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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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ET80 DR:



Maintaining all of these different factions is going to be impossible. Sooner or later, I'm going to have to cross people. But, we'll cross that bridge when we cross it.

Gopher is now in power thanks to a little encouragement from me. (Yeah, working with Flux). So, I get Nazgul closer to final deletion, as long as Sllim is on the block, too.

Easy like Sunday morning.

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ET80 DR sess:



Not even a full week into everything, and I suspect JBURGE is working with Nazgul. This is a troublesome development. BURGE is the first person to reach out to me, so having him also playing with Nazgul is concerning. 

I need Rag or Gopher to win the Veto. If Sllim wins, that works too. TLO and I have a mutual understanding, but I question the strength of the alliance. Touch and I have a similar understanding, but I know Touch to be resourceful enough to keep Naz in his pocket.

Ambition can be my doing, or my undoing. No middle ground

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And that's what really kinda surprised me.

You targeted me because I eliminated you in BB6... when you yourself admitted you skated by and didn't do much of anything.

When I was told I was being targeted by ET because of the previous season, I couldn't remember a single thing you did in the game.

The only reason I evicted was because you were the unknown in my otherwise pretty controlled game.

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ET's DR session as Nazgul is shown the door


...and the first block drops, America. 

The world as we know it is defined by chaos - but the hidden, invisible hands behind the curtain run the world. Chaos is their construction, by design.

I am that hidden hand in this house. I lay the bricks down, I put the walls up. I put Gopher in power, I moved Nazgul into the center, and now I see him escorted out. 

He won't be stabbing me in the back this season.

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ET's DR session after Naz was evicted


Sent Nazgul a parting gift upon his eviction:


I'm certain he won't believe it was me pulling the strings in the background, but I know. And you know, America. And that's all that matters, right? I am disturbed that it was 15 votes against Nazgul. Means somebody didn't color in the lines. I'll have to flush that party out and remind them that insubordination is not tolerated, but...that can wait.

So, my primary task is complete. I've got two stables I'm working with - a big stable of newcomers, and a small stable of hardened vets. Ideally, the winner will come from one of these two stables. I have to carefully position ancillary players to reach that goal, so I'm off to play nice with a few folk.


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Just now, EliteTexan80 said:

Wait for it, there's like...20 more to go.

If you didn't give me a good writeup and at least a little backstory, I'm never going to not talk to you again.

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More insight from ET80



Someone sold me up the river. If I wasn't so occupied with this challenge, I'd be livid right about now. But, I'm not. Gotta focus on bringing home the win. Once I do that, I can work to see who the rat is in my alliances. I guess I flew too close to the sun, wings are starting to melt.

I'm feeling good that if I'm one of the last two, I can stick around. It's bad that HZ is in there (and can't seem to shut his mouth) but those be the breaks, I guess. HZ and I had a pretty functional alliance going, so getting thrown up on the block v him is pretty bad...

Dwight has some good information, and I should seek him out to find the mole in my groups, but I'm not giving him the satisfaction of going to him. I have it narrowed down to JBURGE or LTBF as the mole, so I might be able to crack this one.

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1 minute ago, SovereignNazgul said:

The only reason I evicted was because you were the unknown in my otherwise pretty controlled game

This makes sense. Doesn't make me any less salty (because I was totally salty).

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3 minutes ago, MathMan said:

Nazgul no doubt knows I'm gunning for him, but what I don't think he knows is that an army is at my disposal. At this point, it would be easier for me to list who I don't have an alliance with - I have the board covered for the most part, and I'll spend my political capital on getting Naz evicted. 

I honestly didn't suspect this at all until I was nominated, lol.

You literally did nothing last game. You were the least of my worries.

I won't reiterated the whole carrying a grudge from game-to-game BS again, though.

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