without penalty or restricion, including, but not limited to, Draft Choice Compensation between Clubs of any kind, subject only to the Prior Club’s Right of First Refusal described in this Article.

I believe this article of the CBA proves you wrong @MKnight82. This article states that instead of a third consecutive franchise tag, a Transition tag could be placed and normal Transition tag rules apply. 

We could tag him, allow him to negotiate a deal and then trade him for compensation.

I'm not wrong.  I never said we couldn't Transition Tag Cousins.  I said we won't because we won't receive any compensation for him.  

If we Transition Tag Cousins why would anyone give us anything?  We cannot match any offer after paying Alex Smith.  That is the only reason a team would give a draft pick, so a team wouldn't match it.  We have no leverage, everyone knows we can't match any offer.  

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1 minute ago, lavar703 said:

No. It was about the transition tag.

People have posted both.  Like they think our front office is so smart they found some miracle loop hole.  No one is going to trade for Cousins when they know we can't sign him.  

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2 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

I'm not wrong.  I never said we couldn't Transition Tag Cousins.  I said we won't because we won't receive any compensation for him.  

If we Transition Tag Cousins why would anyone give us anything?  We cannot match any offer after paying Alex Smith.  That is the only reason a team would give a draft pick, so a team wouldn't match it.  We have no leverage, everyone knows we can't match any offer.  

Technically we have not paid Alex Smith a thing until the new season starts in March. We absolutely could pull some shady stuff and back out of our deal and match an offer made by a team. The trade will not be final for over a month.

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Technically we have not paid Alex Smith a thing until the new season starts in March. We absolutely could pull some shady stuff and back out of our deal and match an offer made by a team. The trade will not be final for over a month.

And then no one would ever trade with the Redskins ever again.  That will never happen.  

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