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BDL Discussion Thread 2018


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2 hours ago, Taylor091 said:
12 hours ago, pheltzbahr said:

I tried to warn you guys the economics would break down with these measly increases in cap.  Dum dums.

Surely that was obvious since the 32 team NFL (w/ 51 players vs the cap) has a higher salary cap than this 16 team league (w/ 70 players vs the cap)

Simple maths tells you (assuming all teams fill all spots and pay 100% of the cap) that the NFL teams average spend is $3474 per player where BDL its $2429 pp. The biggest problem this league has always had is people voting on economic matters in owners meetings without any working for any proposals ever being shown and a lot of the proposals being brought about by owners wanting a model with most players hitting FA (not a bad thing but true).

People forget that when this league first began the salary cap was $155,000 ($2365 pp) vs NFL $120,600 ($2214 pp).

Wish I knew this when we were voting on increases before. This disparity on average spend is why 3ups are becoming increasingly difficult because as weird as this is to say, NFL teams are working with more money (and less roster restrictions). I do think we're going to need to take more drastic moves with the cap next offseason to close the gap that exists.

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This league really confuses me sometimes. My trade for Wilson has to go through three rounds of attempts and I have to explain why I don't need to pay what the voting members think I needed to pay for him. Then we have a trade here where a guy trades a RB for A BETTER RB, a 5th round pick, and three solid players? I don't get it, his cap situation sucks but 3Ds are available all over the league.

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Just now, Hockey5djh said:

This league really confuses me sometimes. My trade for Wilson has to go through three rounds of attempts and I have to explain why I don't need to pay what the voting members think I needed to pay for him. Then we have a trade here where a guy trades a RB for A BETTER RB, a 5th round pick, and three solid players? I don't get it, his cap situation sucks but 3Ds are available all over the league.

We've explained the issue with your trade over and over now. 

1 more time.

Your trade was a trade that Footy would not have done with any other member of the league. He was giving preferential treatment to do anything he could to keep his spot in the league from being taken. You'd even have to admit, for a franchise QB you really weren't giving up anything on that first offer. It changes competitive balance in the league, again, based on preferential treatment due to other circumstances. 

Portland had to dump a massive amount of cap space (largely dead cap, not a franchise QB) on one person, so he had to give things up to do so. The trade was even, how many trades actually are? But it wasn't an unfair one either. 

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So take mine out of it.

He traded a RB for a Better RB plus a draft pick and 3 solid players. How is that not at least a questioned trade?

And yes, his cap space sucks but c'mon now. He's got enough cap pre-trade to make his two draft picks and start his season with about $3500 and that's NOT using his last 3D which he still has available. He didn't HAVE to dump anything.

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37 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

So take mine out of it.

He traded a RB for a Better RB plus a draft pick and 3 solid players. How is that not at least a questioned trade?

And yes, his cap space sucks but c'mon now. He's got enough cap pre-trade to make his two draft picks and start his season with about $3500 and that's NOT using his last 3D which he still has available. He didn't HAVE to dump anything.

He may have FA goals, he may have an extension he wants to work out. I don't know what his plans are, but I do know even though he lost his trade, it's not an unfair trade. I can't veto that.

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3 hours ago, Jlash said:

It's a shame you weren't this insightful when you were actually involved. 

Haha, that was actually the one thing I was always pretty vocal about, however it seems like the owners meeting gets scheduled with 2-3 days notice and then each item is open for 2-3 days MAX with most owners not even getting involved in the debate of pros/cons to the changes. If you happen to miss that window you get shut down and told it’s been voted on and is closed... in the future maybe schedule owners meetings (and the league schedule) over a yr in advance then have each item up for discussion a week before voting opens to give good time for people to fully investigate and consider all options...

edit: these are just suggestions , I’m just an interested bystander giving an opinion. 

For what it’s worth I see no issue with the Ajayi trade, a trade necessitated by the iffy salary cap situation.

