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2018 Free Agency - Prospects for GB


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11 minutes ago, skibrett15 said:

Just going by what I've seen and been impressed by on the field.  It's asenine to draw a conclusion that something didn't happen for a very specific reason since there's about 1000 other explanations and there's no evidence that Davis was a rotten apple.


"The news comes days after coach Chuck Pagano benched Davis for poor play -- which he said had nothing to do with Davis' health. On Wednesday, Davis told reporters his side of the story. "It was a disagreement between me and the team because I feel like I was demoted because of my health instead of my ability," Davis said. "That's the disagreement."

There were several issues in Indy that we weren't privy too, but the Indy coaches were.

Not listening to the people who do know the inside story would be asinine.

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1 minute ago, packfanfb said:

Before we get in a tizzy, I'm guessing we will attempt to resign him still. Just my hunch.

Yeah. Just posted the same.

Interested to know if they approached him to restructure - he decliined - they cut him


Its "planned" they'll resign him at the lower rate.

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Gute absolutely killing the old model of doing business in GB.

Not a better Packer-People Person than Jordy Nelson, but the NFL is a bottom line business.

Thanks Gute for doing what this organization has so dearly needed to do for several years now.

(If Jordy wants to continue playing in GB in 2018 for a salary commensurate with his production, this would truly be a win-win-win day).

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