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Just now, Taylor091 said:

schedule owners meetings (and the league schedule) over a yr in advance

staaaaaaaaaaahp. YOU needed a years notice. No one else. When topics are brought up, there is unlimited time to read into/discuss each one when it's brought up. It's not like we put a timer on the topics. I tagged everyone probably a week or more in advance to let them know the owners meetings would be taking place, and for the most part the participation was as high as we could ask it to be.


If owners chose not to get involved, then they can't complain about changes they don't like. Don't vote, don't complain. General rule in the democratic process. 


Don't be the annual MIA member of the league, quit, then pop in and criticize whenever you can. Sorry to be snappy about this, but you were always the guy with a great roster who would disappear for weeks at a time and auto-lose multiple games, then cry at the end of the year at why you had a great roster but couldn't ever crack the playoffs like it was everyone else's fault and there was some sort of voting bias. 


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16 minutes ago, Jlash said:

staaaaaaaaaaahp. YOU needed a years notice. No one else. When topics are brought up, there is unlimited time to read into/discuss each one when it's brought up. It's not like we put a timer on the topics. I tagged everyone probably a week or more in advance to let them know the owners meetings would be taking place, and for the most part the participation was as high as we could ask it to be.


If owners chose not to get involved, then they can't complain about changes they don't like. Don't vote, don't complain. General rule in the democratic process. 


Don't be the annual MIA member of the league, quit, then pop in and criticize whenever you can. Sorry to be snappy about this, but you were always the guy with a great roster who would disappear for weeks at a time and auto-lose multiple games, then cry at the end of the year at why you had a great roster but couldn't ever crack the playoffs like it was everyone else's fault and there was some sort of voting bias. 


Meh, I'm just trying to help y'all out with some suggestions. Personally I don't see the issue with drawing up major event schedules 2-3 years ahead (draft, owners meeting, FA) but then my job is literally planning lol.

The second paragraph I really don't like because it basically relegates discussion on certain topics to maybe a week per year tops. Surely year round discussions/inputs/ideas will leave owners in a better place for voting in owners meetings?

I did try and get co-owners I think I averaged one a year and all went missing within 2-3 games of the season....glad to hear that my roster building wasn't horrendous though :P (you are welcome London).

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28 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

why i get it, the amount of ridiculous free agent contracts arent the same either.  Most of the time here you're gonna see guys make 50-60 percent of their IRL contracts so it balances itself out

I don't think it is a bad thing to be clear, I think what may need to happen though is making it clear to new owners (and some of the older owners) that 3 Ups are no longer to be seen as a 'cheap' option and more a guarantee to keep players you like reasonably cost effectively. If the owners shifted mindsets to 3 Ups really only being considered on people in the top 5-10 at their position then cap space wouldn't be an issue and FA would actually become really interesting (talent wise) and competitive. 

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10 minutes ago, Taylor091 said:

Surely year round discussions/inputs/ideas will leave owners in a better place for voting in owners meetings?

There was plenty of discussion of potential changes before the owners meetings. They were the basis for whatever topics had been brought up to vote upon. It's not like I wake up one morning, make an owners meeting thread, list ideas I personally think should be changed and then give a specific time to vote. We talked about changes all through our discussion thread, I then tagged all the owners at least a week before the meeting notifying everyone. And then when topics needed to be voted on, missing members were tagged again. If you don't want participate, then that's fine.

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15 minutes ago, Jlash said:

There was plenty of discussion of potential changes before the owners meetings. They were the basis for whatever topics had been brought up to vote upon. It's not like I wake up one morning, make an owners meeting thread, list ideas I personally think should be changed and then give a specific time to vote. We talked about changes all through our discussion thread, I then tagged all the owners at least a week before the meeting notifying everyone. And then when topics needed to be voted on, missing members were tagged again. If you don't want participate, then that's fine.

The problem is that what often happens is an original point (this case; the BDL salary cap has got well out of whack with the NFL salary cap) usually gets lost because the debate becomes about owners meetings or past blemishes of an owners record. My suggestions were merely to potentially help out owners who do have a hard time being 100% active 100% of the year for whatever reasons (job/family/timezone/etc). It was a quiet time in the thread so thought I'd raise them, back to my hole!


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